BUCK: Joe Biden, big gaffe on the old China-Taiwan situation when it comes to strategic ambiguity. And then there’s the baby formula shortage update as well, which ties into our broad theme we wanted to talk to you about for a second here which is the Biden administration’s running out of excuses. So now they’re actually getting to the point, Clay, where… I mean, I thought this is quite a moment.
When gas prices are super high, when you’re literally flying in military planes with pallets of baby formula while babies — as you pointed out yesterday — have been in the hospital because they can’t get the baby formula. Parents can’t get it. What are they gonna do? They don’t know what to do. And Biden on the energy situation, gas prices in particular, which, remember, folks, it’s not just the price of what goes into your car, right?
Fifty percent of oil is used in products. So that’s part of the price rise in everything. That’s why they say when they talk about energy and the rise energy prices affecting so much of the broader economy, things you buy have petroleum, have gasoline in them. The transport of what you buy obviously relies on gasoline. Biden’s got a thought though which is, you know, Clay, we’re making this amazing transition, folks. You know, it’s all about making the world safe from CO2. Pay a little more at the pump. No big deal.
BUCK: Clay, is he really just telling us, “Yeah, the pain at the pump, it’s good for you in the long term”? Is that really the move here?
CLAY: It just makes me think more and more every time I hear Biden speak that they’re tanking for the overall number one draft pick. Because his strategy here is, it’s good in the long term, which is a lie. It’s not good in the long term. I really don’t believe that. And the other strategy is, “Well, if you’re upset about gas prices, buy an electric car,” which is what that brilliant genius Mayor Pete and Jennifer Granholm and other people involved in the energy sector of the Biden administration have argued.
Yeah, sure, that’ll solve the problem. I can’t afford to put gas in my car now. Maybe I should just go buy a $50,000-plus electric vehicle and then install an electric vehicle charging station in my house so that I’m in for tens of thousands of dollars total before I even save anything on gas prices. So this is what’s interesting to me about Biden to so many different levels, Buck. He claims even in that answer, “Hey, you know, sitting around at the kitchen table I’d be talking about this.”
He claims to have a unique connection to working people and so-called average Americans while destroying average Americans’ household incomes in the process and also remarkably managing to be incredibly tone-deaf about what real American households discuss around kitchen table. I can tell you what these people are talking about, Buck, because I’ve been there, and I’ve been there not when I was 8 years old, 70 years ago like Joe Biden.
I’ve been there as a parent with young kids when you didn’t know exactly how you were gonna be able to handle all the finances ’cause you don’t have a reliable job because you don’t feel like… This is back in 2008 and 2009 when everything went to crap. And now we’re there all over again. And so I hear some of these answers. And the idea of, well, high gas prices in the long term are a good thing because it’s going to lead to a embrace of another type of energy.
I’m not willing to accept that, first of all, because I don’t think most people listening to us right now are going to be driving an electric vehicle anytime soon. And so when gas prices are potentially forecast, Buck, to go as they are over $6 everywhere in the country for a gallon of gas, this is a calamity of an epic magnitude. And Joe Biden is not the person who’s gonna be able to solve it.
BUCK: Also notice how the explanation shifts. Remember what they were saying when the gas prices were really ramping up earlier even this year, they’re saying, “What do you mean? We don’t have any hostility to fossil fuels! We love fossil fuels. Joe Biden’s practically going doing a backstroke in a big vat of oil.” I mean, they made it sound like, “No big deal. We give you all the leases for drilling on lands you want!”
CLAY: CO2 out of the air.
BUCK: They’re gonna suck CO2 out of the air? A lot of people I saw on all the Twitter timelines said, “Yeah, it’s called a tree, right?” But put that aside for a second. There’s no way that’s going to actually do anything. But this is a religious belief for a lot of Democrats who have the state and climate in place of an actual relationship with God — I’m just gonna say it — and the Biden administration now is falling back to, “Yeah, you know, okay. So maybe this kind of stinks right now, you’re paying a lot, but just think of all the CO2 reduction!” Clay, people who can’t afford to put gas in their car right now, in 50 years they’re gonna feel really good about themselves! We have morons and lunatics in charge in this country right now.
CLAY: It’s also amazing how they initially claim that this isn’t an issue that they can be responsible for because we saw that with the baby formula, right? We started talking about the baby formula shortage ’cause I was hearing about it from different parents all over the state of Tennessee where I live. And it’s becoming a real issue. And what did they say initially when shows like ours started to bring it up?
“Oh, this is made up. In reality, there’s no baby formula shortage anywhere,” and in the space of about three weeks we went from there’s no baby formula shortage anywhere to Kamala Harris bragging about 70,000 pounds of baby formula being delivered to us from Europe, which we have audio from our good leader here, Kamala Harris, bragging about military planes, Europe having to bail us out when it came to baby formula.
BUCK: Can I just say this? This is so unfair, Clay, because to put… I don’t know if Kamala is the unofficial baby formula czar, but to have her anywhere near the… parents have enough anxiety and concern right now over this issue. Putting Kamala Harris, perhaps the most inept senior figure in the Biden administration, even just reciting talking points on this. If I were a parent and I was dealing with the anxiety of finding baby formula, I wouldn’t want to hear a word from Kamala Harris about how, “Oh, don’t worry, we’re on it.” Yeah. Just like the border czar was not actually going to the border? That lady? I remember.
CLAY: Yeah. And also, again — and we need to play some audio for you when we come back in the next segment ’cause I think it’s interesting that even some of the comedians — who obviously don’t make jokes anymore, they just talk about the status of the country. Even a lot of them are looking around. I think this cuts through much of the noise. When you have to get Europe to bail you out is that babies in this country can be fed, it’s hard to argue that you’ve got a competent administration.
That you could get to this point, Buck, where you’re having to use military transport planes to bring baby formula into the country, it’s basically like we are a country that… Usually this is what the United States does, right? Somebody else has screwed up so bad that they need our help, and we provide that help for them because we are a country of great resources.
Now we’re having to beg Europe! The EU is a disaster. Everybody in Europe is like, “Man, this whole government that we have over here is awful,” yet they manage to somehow not run out of baby formula and to have such a surplus that they could send it to us. I just think it’s a perfect metaphor of the Biden administration’s failures.
If you could just hop in that time machine and say, “Hey, guys, we’re Clay and Buck. We come from the future. Let us tell you what the Biden administration’s gonna do. There’s going to be baby formula shortages nationwide, the biggest war in Europe with a nuclear-armed Russia — the biggest war since World War II — a border that is looking to get to 20,000 apprehensions a day, already at about 10,000 a day, the worst border in history, the biggest rise in violent crimes across America’s 50 largest cities in recorded history, the worst inflation in 40 years.”
Clay, they would have looked at us like, “You guys are crazy, man. No way, man. No way.” But it’s true, and we’re here, and I think a lot of those people have voter’s regret right now, voter’s remorse.
CLAY: They should. If you’re a mom or a dad or a grandma or grandpa and you can’t find baby formula, how in the world are you voting for the party that’s in power? And, by the way, how about the irony that all these people who have spent the whole Trump administration and beyond lecturing us about being on the right and wrong side of history, have voted for the worst president in a hundred years.
You’ve been lecturing us on, “You’re gonna be on the wrong side of history!” Right now, Joe Biden is the worst president since Herbert Hoover. I don’t think there’s an argument to the contrary. And all those people, Buck, who spent all that time saying, “Your grandkids are gonna judge you for the choices that you made!” You nincompoops picked Biden. You voted for the worst president in a hundred years. You are on the wrong side of history, and history has barely even started. We already know it. I’d love to hear their answer to that statement.
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