This California vs. Arizona Chart Tells You All You Need to Know About Masks

CLAY: Buck, I was kind of curious — ’cause I’m out in L.A. — how aggressively they would be enforcing the vaccine mandates out here, and I’ve only been asked one time to go anywhere about whether or not I had a vaccine proof card or whatever you want to call it. I feel like this is crumbling. I was just talking with you off air. Our friend Ian Miller, who wrote a book about the failure of the masking…

BUCK: Unmasked.

CLAY: Yeah, Unmasked. He did a great job. We had him on the show recently. I was just looking during the commercial break, Arizona and California have had the exact same trajectory of covid even though California mandated masks basically everywhere on December 15th and Arizona did not. There are just so many of these, and I think it becomes readily apparent when you see it from a graphical perspective, Buck, how insane it is for anyone to still be arguing for these restrictions when you just overlay them and look at them on a side by-side-basis.

There’s no legitimacy to support it at all. Arizona is obviously a neighboring state with California. One state does one thing. We’ve seen it in Orange County versus L.A. County. We’ve seen it even in the Northeast for New York City as opposed to other surrounding communities that haven’t had vaccine mandates and passports — and certainly in my hometown of Nashville, Davidson County compared to Williamson County school.

And you were making a good point, and maybe we need to request that he do this. The next time Dr. Fauci testifies on Capitol Hill I would love for someone to print up big graphical examples of these results and just point to them in the hearing and say, “Dr. Fauci, how do you explain — if your restrictive measures actually work — the fact that these graphs are identical whether masks are mandated or not?

“Whether kids are mandated to wear masks or not?” A layman, nonscientist looking at these identical graphs would say that masks have zero impact whatsoever. I would just love for him to get grilled on how to justify any restrictions over the last couple years, especially because he would pull his mask down to answer that question.

BUCK: It would go something like this (impression), “He would start talking and say, ‘First of all, science? That’s me. Second of all, you’ll address me as Science. Third of all, mitigation measures in different places, in different locations at times…'” He’s mastered the art of just bureaucratese —

CLAY: Gibberish.

BUCK: — with not actually ever really saying anything. “We look at the data, and we make determinations based on science.” He never answers, “Okay. Well, how the heck does Arizona and California have the same curve, you imbecile, if one did the thing you said really works well and the other didn’t?” It’s just the same thing! It’s like you have a little… Remember those dolls they had back where you’d pull the string? What was it?

CLAY: Say three or four things?

BUCK: Yeah, they said three or four things. That’s Fauci: “Diminution! Mitigation! Droplets! Masks! Vaccines.” It’s the same crap from this guy every day.


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