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The One and Only Ann Coulter on CRT

15 Jul 2021

BUCK: We’ve got a special friend with us now, 13-time New York Times best-selling author of such smash hits as “Godless” and “Adios, America” and “In Trump We Trust” and “Guilty” and “Treason.” I got through a bunch of them off the top of my head. The one and only Ann Coulter is with us now, AnnCoulter.com for her latest columns. Ms. Coulter, welcome.

ANN: Great to be here. Hello, Buck, and hello, Clay.

BUCK: Your piece this week on critical race theory is fantastic. There’s this argument out there, Ann, that we can’t even have a public discussion about CRT because it’s just so gosh darn complicated. Explain to us what your feelings are on this.

ANN: I couldn’t believe when I saw that was the line they were taking. I mean, it makes sense, they don’t want to talk about it. Parents have found out what’s going on. Technically, fathers. That’s actually true, a — the mother of a student at a fancy privately school in New York recently told me that this wokeness studies have been going on forever at these private schools in New York, and the mothers knew about it But they don’t want to make a fuss. And then we had the covid shutdowns and dad overheard what their kids are being taught. So that’s when all hell broke loose, and I thank you, fathers of America. So, you know, this is indefensible.

It’s part of the left’s long hatred of the West, hatred of America, hatred of white people. Nothing really new there. But when I first saw presumably on MSNBC someone taking the line that, oh, well, it’s a very complex — it’s taught, you know, at high level graduate schools. It was developed in the law schools, I just burst out laughing. Cut the crap. This is nothing but everything is based on race. There’s your critical race theory. You can summarize it very quickly. Just, you know, throw something at me. That’s racist. That’s racist. Capitalism is racist. America is racist. White people are racist. The criminal justice system is racist. Law is racist. Standardized test is racist. Punctuality is racist. That’s critical legal theory. This is not studying quantum mechanics. It isn’t a complicated theory. But it does give an advantage to the defenders of this anti-white hate that they don’t have to debate it.

They just quote MSNBC’s Joy Reid talking to Christopher Rufo, who’s at the Manhattan Institute. Probably many of your listeners with familiar with him. He writes about critical race theory or, you know, that’s racist line of attack. And the beginning of what was supposed to be a debate goes through a series of questions: Are you a legal scholar? Have you gone to law school? Have you steeped yourself in critical race theory?

CLAY: Ann, that was such a great clip. We played that on the radio show like the absurdity of that interaction a few weeks ago, and so you’re right. We were talking and we’re gonna continue to talk — I basically branded Democratic Party’s entire platform is everything is racist. It defines everything that they support right now. My theory is, Ann, that the only way this ends is with Kamala Harris getting her ass kicked in 2024 and the Democratic Party has to go back and say identity politics and cancel culture which is branded together as everything is racist — that’s what they share — that that’s the only way the Democrats are going to realize and recognize absurdity of their claim. Do you see it ending any other way? Where does this go?

ANN: That’s an interesting point. I mean, we’ll see. Democratic Party has as its secret weapon the Republican Party. Never put it past Republicans to blow an easy election. You’d think Republicans would do extremely well both in the midterms and the presidential election, with all of this defund the police talk. Something else Democrats are lying about now.

You know, one thing on Kamala Harris that I’ve found interesting is I know a lot of Democrats. And to a man, a lot of liberal reporters — New York Times reporters — every single one of them says straight out the nominee is not gonna be Kamala. I don’t know how they’re gonna do it. She won’t win in the primaries. The media will say, “Oh, that’s so terrible. The country’s racist.”

CLAY: Racist, right, because that’s her calling card, is, if she’s not the nominee, it’s because of sexism and racism, which plays into everything. It’s funny you mention that, Ann, because Bill O’Reilly told us the same thing. He said Kamala won’t be the choice.

ANN: We’ll see. But Democrats are convinced it will not be Kamala. I keep saying to them — and I don’t think they have a good answer for it — and that is, how do you dump a half black, half Indian, female vice president? I mean normally the vice president is the party’s next nominee. I don’t know how they pull that off. But Democrats seem dead set on trying to. Kamala is not very popular.

As for identity politics ending, I mean, their plan is not to end it. Their plan is to overwhelm the country with so many identities that, you know, as long as they’re not historical, you know, white Americans through their immigration plans. I mean, they’ve been writing this for 30 years, Ruy Teixeira, in Texas, the Kennedy family, this is their position: We are going to win by overwhelming the country with immigrants, and they vote for us nine to one.

CLAY: We’re speaking to Ann Coulter, for everyone joining us, best-selling author, AnnCoulter.com for her latest column on critical race theory. You could do a five-year Phd. on critical race theory or just know Ann’s summation: “Everything is racist.” That’s critical race theory. So, there you go. You have a pretty good precis of it.

But, Ann, you know, the Democrats are trying to sneak through now, the parliamentarian in the Senate can stop it, and it’s not necessarily gonna happen. But an amnesty for about five or six million people. Have you seen this? That’s a budget matter, the Democrats say.

ANN: Yes. Yes. Yes. And it illustrates both points we were just talking about. One is the Democrats won’t have to give up identity politics if they can just create enough identity politics voters in the Rainbow Coalition. That is their plan so that they never have to give it up. Will it work? It’s been working pretty well so far. They’re almost there. They’re so close, they can taste it.

And the other point os how the Democrats secret weapon is the Republican Party. There was an article in The Hill yesterday, I tweeted out, as I’ve been saying forever, “GOP’s Top Donors are Demanding an Amnesty.” Oh, my gosh. We can never, ever stop the rich Republicans from ruining our party and ruining our country. They don’t care what kind of country this becomes. They don’t care that if in 10, 15 years Republicans can never win another presidential election. They don’t care about the culture or it changing. As long as they can make another five bucks this week.

CLAY: Ann, what do you think? I am focused like a laser so much of the time now on Big Tech. And I know Donald Trump’s lawsuit came out and immediately a lot of people said, “Oh, there’s nothing to this.” But literally as we’re talking, Jen Psaki just said at the White House briefing — and I quote — “We’re flagging problematic posts for Facebook that spread disinformation.”

That is the White House saying they are looking at what is being shared on Facebook, and they are flagging things that are disinformation information in their mind and asking Facebook to remove them. How is that not the government basically using Facebook and becoming a state actor in terms of censorship? This is a massive story to me.

I know you have a law degree too, but when I sit back and I look at it, this is fundamentally broken, the power that Big Tech has to determine what we can and cannot see, including banning Donald Trump while you’re letting the president of Cuba go out and say whatever he wants, the supreme leader of Iran. Iran. This is madness.

ANN: Yes. Yes. And actually you raise a really important point. Argument that I think is silly and stupid, but it is the argument that is made by the libertarians that, “Oh, well, Facebook, private company, they can do what they want.” Well, okay it’s kind of what we call in the law a natural monopoly. If you own the only means of communication — and it is down to about, you know, a handful of companies. I’ve been worrying about this day for years. It is so strange that you can get so much information on the internet, and, you know, ABC, NBC, CBS, the New York Times are no longer the sole gatekeepers of what we’re allowed to know about.

I just figured someday I’m gonna wake up, try to click on Breitbart.com and it will be gone.

CLAY: It’s not gonna be there.

ANN: I’ll try to email Buck. It won’t go through. And we’re getting to that point. But what you raise as a legal point in particular is that even with the libertarian argument — oh, it’s a private company — which, again, I think it’s stupid. When these tech giants are coordinating with the government, well, okay, now, it is just government censorship and you’re using a private company in order to censor people. So I don’t even think they have the idiot boy libertarians’ argument at this point based on what you just said.

BUCK: Ann Coulter, everybody, check out her latest column on critical race theory and the complications of it or lack of complications or complexity, as it may be. AnnCoulter.com for her latest. And great to have you. We’ll talk to you soon.

ANN: Talk to you soon. Bye-bye.

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