BUCK: Welcome back to Clay and Buck show.
BUCK: There you’re just hearing a mom up in — what was it? — in Indianapolis saying that she can’t find formula. Allergies for babies or something that make the baby formula crisis even more acute and more immediate, and it turns out… This is from the Washington Post. This is not the opposition taking swings at the administration. This is actually Regime Media. The in-stock rate for powdered baby formula was 76% for the weekend in June 12th. That’s down from 79% in early May.
So, it turns out that the baby formula shortage right now, for anyone who’s wondering, is by the numbers, according to the Washington Post, worse than it was last month. So, for anyone who thinks, “Oh, there was that video that showed the planes arriving and Biden’s on it,” yeah, not even close to solving this problem. And even the Post, the Washington Post, says at the bottom of this editorial board piece…
That’s the most charitable way you can put it.
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The numbers show President Trump's success over Biden, but there's more work to be done.