
The Lies of Biden and Fauci Exposed

BUCK: President Biden was talking about how he is considering a mandate for all employees.

BIDEN: I don’t think it should be mandatory. I wouldn’t demand it be mandatory. But I would do everything in my power. Just like I don’t think masks have to be made mandatory nationwide.

BUCK: So that was him saying he doesn’t want to make it mandatory. But now, Clay, it looks like the federal government — as of tomorrow — may make it mandatory for employees.

CLAY: For federal employees. Two million people.

BUCK: Biden is talking about for federal employees. What changed?


CLAY: This was Rochelle Walensky then, the director of the CDC, explaining why there was no need for masks any longer because the vaccines worked so well.

MADDOW: It is hard for me to imagine myself (sputters), you know, waltzing into the Stop & Shop tomorrow morning and not wearing a mask. I just feel like I’m not wired that way anymore, and it still feels risky.

WALENSKY: There’s extraordinary amounts of evidence now, that demonstrates that the vaccines are working in the real world, umm, in, uhhh — in covert studies, ummm, in care facilities, in — in… across all states. These vaccines are working the way they worked in the clinical trials. There’s also new data, um, just even in the last two weeks, that demonstrates that these vaccines are working against the variants that we have circulating in the United States. And also, data has emerged that has demonstrated that if you are vaccinated, you are less likely — not likely — to asymptomatically shed the virus or give it to others.

BUCK: You mean data changes over time, Clay? So there can be new data, new facts, new information that can come to light? So that shutting down discussion and debate of critical public health issues — having social media do the bidding of one political party by censoring people — that’s a bad idea?

How many times do we have to learn the same lesson in this process, before the people in charge finally have to stop what they are doing, stop shutting down things that they don’t like, stop telling us they know things they don’t know, pretending that we can’t remember what they said two weeks ago or two months ago, pretending that we can’t see that they’re letting illegal immigrants with no covid protocols, really, to speak of in…?

First of all, they generally bring them… I’ve seen the facilities like the Donna facility in McAllen, Texas, which is vast. It looks like a small city, and they bring them all together for processing there. Then they’ll be released, often into a local charity. Texas just found this out. There was a story in the last 24 hours on Fox that there are illegal immigrants with covid who are being placed in hotels — all done at the expense of the government processing and bringing them in.

And then either a charity or the federal government just gives them a bus ticket, whatever it is. How can we pretend to care so much about covid when they’re basically saying, “Covid protocols don’t count for illegal immigrants”? But if you want to come into the U.S. right now from the U.K.? Good luck. That’s scary. Covid is too much of a threat.

CLAY: Well, and you can’t even go into Canada. I was just talking about that. I was up in Michigan with my family recently, and we can see where my father lives, across the Detroit River is Canada. You can’t go into Canada. I went into Mexico with my wife; in order to come back to this country, as Americans citizens, we had to take covid tests.

Yet there are people walking across the border. This is, I think, significant, Buck. Because there’s a lot of talk from the CDC, “Oh, we have to get everybody vaccinated because the variants are going to continue, and the variants — the Delta variant is the latest — can be more dangerous than the existing covid virus. But around the world, vaccination is occurring at an incredibly low level.

So if there is a variant of covid that emerges that is wildly more dangerous than the covid that exists right now, the odds of it coming from the United States are really pretty minuscule. It’s going to come from somewhere else around the world. And we’re going to have to deal with that same threat as is. And I think this is important. That threat is not going away for years. No matter how many people get vaccinated.

BUCK: You also can see the dishonesty in the way they try to frame that issue. And even Fauci himself, I believe, earlier this week said, “You gotta watch out for those unvaccinated people, because they’re essentially petri dishes for what would be a super covid variant that could evade all vaccines.”

So they just keep turning up the heat. They’ll say whatever they have to say to continue on this narrative. And yet, somehow, it’s only the rural areas. I never hear the Biden administration say, “Why is only about a third of the African-American population of New York City vaccinated?” Just to take them.

CLAY: Right.

BUCK: Why is that the case? I’m just wondering. Does anybody want to…? Nope. They won’t talk about that. It’s Trump supporters. This is a religious belief now. The whole covid-mitigation mantra, Fauci-ism. People take real meaning from this the same way they do from climate change. It makes them feel like they’re doing something worthwhile. They’re smart. They’re virtuous. They’re good people, and it costs them nothing.

It costs society a whole lot. It costs people who don’t want to live in that fear a whole lot. But they’re happy to sit on the couch, order in delivery and watch Netflix while they do their remote work, and tweet at you and me that we don’t care that old people die. That’s basically the way this shakes out.

CLAY: It’s become very tribal, and even the focus on, quote-unquote, “Trump voters” is misaligned, as you mentioned, when you look at the data. The reason why red states — which is where I live in the state of Tennessee. It’s why many southern states — the SEC footprint, so to speak — has a more significant number of people choosing to be unvaccinated.

It’s not exclusively, certainly because of Trump voters. It’s because we have a large black population. So you are combining a large black population — most states in the South have a much larger black population than the average of the rest of the country — with a large number of Trump voters as well, and the combination of those two groups is leading to large numbers of unvaccinated people.

But a lot of those people, remember, have already had covid which is important. And second, we never hear about Biden voters who are choosing not to be vaccinated, even though the black population supported Joe Biden, 92-8 or whatever it ended up being in the final tally. And statistically, as the data shows, they’re the most likely to be unvaccinated.

BUCK: No one ever discusses it, and no one ever brings it up, and no one also tells us, “What does the end really look like, here?”

CLAY: That’s a great question.

BUCK: When do they finally get to say, “We’re done”? We’ve gone through this with Afghanistan and the draw down there. Finally, after 20 years, the answer to the question, “What does victory look like?” has been asked so many times with unsatisfactory answers or really, effectively, no answer, other than just, “Keep doing this. Keep doing this. Keep doing what we’re doing.” It’s a similar dynamic playing out now with the lockdowners

Where they’re saying, “We’ll keep going with this as long as we have to, and we’ll keep raising up the mitigation measures. We’ll get over to do it over the winter.” This is something that they’ve become accustomed to, that they like. One of the things that I find most remarkable is there will be people, Clay… I was walking around today in New York City in Midtown, which is where I live, and which is where our New York studio is.

And there are a lot of people masked up. It’s definitely already… Now, you could say they’re doing it by choice. What I find so fascinating is that whenever I try to say, “No mandates,” the pushback is often, “What’s the big deal?” As if any normal human being could say, “You know what? I really want to walk around and breathe uncomfortably all day.”

CLAY: (laughing)

BUCK: That’s not a big deal.

CLAY: Well, for no reason!

BUCK: For no reason.

CLAY: For no reason, right.

BUCK: It really does remind me, I mentioned on the show yesterday in the Middle Ages, medieval period, people would wear — as a show of their piety — a hair shirt.

CLAY: Yes.

BUCK: People who were extremely religious would wear it, and it would agitate or itch, and sometimes even cause them to bleed. For some people, the mask is like a hair shirt now. It’s, “Look at how dedicated I am to Fauci and science!” Oh, we’ll talk more about their science dedication in a little bit when we discuss how they don’t believe that there’s such a thing as men and women, or what is a woman.

CLAY: I think that’s a great discussion. But I think the question you asked is a widely important one. How does it end? Because I think for a lot of people when the White House came out on May 13 and said, “I no longer to have wear masks anywhere,” that was at least a road map to believing that normalcy was going to return.

But if Covid Zero is the goal or 95% vaccination is the goal or whatever that number is? What is success, and how do the goalposts keep getting moved so we’re never there? It’s a fascinating question. I’d love to hear Fauci say, hey, what’s the answer for when this is over, for when we’ll never see you on television again?


FAUCI: Right now, fortunately for us, we have enough people vaccinated that you will not see a wave or a surge of infections among the vaccinated. It will be a surge of infections among the unvaccinated. It will be an outbreak among the unvaccinated. People not getting vaccinated is not only a bad thing for them, it could actually interfere in a negative way with the rest of the country by generating variants that would allude the vaccines. That’s the thing we’re concerned about.

BUCK: (Fauci impression) “Welcome back to duh Clay Travis & Buck Sexton Show and Buck Sexton Show.”

CLAY: (chuckling)

BUCK: “Where Mr. Travis ‘n’ Mr. Sexton are not takin’ duh surge with all due seriousness, and duh variants when you add the parabulahs on the data, and you do a nonlineuh analysis of duh droplets where it comes all together with…” Basically, at this point, if you still listen to this guy, Clay — if anyone listens to this guy and takes him at face value, it’s an intelligence test they are failing. This guy is a disaster. He does whatever the Biden administration wants him to do.

He never upsets the Democrats. He’s always on the right side of the left, and I’ve had enough of him. Okay. If people are unvaccinated, and they’re the only ones who are at risk — which is what they’re saying, even though, that’s apparently not true — then the vaccinated people, need to stop whining about this. I don’t want to hear it.

CLAY: They can do whatever they want and not have to worry about the unvaccinated people! If that were true, then I don’t think you would be bringing back masks — and also, again, you would have taken care of you and your family, and you wouldn’t need to obsessively worry.

People say, “Well, there’s still the danger of variants emerging,” and I understand that. The variants, if you look at the data, are not coming from America because comparatively the ones that are going to spread, going forward, are going to occur in the countries with minimal vaccination rates, which is much of the world right now.

BUCK: And the Delta variant was ripping all over India, as we know.

CLAY: That’s right.

BUCK: They had a terrible time with covid. There are so many giant lies that have been told by the Democrats, by the Fauci-ites about covid the whole time. But just one of the ones they were pressing so hard last year was that it’s Trump’s fault. “America had the worst response of any country.”

CLAY: That’s right.

BUCK: “It’s Trump’s fault.”

CLAY: That story has disappeared.

BUCK: These people are psychopaths. They lied to you. Other countries — European countries, India, Brazil — had worse covid deaths and hospitalizations and infection rates. I’m pretty sure that’s not because Orange Man Bad. So remember that, while they’re telling you to now (Fauci impression) “just listen to duh science.”


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