BUCK: This is Buck, and I will be joined by Clay in just a little bit. He has… Well, he’s coming back from Vegas as we know. So what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, I suppose, although there was poker going on. We know that. Clay is not staying in Vegas. He will be with us in a little while. Let’s talk about what we’re gonna talk about today.
We’ve got full FDA approval for the Pfizer vaccine came down today. So that means the vax police are coming for you. Get ready for this. They’re already saying it out loud that vaccine mandates are just going to grow and grow, and that they’re gonna use the federal government — what I’ve been warning you about all along, use the federal government — to push this stuff on everyone, even in states that have felt like, “Oh, I’ll be okay.”
Sure about that? Plus, the school mask wars are underway, and with it you have a big rise in reporting from the Democrat-aligned media about how there’s violence and scary things, bad people who want to get rid of masks on children. Isn’t it fascinating, the people who don’t want kids to have to stifle their breathing unnecessarily all day, they’re the bad people.
Even reports from MSNBC and others are saying, “The Proud Boys are anti-school masks!” Okay. Well, I’m anti-school mask. What does that have to do with anything? But this is what they do. They try to lump people together. They try to create fear and smear their political opponents. Then we’ll dive deep into Afghanistan.
Total chaos continues at the Kabul airport. You’ve got reports now of a shooting, a gunman at the airport. He was taken out. We’ll get some updates for you on that. But so far, we still know of a lot of Americans in harm’s way. There are a lot of people that are desperate to get out of that country, that face imminent death from the Taliban if they do not. And what’s gonna happen to all these Americans if they’re not out by the 31st?
The Taliban has already spoken about what they think should happen or what will: “Consequences.” Pretty ominous consequences. That’s what they’re saying if we don’t get out by that date. So I’ve got a lot for you. Oh, and the Jeopardy host battles underway, the cancel culture left is getting rid of one guy, and now they’re trying to get rid of Mayim Bialik, the former Blossom actress, because she said her child wasn’t vaxxed or something years and years ago or didn’t get all the vaccinations.
Who cares! Cancel culture left, they’re out of their minds. That’s the point. And we’ll get into all of it in a moment. But here’s what we’re seeing. What was supposed to be unthinkable a year ago, even eight months ago, if you go back to the beginning of this year… I know you can all remember. I know you were with me on this. You go back to the beginning of this year, and you recall what the Biden administration was saying about the vaccine mandate possibility.
And now here we are being told, “Oh, it’s coming for you. If you’re in the military, get ready to be told vax or else! If you are a public school teacher in a blue state, yes, certainly, but probably in every state. I’m pretty sure if they have their way because the Department of Education is gonna start playing games with funding and regulations.
This is the many-headed hydra of the federal government in D.C., extending itself out to destroy physical freedom now, right? This is going even a level beyond. This isn’t just like, “I don’t agree with the tax rate.” This is, “Get injected. Make yourself sick.” For people like me who already had covid-19, it’s complete and utter madness, not scientifically valid to demand that people do this, at all, and not valid from an individual rights and freedom perspective to demand that anybody do it in general.
But that is where we are now. They keep expanding the Overton window. They change the parameters of the debate in the discussion, and they do it specifically in increments. There is an incrementalism here. It’s, “Oh, don’t worry! That thing that you’ve thought we’re going to this whole time, we’re not actually going to it. We promise.
“Just this one more thing. Just two weeks. Just a mask. Just two masks. Just social distancing. Just a few months longer. Just until we hit 70% vaccination. Just until we hit zero covid. Just until we hit zero mutations. Shut up and do what we say forever!” That’s where this actually goes, and you see it now. It’s obvious. And one of the problems we’ve had is they’ve been able to institute a kind of divide-and-conquer strategy.
And in order to override the federalism within our system, what they’ve decided is they’re just going to use the coercive powers of the federal government where they don’t have the state or the city in agreement with them — and where they do. Of course, it couldn’t be any easier like in New York City and Los Angeles and in countless other cities that are either already doing these things, putting these mandates in place, or thinking about doing them.
And now they’re very open about this. The Democrats aren’t even acting like this is some big deal, right? The Surgeon General, Vivek Murthy, is out there saying, “Yeah, what’s the big problem, guys? So we’re gonna mandate vaccines in a lot of places.
“So we’re gonna make you get a shot,” even though the shots wear off, even though lots of you don’t need them, and even though — I’m gonna say “lots,” millions and millions and millions of people — and even though at a basic, fundamental, individual autonomy and freedom level this is a grotesque government overreach. That’s what we’re-actually seeing. Here’s Vivek Murthy.
I think all these are reasonable because when we’re faced with the most transmissible variant that we’ve seen to date, the Delta variant. When we have our kids, essentially, is a point of concern here in our schools and their health and well-being on the line, we’ve gotta take every step we can. And so I think that these measures, these requirements we’re seeing are absolutely reasonable, and I think they will help.
BUCK: These are safetyism fascists. Let’s be honest — very honest — about where we are now. Kids are at almost zero risk. Not low risk. Almost zero risk from covid, very unlikely to spread it. Masks don’t work in schools. Otherwise, they would show us the data. Oh, on masks since I brought it up, there’s a scientific journal out there that’s The Dynamics of Fluids, which sounds more exciting than it is or might be. It doesn’t sound exciting at all.
I guess it depends on where your mind goes. But the point is, The Dynamics of Fluids has a piece out right now that says, “Yes, it turns out…” Here you go. The title is, “Experimental Investigation of Indoor Aerosol Dispersion and Accumulation in the Context of Covid-19 — Effects of masks and ventilation.” It turns out ventilation is more important than masks. Oh, gosh!
Haven’t we known that all along? And cloth masks don’t really work very well. Ten percent of particles are blocked, they believe, by cloth masks. Keep in mind they don’t know if that has any meaningful effect. Even if that 10% figure is true, that means if you’re in a room with somebody and they’re saying, “I’m wearing a mask; I’m safe,” 90% of the aerosols that would just be coming out of their breath normally — breathing out of their nose, their mouth, 90% of it — is in the air all around you.
But that 10% is really worth it. The chance that that person may have a 10% reduction in their aerosols means that all of us have to go around not able to breathe normally, constantly uncomfortable and anxious and being treated like sheep. Many people like to be sheep. As I’ve said, they just want to be part of the herd; as long as they’re safe and warm, it is all the same to them.
So it’s saddening to see this happen. I would have thought at this point in America we would at least have a 60 or 70% majority of people across this country saying, “Enough of all this crap. We’re done.” But we don’t. We’re not there yet. And in fact, what many of us would point to as warning signs for the future, things like what’s going on right now in Australia, the Democrats see this, and they think, ‘Wow, that’s quite a blueprint! Let’s give that a shot if we can!”
It’s effectively martial law right now. The military has been called in in Australia. They’ve got three, four, five deaths a day from covid. Think about how many people are dying every day from heart disease, from cancer, from stroke. You got three or four people a day dying in a country of 20-plus million in Australia, and they shut down the country, their government.
Aussies are people that a lot of us think of are laid back and cool. Their government is arresting teenagers for the crime of drinking a beer out on the beach at night! We see the videos of it. They’re pepper spraying 13-year-olds who are standing outside with signs that say, “Don’t mask me up,” pepper spraying them in front of their parents, by the way, because they’re not allowed to gather outside and oppose the rules about things like not being able to gather outside.
I know that’s laughable now because it’s so political. But the fact that Democrats, 90% of them approve masks? It’s their MAGA hat. That’s what it’s turned into. It’s their symbol of political allegiance. It’s certainly not stopping the virus. Remember all that? Last June 2020, I could point you to articles. “They’ll reduce cases, 60, 70%! We’ll control this thing with masks!”
No. They’ll control you with masks because they’re the gateway drug, if you will, to the rest of this lockdown tyranny, the gateway drug to vaccine mandates for people all across the country. Florida, Texas, sure they’ll try to protect you there. Houston, Tampa, Miami area? They’re gonna try to force you at the city level — and if they can’t get their way at the city level, then the federal level will override it.
That’s the plan.
That’s what they’ve been doing all along.
BUCK: So we have exactly what I’ve been saying is gonna happen for months unfolding right now before all of us, which is that cities are essentially defying the state level now. Right? So when the system — and you see this across the board. The leftists — because they are ideologically authoritarian, because they actually believe in the collective trampling on individual rights and that might makes right; all that matters is power.
When it’s in their favor, they say, “This is the system. How dare you defy the system,” right? When they have the power to do something even when they shouldn’t do it. But when you go to the other side of it, and all of a sudden, the system they were saying you have to respect isn’t something that they have control of?
They just nullify, they sabotage it, they undermined it. I don’t know. They changed the election rules. Whatever they do, they find a way. And here is the Florida school superintendent Dr. Carlee Simon, for example, defying governor Ron DeSantis on mask mandates.
SIMON: That masks are not a medical device, masks are preventive safety devices. It would be just as though we’re asking if students wear a baseball helmet when they go up to bat at a baseball game. This is to protect the safety of our students. So we are trying to explain this to the commissioner that as well as the governor and this is something that we need in order to help us run face to face.
This is how the lockdown left has approached this the entire time. It’s always, “It’s not that big a deal. Just two weeks, friends! Just two weeks. Just one shot. Actually, just two! Actually, just shut up and take as many shots as we tell you to.” This is how they do incrementalism. It’s not just on health issues, but on this one we see it particularly strongly.
In this case, it is abundantly clear what we are up against, and so they tell you it’s about a safety device. More head injuries that are fatal and serious in cars than just about anywhere else. Why aren’t they demanding helmets in cars for everybody all the time? What’s the matter? You don’t want people to live? You’re a bad person? You don’t want to drive around with a helmet?
First of all, I’d have all kinds of problems. I got a huge head. I had to get the extra, extra-large helmet when was in Iraq flying around in Blackhawks and stuff ’cause you had to wear a helmet in a military helicopter because of the way it was jostling and throw you around and 240 Gulfs would open up and things would start getting spicy in the air.
And your car! You’re driving around right now in your Ford or your Chevy or whatever. Why not wear a helmet all the time? This is safetyism. It’s an obsession with rules mandated by people who are incapable of actually assessing risk normally. And, libs, I really think the hysteria they have is a mass mental illness. I don’t know how else to describe it.
CLAY: I was listening to you do the open of the show. Good job, by the way. This helmet thing is one of the dumbest analogies I’ve ever heard anybody make from a covid perspective.
BUCK: And you know how at the very beginning when you and I were opposed to the mask mandates, Clay, we’d say things like we would save a lot of lives in this country every year if the speed limit…? By the way, forget about a speed limit enforced by cops. Why should cars go faster than 20 miles an hour?
CLAY: It would be almost impossible for someone to die in a car accident if you limited cars to 20 miles an hour.
BUCK: And, yes, we don’t do that. We don’t want to do that as a society. Just feels insane and oppressive. That argument, the things that we would say at the beginning to prove how the other side was essentially going crazy in the early stages, now they’re going, “Yeaah, actually, that sounds like a good idea. Let’s give that a shot!”
CLAY: Forty thousand people a year, Buck, die in car accidents, and they tend to be relatively young, oftentimes relatively healthy, and yet we don’t make the decision to put governors on car engines and say, “You can only drive 20 miles an hour.” So effectively we’re saying:
“In order to drive at speeds that we consider to be reasonable — 55 miles an hour in a city all the way up to 75 miles an hour in rural areas — we’re willing to have 40,000 people a year die,” and the argument is not that we don’t care about life. It’s that all of American life and world life and human life is predicated on the idea of balancing risk based on human reality.
BUCK: I think… I’m a big action movie guy. Back in the day, I used to do Action Movie Quote Game where anyone listening to the show… Maybe we’ll bring it back, Clay.
CLAY: That would be fun.
And what we’ve got here is the situation where The Matrix is one of my all-time favorite action movies — one of the best — the first one. The second was eh, and the third one was trash. But the first Matrix movie was amazing. It’s as though Democrats… You know, it’s supposed to be horrifying when you see people that are being used as human batteries in the pink goo.
It’s as if in our covert safetyism world, Democrats think, “Well, you’re in the pink goo and you’re safe and you don’t get covid and you’re part of the collective and your life force is batterying a robotic race of androids” or whatever. They look at this and instead of being horrified they’re like, “You’re not getting covid! You’re social distanced.”
CLAY: Well, what’s so funny, too, about that helmet analogy is, Buck, is NASCAR drivers wear helmets. So all of us would probably be safer if we wore helmets to drive cars, right, like we wear the seat belt. If we wore helmets, we’d probably be safer on some level.
But also it would be wildly uncomfortable and it wouldn’t make you very much safer, right? And so even in baseball, you only wear a helmet for the limited time that you are batting, unless you’re John Olerud back in the day. Almost no one wears a helmet in the field. You wear a baseball cap for the vast majority of the time that you’re playing baseball.
BUCK: Clay, we shouldn’t have bathtubs. People drown in the bath. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. You can get clean in the shower, right? I mean, people drown in bathtubs. It happens ’cause they pass out or whatever. People drown in bathtubs. Why do people have a second floor in their house? Clay, that’s reckless. People — especially some of the elderly — are at considerable risk from falling downstairs.
We know this. It happens all the time. No second stories on houses — and if you don’t agree that we should redo all structures in America, Clay, you’re an evil person who wants all people to break their hips and die! That is actually the covid mentality of Democrats now. That’s what we have turned into. Look at Australia. Four people a day dying, Clay. They’re locking up kids who go drink a beer on the beach by themselves.
CLAY: Eight kids, Buck. They tackled them. They were cuffing them — which, by the way, has to be more dangerous from a covid perspective than just letting them go, right? It’s so dangerous that we’re going to have police officers tackling kids who are drinking a beer in privacy? By the way, teenagers who have zero risk whatsoever from covid itself.
And, by the way, Buck, football. They are losing their minds in football because what they haven’t recognized is they put in place a covid protocol that predicates covid zero. Football itself is infinitely more dangerous to football players than covid is. I was talking with a buddy. We’re doing fantasy football season drafting.
He was saying, “Man, you know, the other day I saw one of my best players on my team was out, and I was said, ‘Oh, man, I hope he’s got covid.'” That’s literally what people are thinking now when they see one of their best players is out. They hope it’s covid, ’cause it’s far less serious than like a knee injury would be.
BUCK: Clay, did you see the Biden tweet over the weekend? This really put it… ‘Cause we’re in the path of what turned into a tropical storm here in New York, but there was a hurricane, Hurricane Henri. This is what Joe Biden —
CLAY: Oh, I saw this.
BUCK: — leader of the Free World, tweets out just to give you an idea, ’cause you’re saying, “Buck, come on! They’re not that…” Actually, people listen to this show, they know that I’m right. Right?
CLAY: They know that they are crazy. Yes.
BUCK: No. They know the other side is actually nuts, right? But for anybody who has any doubts, this is from the official Biden White House Twitter account. “To those in Henri’s path: Don’t forget that you may need to seek shelter while we’re still battling covid-19 and the Delta variant. So wear a mask and try to observe social distancing. And to everyone across the country, don’t get caught by the next storm. Get vaccinated now.”
These people are out of their minds. I mean, this is completely insane. Clay, can you imagine there are gonna be people that are running into a hurricane shelter and they’re going to say, “Uh-oh,” they are not vaccinated? “Yeah, sure, there are flash floods coming. I may drown imminently, but there are people in here who are not social distancing in this emergency shelter they’ve set up.”
CLAY: Here’s the other one, Buck. The official guidelines on how to prepare for a hurricane on the CDC website, the number one suggestion is get a covid vaccine. That’s before the emergency supplies! A hurricane is coming. What should I do to get ready? The CDC says you have to get a covid vaccine.
CLAY: First on the list is get a covid vaccine. Fourth on the list is prepare to evacuate. If the hurricane was coming, the fourth thing you need to do, according to the CDC is prepare to evacuate; number 1, from their own website, is get a covid vaccine. I don’t even know who these people are. They are totally delusional. And you’re right. Thank God we have Republicans in this country, because otherwise all of America would be Allstate.
BUCK: We’d be Australia. This is the thing. We used to point at Australia and months and months back saying, “Look at how crazy they are,” and Democrats are now saying, “Wow. They’re really doing it right.” If they could get away with it, they would, Clay. If they could do Australia, they would.
CLAY: Australians… To your point, I was listening open the show. Australians are laid back, cool, reliable, fun-loving as a stereotype of a country, and they’ve allowed all this to happen. And it’s just insane.
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