
Stacey Abrams Apologizes, But She’s Still Lying

CLAY: Stacey Abrams, I think, is gonna get crushed in the Georgia governor’s race. Now, we don’t know who exactly the Georgia governor nominee is going to be, but I think she’s gonna get crushed. We talk a lot about what obligations there are to tell the truth, not only for politicians but also for the media that covered them. Stacey Abrams spent the whole day at that Georgia school without wearing masks.

We had it at OutKick. I got it sent to me; I passed it off to our readers. Thank you for the people who tipped me off to this and sent me the photos. And then Stacey Abrams went on CNN last night, Erin Burnett’s show, and said — listen to this — she made a mistake, and she apologized, but she claimed that she just took the mask off for a few minutes to read a story. Let’s listen to this lie from Stacey Abrams.

BUCK: So she’s still lying.

CLAY: Still lying. And, Buck, Erin Burnett, this is where… I don’t know how busy Erin Burnett is in prepping for an interview or whether she does her own stuff. But this was widely distributed all over the internet after we broke that story yesterday morning about Stacey Abrams and the masks at OutKick. Why wouldn’t Erin Burnett follow up and say, “You say that you just took your mask off for a short period of time.

“Yet there are photos on OutKick,” or just photos on the internet, “of you inside of that school all day long not wearing a mask.” If you were truly doing your job and holding a public official accountable, you would immediately push back because that’s a clear lie that she’s telling, and there’s photographic evidence that she is lying. CNN didn’t say a word.

BUCK: The CNN audience would turn on any host who would point out that Stacey Abrams is lying because the CNN audience would view it as attacking a black woman on TV.

CLAY: Probably right.

BUCK: That’s just how the CNN audience views it. It doesn’t matter if she lied. The identity politics are what matters much more to them, and I would just also point out here notice how Stacey Abrams talks about this. It’s like a member of the Fauciite Politburo. “I was social distancing!” Social distancing isn’t a thing anymore. Remember when it used to be?

Everyone knows it’s total nonsense, especially in the era of Omicron. But just the whole pretense. You didn’t care, you’re important, you’re used to being treated like you’re better than other people — especially little kids who have to mask up when it comes to these covid protocols — and you got caught. That’s it, bottom line.

CLAY: I also love two things. One, she’s dropped the “you’re racist if you’re criticizing me” angle, which was her first response on Sunday, if you remember, when the first photos went viral. Now the other thing here is, she’s acknowledging that wearing a mask inhibits learning because, when you’re reading a book, if you noticed this, you immediately enunciate. I’ve done it with obviously my own kids, but I’ve gone in for reading days for elementary school kids, and you hold the book and turn it around and everything else. She said she took the mask off to allow that to be seen better. Yeah, ’cause masks harm learning.


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