Todd Herman guest hosted for Clay & Buck for the second of back-to-back days as 2022 dwindled down to its final hours. Todd is a radio show host and digital political strategist who long-time listeners will recall enjoying when he filled in behind the Golden EIB Microphone for Rush Limbaugh.
Visit the Emerald City Exile at and @ToddEHermanShow on Twitter. Meanwhile, he kept us all up to date on the latest news happening, and sent a message to the people in power that they’d better start pursuing some believability.
• Epoch Times: Mysterious Government Agencies Participated in Suppressing Twitter Content
In Arizona, it appears it’s okay to have no idea how many ballots were collected on which date.
Also in Arizona, a gentleman named Kenneth Mayer was a so-called “expert witness” who actually didn’t witness anything.
People are balkanizing. Jesse Kelly, a regular contributor to the Clay & Buck show, advises that people do just that. Todd says that life in “The High Mountains of Free America” is remarkably different than the City-States.
• VDARE: Oregon Loses Population After Murder Rate Quintuples In Portland, Idaho Gains
• Legal Insurrection: Habitual Election Denier Rep. Jamie Raskin Calls Electoral College a ‘Danger’ to Democracy, American People; “The truth is that we need to be continually renovating and improving our institutions”
Of course, we can always turn to the Mockingbird Media if we want to hear the official view of communists and why living under such regimes is great.
• Newsbusters: NBC Whines People Fleeing Communism Have Easier Path to Asylum
Other people are moving here. Are we still supposed to pretend it’s not an invasion?
ABC, CBS Decry SCOTUS Keeping Title 42 in Place, ‘Dashing the Hopes of Thousands’
Legal Insurrection: Biden Friday Night Holiday Document Dump: CBP Releases ‘Record’ November Border Encounter Stats
Newsbusters: Illegal Aliens Are the Protagonists of CNN’s Border Coverage
Todd says, “Show me your budget; I will show you your priorities. Show me your double standards and you will tell me you have hidden agenda.”
• WFB: Wild Spending: House Dem Lands $1 Million for Former Client Implicated in Child Rape Case
The House, now supposedly controlled by supposed Republicans, must make the entire covid affair one of their top priorities. The biomedical-security state is the pin in the grenade of tyranny; unless we replace the pin, it blows up.
Dr. Andrew Bostom joined Todd to discuss the grotesque injustice of Twitter’s suspension of many accounts, including his own, due to alleged covid “misinformation” i.e., evidence-based data rebutting the warped, but “accepted” narrative.
• The Hill: ABC News mourns unexpected death of ‘This Week’ producer
• The Gateway Pundit: 9-Year-Old Boy from Ontario Dies Suddenly After Suffering a Blood Clot in his Brain
Fauci knows what he was doing and what he has done. He KNEW these injections would make the Covid variants last forever .
This man knows kids are too young to understand the stakes of being sterilized but he demands that people be censored for saying that.
How much emotional power over you have you decided to give Democrats?
• Nature: Discriminatory Attitudes Against the Unvaccinated During a Global Pandemic
Can you imagine giving any politician this much control over your mental health?
When the demand for real racism exceeds the supply, we get garbage phrases like “glass cliffs” as we hear from MSNBC about two black women at the very top of their careers.
• MSNBC: Justice Jackson and Black Woman Harvard Prez Are Victims Of ‘Glass Cliff!’
• PowerLine Blog: Stanford University has issued an apology for discriminating against Jewish people in the 1950’s. Funny thing, though, Stanford is STILL discriminating by race and they are probably STILL doing it to Jewish people.
• HHS: Whites Are Giving Non-Whites Alzheimer’s Through ‘Racism’
• Vice: ‘This Is Our Protest’: Black People Are Taking Shrooms to Heal From Racism; As more cities decriminalize or legalize psilocybin, Black people are claiming space in the wider psychedelic movement and the outdoors.
The Left hates ALL energy that actually works. Wonder why!
Is Constitutional Populism possible? British publication sees January 6th far more clearly than does the Mockingbird Media in the United States.
• Yahoo News: Trump responds furiously to Jan. 6 House committee report
• Spiked: A show-trial of populism; The pawnshop McCarthyism of the January 6 Committee is a menace to democracy.
• Breitbart: January 6 Committee Could Hide Full Record for Decades
• Spiked: The year we finally rose up against the pajama classes; From Canadian truckers to Dutch farmers, working people have had enough of the laptop elites.
Let’s talk about “antimath” (like antimatter).
Does anyone else remember competency and meritocracies? One of the biggest countries on Earth, with some of the most complex transportation needs has placed in charge of that Mayor Pete, a man whose resume stops at being a same-sex attracted, small town mayor.
But in the mind of Axios business writer, Hope King, it is Elon Musk who is being outed as inept.
Virtue signaling, corruption and math got into a fight. Guess who won?
• Fox News: Market researcher argues higher ed is failing to make good citizens by ‘saddling people with debt’
What are your thoughts about the year in review and what do you see coming in 2024? Tweet us your take @ClayAndBuck — or, if you’re a 24/7 VIP, send us an email.
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