
The Total Collapse of the Biden Covid Narrative

BUCK: You’ve got New York City setting the all-time record for covid cases. You’ve got national covid cases spiking. The narrative, as we refer to it, is in a state of collapse. But instead of reevaluating and changing things up… You know, Clay was down in Florida. I was down in Florida for the break. AOC was down in Florida, if you’re wondering. They’re all so terrified of Ron DeSantis. But the moment they want some freedom, sunshine, and good times?

They run to Florida or maybe Texas or maybe Tennessee or a number of other states where things are much more chilled out, shall we say. The closest thing you can have as an American in 2022 to the feeling you must have had in East Berlin circa 1960 is leaving Florida for New York City. I gotta tell you, it is mind-blowing when you arrive here the amount of fear and anxiety and everyone’s masking and they’re masking outside and all of this.

What exactly has the Biden regime accomplished in the last 12 months? The January 6th insurrection anniversary is this week. Clay and I will talk to you a lot about that today too. But what has Biden done well in 12 months? Where is the one thing? Anyone who says covid is out of their minds, okay? Crush covid? Shut down the virus, not the economy? Not true. That is not what happened.

I mean, Clay, the observations that one must have from going in and out of a free state to a place like this… New York City is the worst in the country now for covid cases but also for covid madness. It does feel increasingly like we are in a postevidence, postdata phase of the pandemic where now it’s just all the habits. Now it’s all the Fauciism in place of reason.

CLAY: We told everyone exactly what was gonna happen when we left right before Christmas, and I echo what you said. I hope everybody had a great Christmas, great New Year’s, great early holiday season. But even predicting and expecting what we were going to see, the level of lying and duplicity and dishonesty as everyone tries to scramble to pretend that they never said what we heard them tell us for months… I mean, Buck, this was over the last couple of weeks, to me, the ultimate collapse of Joe Biden’s entire 2020 promise, to the extent you want to call anything that he says a promise.

The basis for his campaign was, “I’m gonna shut down the virus,” and worse than that, every bit of data that he tried to rely on in his first year… Buck, just think about it. They told us mask up, social distance, let’s just focus on masks. And now everybody is coming out and saying what you and I have been saying for over a year: Cloth masks don’t work; they’re totally worthless.

We were told, screamed at, harangued, that if we got the covid shot, that you would not only not get covid… That’s what they told us, although they’re trying to shift the story now. You would not only not get covid, it would end with you, and you would never be able to spread it to anyone else. We are sitting at all-time highs in covid, and everything and that they lectured and us that they said, “You aren’t allowed to discuss” has been proven to be a lie. The party of science has failed on an epic level the likes of which most of us have never seen in our lives.

BUCK: It’s pretty explicit now that there are different rules for different people in the debate and public sphere about this, because Marjorie Taylor Greene, a member of Congress — and we’ll get into this later in the show. A lot of you know her right from the state of Georgia, Marjorie Taylor Greene has been kicked off of Twitter forever. So she’s now banned. She’s a sitting member of Congress. She’s off Twitter.

The ayatollahs, so to speak, the Taliban, they can have a Twitter account. You know, I mean, Putin can have a Twitter account, but you can’t have Marjorie Taylor Greene with a Twitter account and he will would get into why that is. But to the point about masking, you know, I remember — this is to remind everybody, Clay and I first team up and talk about this issue early on in the pandemic because, like, hold on a second.

What doctor says that? “Oh, a mask just makes people feel better and doesn’t work,” and then a few weeks later goes, “Well, I was actually lying. I just didn’t want you to run out of masks.” That’s what Fauci did. That’s not ethical. That’s not credible. That’s not what really happened. What became clear was that people were clinging to masks as first an anxiety tool.

Right? I’m so scared — and then it was a compliance show. It was, “This is… I’m one of the good people.” But you and I have gotten… I’ve gotten fact checks written up about me. I’ve got Twitter strikes and Facebook shutdowns and all this. And I know you have too. This is so weird, Clay, ’cause here’s CNN’s favorite doc on this over the break, Dr. Leana Wen, on CNN.

WEN: Cloth masks are not appropriate for this pandemic. It was… It’s not appropriate for Omicron. It was not appropriate for Delta, Alpha, or any of the previous variants either because we’re dealing with something that’s airborne.

BUCK: Oh, okay. Wait approximately hold on, hold on, Clay! She’s not the only one. Dr. Scott Gottlieb on Face the Nation over the weekend said this about masks at this stage, 13.

GOTTLIEB: Cloth masks aren’t gonna provide a lot of protection that’s the bottom line. This is an airborne I met. We only understand that, and a cloth mask is not gonna protect from you a virus that’s spread through airborne transmission. It could protect better through droplet transmission something like the flu but not something like this coronavirus.

BUCK: We have known, Clay, that this is aerosolized and not droplet spread for 18 months going on two years! (laughing) But they say it now and it’s okay.

CLAY: And what they’re really going to say, certainly Dr. Leana Wen who is the queen of pandemic overresponse… I mean, what she’s gonna say is that everybody needs to be in N95 masks including your children, which is totally nonsensical. But all of this is a collapsing narrative, and what’s interesting to watch, Buck, is just how quickly they’re all claiming that they didn’t say what they actually did say.

I want to play this, ’cause I think that Rachel Maddow… All of the lies that she told in March, none of it’s been flagged as disinformation. None of it has been in any way, Buck, acknowledged as, “Oh, she’s one of the bad people. She’s a fraud.” We need to get into what’s actually hanging going forward and what they’re trying to argue. But if you actually listen to what… I believe we have this audio, right, of Rachel Maddow. Number 10. This is March 29th of 2021. This is when all of the things that she says about the effectiveness of the covid vaccine, they’re all lies, and there’s virtually no consequences. Listen to this.

MADDOW: Instead of the virus being able to hop from person to person to person potentially mutating and becoming more virulent and drug resistant along the way, now we know that the vaccines work well enough that the virus stops with every vaccinated person! A vaccinated person gets exposed to the virus. The virus does not infect them. The virus cannot then use that person to go anywhere else. It cannot use a vaccinated person as a host to go get more people. That means the vaccines will get us the end of this.

BUCK: She could not have been more wrong, Clay.

CLAY: Everything she said is a hundred percent wrong.

BUCK: And it’s not like she just went out there — and I know MSNBC’s gonna pay her $30 million a year to do a documentary a month or every six months, whatever it is, everything that she said was really just a reflection of what the consensus of the apparatus was at all. Rochelle Walensky of the CDC, Dr. Fauci of NIAID, they were all pushing the same storyline. There’s two big… There’s a lot of ways you can analyze this and see it as deeply troubling but there’s two sides of it.

On the one hand, being really wrong about medicine and about health issues when you claim to know the answer — not to have an idea but to know the answer — is in and of itself a problem, but beyond that, just for credibility, decisions have been made, and this is why I get so angry about the cloth mask thing as well and masking up between bites and all this idiocy. Decisions are made by people and have been made, Clay, based on this incorrect scientific, quote, unquote, proclamation.

So there are individuals, for example, who might have thought to themselves, “I’m at pretty high risk from covid, but I’m not worried ’cause I can’t get it ’cause I’m vaccinated.” We check really think of it. This isn’t part of the public discussion. There are individuals in the same category, high risk, who might say, “Oh, I know somebody. Maybe they have covid and we’re on the borderline if they could still be infectious, but I’m wearing a cloth mask, so I’ll be fine.” This is reckless, what Fauci and the rest have done.

CLAY: There are massive numbers of people who still don’t know what we’re telling our audience right now, and I hope most of them already know ’cause they’re trying to stay informed on these things. But lots of people are busy. They went and got their vaccine shot. They heard Joe Biden say, “If you get the vaccine you won’t get covid.” They heard all of the, quote, unquote, experts say this.

And the reason why this is so fundamentally anti-science, Buck, is because science is about questioning everything. And what you are seeing right now is the alignment between the government and Big Tech is insisting on one storyline, even if that storyline is not supported going forward by factual data. And when those stories blow up — when the narrative explodes and is no longer able to be defended — they don’t acknowledge the wrongness of what they said, Buck. They move the goalposts and pretend that what they said in the past was never there.

They try to already to say… What do they say now? “We never said that the vaccine would end covid! We check said that the vaccine was going to stop you from getting or spreading covid.” (laughing) No, we just played you the audio. That’s exactly what all of our, quote, experts were saying, and they’ve now been proven to be a hundred percent wrong, and the reality is what you and I have said for a long time, what our friend Alex Berenson has said for a long time”

Ultimately, it’s probably going to be natural immunity and/or the mutations of the virus — which we can get into with Omicron — that ends up ending this thing, just like happened a hundred years ago. We think we’re so much smarter now than we were when the Spanish Flu outbreak happened. Effectively, if you go and compare what happened two years ago to what happened with covid, I think you’re going to see almost identical end results.

BUCK: I’ve been saying this is a confluence, if you will, of mass media and mass hysteria for a long time, and you’re starting to hear — this came up on Joe Rogan’s show — “mass formation psychosis.” That’s where we are, everybody. There’s about a third of the country. And unfortunately, they control the social media companies, CNN —

CLAY: Congress.

BUCK: — and the top tier of the Democrat Party. About a third of the country is in a postreason, postdata mind-set with all of this stuff. It’s really not about what we know and what we’re learning anymore. And for those that live — and I have to always remind everybody this. Those that live in the free states, congrats. You made wise choices. You’re better off than those of us who live in the blue hellholes of New York and California and, you know, New Jersey and a few other places.

But the federal government is not done with you. The Biden administration is not done. They’re still pushing for this vaccine mandate for businesses. They may… I mean, the only thing that will stop them is the political unpopularity of it, but has that stopped them thus far? They may try to do something for domestic air travel.


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