The Biden Regime Spending Bill Will Make Everything Worse
28 Jul 2022
BUCK: Let’s join the Biden speech in progress here if we can. Bring it up there, Mike.
BIDEN: I hope the House is gonna pass this bill today. My plea is, put politics aside and get it done. We need to lower the cost of automobiles, appliances, smartphones, consumer electronics, and so much more. And you can’t do it… All of these things are powered, (sputters) most everything in our lives are powered by these semiconductors and tiny computer chips the size of a fingernail tip.
Look, we should pass this today and get moving. I know the compromise on the inflation bill doesn’t include everything that I’ve been pushing for since I got to office. For example, I’m gonna keep fighting in the future to bring down the cost of things for working families and middle-class families that matter by providing for affordable, accessible things like affordable childcare, affordable elder care, preschool, the cost of preschool, housing —
BUCK: All right. We get it. We get the idea. I just… I took some notes while we were in commercial break there. Biden got into the most of what he’s talking about. Let’s all understand this for what it is, folks. This was all planned. This legislation, this was the plan all along, obviously. This has been the plan for days, if not weeks, that on the day the Biden regime is official Joe Manchin suddenly caves and they have this scaled-down build back a little bit better, a version of the Build Back Better bill, which is exactly what this is.
And the fact that they’re calling it the anti-inflation act or something like that is absolutely absurd. The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022! This, though, is an important moment because as you hear Biden blathering on about this — and let’s all be very honest. The only jobs Joe Biden really knows how to create are for family members like Hunter who are selling influence to countries like China and to corrupt Ukrainian oligarchs. He’s not really a job creator. He’s a lifelong bureaucrat. So he keeps saying, “We’re gonna bring down the price of… We’re gonna bring down the price of…”
It’s actually not the job of government to set prices. That’s called price controls, and it is really bad for an economy, and it creates all kinds of distortions in the market, and this is… I mentioned Venezuela in the last hour. It’s one of the worst things they did. They did a lot of bad things in Venezuela. Remember, it went from a pretty wealthy country — third wealthiest in the western hemisphere in the nineties — to a place with true hyperinflation and people losing weight ’cause they can’t even get enough calories ’cause there’s no food on the shelves.
What did they do there? Well, they obviously made a lot of poor decisions. They ran an economy rooted in social justice and not functioning markets, decided to become truly socialist in so many of the ways that they approached everything. But they set price controls. They said, “Okay. This is no longer… The price of bread, price of milk, the price of a washing machine is what we say it is.” You know what that results in? No washing machines, no bread, no milk — or the black market then actually has people paying the real price for it.
So this idea that Biden, at a time of inflation — which is caused by government monetary policy — should just be telling us that they’re gonna set prices lower for things, which is a huge part of this. They’re saying, oh, they’re gonna have a cap on the price of prescription drugs: $2,000 a year for those who are on Medicare. Obviously, this is meant to get seniors who are getting crushed right now by the Biden economy, by the Biden recession to say, “Oh, well, hold on a second, at least I’ll be saving on my prescriptions.”
First of all, you’re not gonna be saving anything else even with this bill, and second of all, well, what happens to the actual price of the pharmaceuticals? Now, that’s the thing that they’re going to focus on. That’s what they’re going to tell you is a place of real benefit. They’re gonna spend a lot less time on the $125 billion that they think they’re gonna get from increased IRS enforcement. They are gonna sic the tax man on you. That’s the plan. They’re gonna squeeze more out of you.
We’re in a recession, and the Democrats are passing a bill that is gonna have the IRS go after you much more aggressively than they have in the past. So that’s a part of this that I think everybody should be aware of. But the really insane stuff — and isn’t it all just so clear, right? They knew they had to throw something together, they had to pull something together. So on the day we are in the Biden recession, they pass this Biden legislation — through reconciliation, mind you, which is really a budget gimmick. It shouldn’t be used for things like this, but that’s what they do.
You will recall they even used reconciliation to get a part of Obamacare through. Not all of it, but a part of it through. And this is now a standard that they’ve set in D.C. where the Democrats, when they really want something, they just change the rules or find some loophole, find some way to sneak it through. And then they tell us how popular it is and how everybody wants it. Well, why can’t you get more votes for it if it’s so popular, if the American people want it so badly? But the “climate crisis” component of this?
I just want every person in America to know that at a time when you’re paying record high gas prices, we still have not caught up to our domestic energy production that we had before the pandemic — we have a Democrat Party that is ludicrously opposed to fossil fuels and to the reality of our need for oil and natural gas to have a modern economy, to have a high standard of living, to be energy independent, to have more leverage around the world when it comes to national security and comes to international commerce.
They hate this stuff (impression), “Because it’s yucky! Because CO2 is so bad!” They have convinced themselves of this. And we are all supposed to go along willingly with the $360 billion they’re gonna spend. Biden said in his speech just now, the most significant bill in history to address the climate crisis, $360 billion plus of spending. He even said the words — you know what’s coming — wind, solar. This is a religious belief for Democrats. They will invoke the Defense Production Act in the Biden administration for solar panels.
But when it comes to gas, every gas company CEO you speak to, everybody who understands the international energy markets will tell you that the Biden regime is psychotically, deeply ideologically opposed to fossil fuels, and we are all poorer as a result. As a country, our national security and economic status is harmed by this. It just is! They can tell you as much as they want about, “Oh, we’re gonna have the clean energy of the future!” They’re talking about in this bill, a huge reduction in CO2 by 2030 and carbon zero by 2050.
These people are out of their minds. These Democrats — and these are senators! They are out of their minds if they believe this. It’s just really tough to tell. Are they that reckless, are they such frauds that they pretend to believe this stuff — while they purchase beachfront property, while they make sure that they live as close to the water as possible even though — hmm — I thought we were supposed to be underwater. Even got a shout-out in that Biden speech to Al Gore. “Even Al Gore says it’s good!” Oh, well, then you know it’s crap.
If Al Gore likes it, this is a whole bunch of taxpayer money going toward Green New Deal boondoggles. This is gonna be Solyndra on steroids. You remember Solyndra? That was under the Obama administration. It was the loan guarantees courtesy of the taxpayer for a solar panel company that was losing money on every unit it sold. There’s an old joke that they were losing money on units but they’d make it up on volume? You know, that’s the plan of a bad business. That was what Solyndra was doing.
They were selling solar panels at a loss, and the federal government backstopped this company under Obama to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars, and for what? Because it makes them feel like they’re doing more to stop all the CO2 emissions. Notice how Tesla, Elon Musk’s company — and Elon has said this. If you really are opposed to CO2, you would constantly be touting how Tesla has really revolutionized the electric car market, made them things that people want to drive, not that they drive so they can say to their neighbors, “Look at me. I’m stopping the global warming and you’re not!”
A single hurricane could catapult gasoline prices beyond recent record highs, unless America adds to a refining capacity that’s less today than it was 40 years ago even though the U.S. population is 50 percent larger.
— The New York Sun (@NewYorkSun) July 24, 2022
They’re actually cool vehicles that function well, that go fast, that have good electronics, et cetera. But they hate Elon Musk. Why? ‘Cause Elon Musk isn’t one of these climate drones who wanders around bemoaning how everybody else needs to be riding on a bicycle and needs to be eating worms and insects because beef creates too much CO2. You may not have seen this, but the tyrant to the north, Justin Trudeau, up in Canada? He saw what’s gone on in the Netherlands with the farmers there…
Remember, Netherlands the second biggest exporter of agricultural products in the world, this tiny country. Is a pretty amazing statistic, isn’t it? So the farmers are a big deal there. Big deal for the economy, big deal globally, at a time when we’re already worried about the supply chain and how it will affect food, wheat prices, and all the rest of it. Trudeau saw what’s gone on over in the Netherlands and he goes, “Oh, wow. That’s great. Wow. Yeah, let’s do that in Canada!”
NEW: The Netherlands is waking up to blockaded highways across the country. On the A50 near Apeldoorn, farmers dumped a layer of manure, hay bales and other waste on the highway and set it on fire. This is not stopping until the government backs down.
— Keean Bexte 🇳🇱 (@TheRealKeean) July 27, 2022
And now he’s pushing to have a similar mandate in Canada that would essentially put a lot of farmers either out of business or dramatically reduce their ability to produce. Why? Climate change! Don’t forget for one second — and I was saying this in the beginning. Those of you who were listening to the Buck Sexton Show back in 2020 when I was doing radio before I teamed up with Clay know this. The whole pandemic lockdown, listen to the science, emergency, emergency, shut up, do what we tell you movement that they created under the broad rubric of Fauciism?
They aren’t gonna just stop with the virus, and of course they’re trying to resurrect that plan right now with the next variant. They also want to do that on climate. This is why they use phrases constantly like “an existential crisis.” An existential crisis is something you can effectively do anything to address because nothing could be more important than that! Nothing could be more important, including the U.S. economy, including your ability to pay your bills — including growth, productivity, prosperity, economic freedom.
None of that, to a true-believer Democrat, can get in the way of the Green New Deal agenda because they are, in their minds, saving the planet. And if you think that’s any kind of exaggeration, at this moment in time, we have just entered .9% the second quarter down, 1.6% down the first quarter. We are in the Biden recession, and what do they do in this moment? They try to buy off the votes of seniors with a promise to reduce their prescription drugs while everything else is more expensive. Your mortgage is more expensive. Everything else is getting worse right now.
The cost of groceries, cost of gas. They try to try to buy off seniors with this prescription drug plan while they also spend $369 billion on completely worthless and absurd climate pet projects. That’s how devoted to this they are. In this moment, this is what the Biden regime does. Look, we have to absolutely crush them in the midterms. You have to take away Biden’s ability to continue to do damage because a reasonable person would see what the Biden policies have done up to this point and change course.
You know what today was? “Hey, yeah, we’re in a recession. You know what we’re doing? Doubling down on Bidenism, peasants! Deal with it.” Doubling down right now. That’s what they just announced to you. That’s what they’re doing. And all that stuff about Joe Manchin being sane and, yeah. West Virginia, what are you doing? No West Virginian should ever cast a vote for Joe Manchin again. What are you doing voting for that guy? You’re a red state. It’s ridiculous.
Joe Biden says that the economy is doing perfect, says “That doesn’t sound like a recession to me,” and then leaves without taking questions.
— Greg Price (@greg_price11) July 28, 2022
BUCK: Well, it is a recession there, Joe. You can spin it as fast and as hard as you want. Still gonna be a recession. No one buys his nine-million job figure. I mean, this is just ridiculous. (impression) “I created nine million jobs. Er.” Yeah, really? I mean, you’re counting jobs that came back online because you were no longer — like a maniac — shutting down businesses with covid lockdowns and covid restrictions that did nothing to help anybody when it comes to the actual covid virus? You’re gonna count those as jobs created? At least in the Obama administration — you all probably remember this — they came up with a brand-new metric: “jobs created or saved.”
That was what they were always saying, ‘cause you’ll note in the first couple years of the Obama administration it was a bad economy, too, and it led to the Tea Party wave in 2010. People were like, “Uh, this isn’t going well.” The slowest… Here’s what they had to deal with: The slowest recovery out of a recession since the Great Depression. That was the salient point. That was the critical statistic, the central truth of basically an increasingly socialist Democrat Party in charge just makes everything go more slowly, less prosperity, less growth, less wealth to go around for everybody.
What’s that old Churchill line, that capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings and socialism is the equal sharing of misery? That’s real the ethos of the Democrats, especially the very rich Democrats. They want the system for everybody else as long as they get to stay shielded from it all, as long as they get to remain part of the elite. And then the peasants can eat their bugs and ride their bikes and save up so one day, 10 years from now, for a electric vehicle that doesn’t work very well, right? This is their vision of the future for you.
I mentioned to you the truth about Canadian Trudeau’s plan for farmers. They really want to do this. They want to artificially limit the things that we need and want and make us rich and prosperous and free, they want to control you, and they want to force you to do things that have no attendant benefit whatsoever. There is not one part of me that sits around saying, “I’m worried about the CO2 emissions. Hey, if you just stop the CO2, the planet’s not gonna melt.”
Who…? No one believes this, really, but they pretend to believe it. But that’s the part of it. They don’t actually… Well, I guess there are people now that are truly, I tweeted something out about this. There are people that were standing on ice blocks in London with nooses around their necks to make some point about… They were climate change activists, and the reality is that climate change activists have a very close correlation with severe mental illness.
I don’t say these people are crazy as in, “Ha-ha! Oh, you’re being crazy.” I mean they’re actually not of sound mind. They need help. But, you know, the gluing themselves to paintings and all this stuff. Biden, they’re a key constituency. The maniacs that are doing these things, they’re a key constituency for the Democrats. I can’t tell who’s cynical and who’s the true believer among the Democrats. That’s where it’s so difficult to separate it out.
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