The Border Situation Keeps Getting Worse
4 Feb 2022
BUCK: The border situation for the Biden regime is about as bad as it could possibly be, and it’s gonna get worse. There’s gonna be even more cross-border traffic likely this year. You’ve already seen that while courts are striking down the egregiously open-border actions of the Biden administration, they then just enforce the bare minimum, do the bare minimum.
And the biggest part of this you have to remember is that there’s no interior enforcement to speak of. And that’s why recently those Border Patrol agents as well as Immigrations and Customs Enforcement folks, they’re all upset because, what’s the point? If you just get here and you stay, then why do we even have people try to enforce the border in the first place? The whole thing feels like a charade.
I feel badly for the patriots who work in Border Patrol and are saying, “What the heck is going on here, man?” I mean, the Biden administration has tied their hands not letting them do their jobs. Kamala Harris, remember when she was the border czar, Clay? That lasted, like, couple of months, and then they realized that was kind of a liability ’cause she was saying things like, let’s deal with the root causes in Central America.
Oh, the root causes of illegal immigration in Central America. Fascinating, because there’s about 150, give or take, countries that have had people show up illegally crossing the border in the last year. But, sure, root cause in Honduras will solve the problem, Kamala says. You know what else she wants everyone to know? Amnesty will solve it! Tthe exact open of reality, which is amnesty will only make the problem worse. She thinks will make the problem better. Play 17.
HARRIS: The first piece of legislation that sent to Congress was immigration reform. It was literally… Literally it was our first initiative to say, “We must have a pathway for citizenship.” The problem is Congress is not acting. We must create a pathway to citizenship. This should not be partisan. We should allow Republicans or (sputtering) Democrats if they did a stand in the way of it, to get away with this as a partisan issue.
BUCK: She’s so awful. Every time she speaks, I really do feel like I’m being lectured to finish some kind of corporate sensitivity trachea. This is all… (laughing) She’s just the absolute worst. But, Clay, giving people amnesty for coming here is gonna stop illegal immigration? Yeah, handing out free money to everybody at the bank is gonna make them stop showing up asking for free money.
CLAY: It’s funny. I just got… So the only notifications I allow to come onto my phone, Buck, is the Wall Street Journal because otherwise your phone… I mean, obviously I get text messages but in terms of apps that I have on my phone, I only allow the Wall Street Journal because I trust them to have pretty good news sources. I’m interested in what’s going on in business, finance, –and politics, and I know what’s going on in sports so I don’t need notifications.
Here is what the Wall Street Journal sent me 53 minutes ago. “Arrests at the Mexican border hit a record last year, as a surge in attempted crossings led to about 1.9 million arrests by U.S. agents, new data shows.” This is absolutely crazy, and 20% — it’s probably low — of those migrants arrested were released into the U.S. to await hearings on their asylum application.
Again, this is the data that they are putting out. This is from the United States government. But when we’re talking about 1.9 million people, a record number of arrests — and you know this, Buck, better than most people ’cause you’ve been down to the border several different times. What percentage of people that are crossing the border do we catch? It’s a small percentage, right, overall? Your odds of being able to get across the border are pretty good, right?
BUCK: There are tens of thousands of got-aways every month — and remember, those are got-aways that they know about. There are people that are in compartments in vehicles and there’s all kinds ways. The numbers of illegal… It’s like illegal drugs. They’re always just estimating. They don’t know how much in the way of illegal drugs comes across the border.
CLAY: But 1.9 million is a crazy number to think about that we’re actually catching. And, again, the Biden administration when we say, Buck, 300 people are remaining in Mexico under that policy that they tried to put back in place?
BUCK: So they realize they have to say, “Okay, okay, fine. We’ll do the Remain in Mexico program that Trump used so successfully,” and then they basically don’t do it at all. Right? This would be like saying, “Okay, fine, we’re gonna enforce crimes in a city,” and they’re only prosecuting murder and everything else is let go. I mean, they’re not serious about changing their behavior and they’re not serious even on their focus.
I think Senator Marco Rubio down here in Florida actually had some pretty good thoughts on this one where the focus of the Biden administration… Think about how much more they talk, that they speak of voter suppression and the threat to our democracy than they do about the daily violations of our sovereignty, our national sovereignty, got the southern border. Here’s Marco Rubio. Play 19.
RUBIO: We can, should, and must secure or border. And in terms of priorities, that has to come first. The problem with the Biden administration is they don’t even talk about it or care about it, not to mention inflation and supply chain disruptions and labor shortages and all the other challenges we have in our country. They like talking about fake things, like voter-suppression efforts that is gonna be exist. These are fake things. They don’t exist! But that’s what they spend our time on.
BUCK: Thinks that don’t exist. Climate change. Voting suppression. Democrats love to drone on about that stuff and try to pass legislation on it. But the border is a real problem.
CLAY: Well, the issues with Joe Biden are so seismic and so unaddressed. We certainly know what’s going on with covid, that he hasn’t been able to even come up with a policy that makes any sense at all. Inflation over 7%. Murder rates skyrocketing along with all other violent crime. Border, 1.9 million crossings, the most ever. You look at everything that Joe Biden touches — the Bidas touch — and literally everything that he touches gets worse.
I don’t think why that is going to change as we roll into 2022. The numbers coming out in January from all of these different issues are awful. In addition to being bad at everything, Joe Biden I think — and I’m curious about what you think about this, Buck — is a uniquely poor communicator. So it’s not only that he’s failing on all of these fronts, I don’t even really understand what message he’s trying to sell. Let’s use covid as an example. What is the administration’s covid policy succinctly delivered right now? I have no idea.
BUCK: Don’t have it. There isn’t one.
CLAY: And how does covid end? He hasn’t given us any indication of, “Okay, this is what needs to occur for normalcy to return.” We’ve got a CDC director who doesn’t seem to understand how to have any kind of messaging ability. We’ve got Dr. Fauci, who is probably the worst bureaucrat in the history of America — highest paid taxpayer-funded salary in the entire United States government. I don’t even know what Fauci is saying now. I mean, it is an incompetent administration that is incapable of even telling us a story of what they are attempting to do.
BUCK: Where we are right now, Clay, feels like the Biden folks — and everyone’s with me on this, and you know. The Biden folks have realized they can’t get away with ignoring these problems altogether because it’s too apparent. Whether it’s crime, the border, inflation, the failures of the covid mitigation regime, all this, it’s just too apparent. People know. But what’s fascinating is that, okay, now they’re saying, “Fine, fine, we admit there is a problem,” and then their responses are all wrong. Amnesty for the border? Wrong. The guns issue is gonna solve crime? Wrong. Spending more money in the Build Back Better plan will, what, help with inflation? They say it will help with inflation.
CLAY: That’s crazy.
BUCK: Wrong.
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