BUCK: We were happy to see that at least some libs — and Clay I will say that is probably the most left-wing audience, the Bill Maher audience, that you will come across anywhere in the media landscape.
CLAY: They were cheering like how you would break that down.
BUCK: I manage… I’ve been on that show twice. Once was right before the pandemic, and once was about, I don’t know, maybe six months before the pandemic. When you have people who are just gonna boo everything you say when you’re conservative that can be a tough one. They clapped and I think it is because everyone’s starting to realize that unless they stop, this goes on forever with the covid mitigation stuff.
CLAY: (chuckling)
BUCK: But not everybody, not everybody is happy to see that sanity is getting a toehold even on the left — a toehold. The left is still crazy. Fauci is not done. He’s not leaving until the Republicans take back power in the midterms because then I would want them to hold hearing every day where they essentially just grill that guy and make him answer for what he’s done to so many people.
CLAY: Cry. I want Fauci crying and apologizing to America for his failures.
BUCK: I think he’s the most disastrous public official in living memory in the United States, and he has caused more harm, more misery, more destruction to the economy, more psychological distress and pushed more people to self-harm in America than any other person you can possibly think of. I honestly believe that, and I believed that for months and months now based on the data. So I think he’s horrible. I really mean that and since he’s never coming on the show I guess we can just, you know, put all our cards on the table. But here over at The View, Clay, oh, no, how dare Bill Maher talk about sanity and being reasonable. Whoopi Goldberg will have none of it.
GOLDBERG: That’s (dramatic pause) not really funny to people who’ve lost their kids to this vaccine (sic) or people who lost family members or dear friends to this. It’s just… (sputtering) You know, listen. Nobody on the planet really wants to go through this. This is not something we’re doing because it’s, you know, sexually gratifying. This is what we’re doing to protect our families. And you don’t have to do it, but stay away from everybody! Because if you’re the one who’s not paying the attention, and you’re coughin’ and sneezin’, you don’t want to… (sputtering) then stay out of the public!
BUCK: Okay. We got it. See, here’s the thing. There’s a lot of problems. By the way, she was reacting to Bill Maher saying mask on, mask off, mask between bites, this is for morons. And he’s right, by the way. And everyone listening to this knows he’s right. So she hates that. But notice how her thing is, “Fine. You don’t want to do it? You just don’t ever want to go in society ever again.” No. I’m sorry. The neurotics don’t get to have their totalitarianism forever. That’s actually not acceptable to me.
CLAY: It’s also not effective. Even if you are… Remember there used to be a morality angle to whether or not you got covid? People tried to say, “Oh, how did you get it? Oh, were you not wearing the mask? Oh, did you go to…?” and then everybody got Omicron and suddenly it got way more difficult to make it a morality based angle. “Oh, you got it even though you wear masks all day, every day, and you got double vaxxed and you got boosted and you have limited your being inside of public places.”
It doesn’t really matter. Everybody’s gonna get this; even St. Fauci of the left wing is saying it. So the logic here doesn’t even apply because you can be double boosted, triple boosted. Some of these people, Buck… Talk about mass psychosis? There’s article the other day. Some people have gotten eight or nine or 10 shots, Buck. They have continued to go over and over and over again, which probably is going to create its own possible ability to have all the chaos there.
BUCK: Let’s establish another double standard that’s quite obvious here, Clay. Why isn’t the media…? Remember when the media was making fun of Joe Rogan for horse de-wormer? Total slander. Remember when the media was making fun of people? “Ha-ha, they’re so stupid for drinking fish tank cleaner because they confused it with hydroxy…” which wasn’t even true. That was a whole other thing. That was a fabrication. And they said the hospitals were full of people taking hydroxychloroquine. Also, a lie. Notice how they don’t make fun of or they don’t even point out the stupidity of taking eight shots or 10 shots? People out of their minds. They’re obviously crazy.
CLAY: Psychologically unstable. And we are allowing their instability to govern the lives of many people out there: You, your kids, your family. It’s nonsense.
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