BUCK: Canada. O, Canada. What is going on right now? We’ve got the truckers in Ottawa who look like they are gonna be coming up against some police use of force imminently. We want to bring updates on the situation there. First of all, interim Ottawa police chief Steve Bell has said that if they don’t leave, the cops are gonna be going in. Play clip 7 here.
BELL: We want people to peacefully leave. But I can tell you that if they do not peacefully leave, we have plans, strategies, and tactics to be able to get them to leave.
BUCK: We’ve already started to see some of those strategies and tactics implemented. From Canada’s Rebel News, one of the very few independent news organizations up there, Ezra Levant has tweeted out that, quote, this just was breaking, “Trudeau’s thugs threw our reporter Alexa Lavoie to the ground just now.” So, they have told reporters they are not able to cover this anymore. So, understand what’s happening here. They are creating — and, Clay, this is what’s going on right now.
As of last night, large police force massing in and around the protest area in Ottawa. They are blocking off all additional access. No one is allowed in. They’ve been putting up fencing over the last 24 hours. They have told reporters that they have to stay in a designated area, which, if you’re one of the Canadian truckers and they’re telling you that the reporters are no longer able to be there, there’s a reason for that. As we know, they’ve threatened that if you are arrested and you have a dog with you at the protest, after a week, the dog may be given away or euthanized, which got a lot of people very upset.
CLAY: Fired up.
BUCK: Children also may be subject to being put in the hands of the state after an arrest. They’re trying to intimidate the truckers. And now police are closing in on this perimeter, and it looks like it’s just a matter of when they decide. Fox is in Ottawa. I see this right now on the screen. Police are moving in on the protesters. They have large numbers of officers who are setting up a physical perimeter. So this is going on right now, folks. As I’m speaking to you, they are blocking in the protesters. Now, Fox is on site. So they clearly have not been able to prevent any access here, but they don’t want…
Here’s the concern, Clay. I think that they don’t want the world to see what’s going to happen. Sure, there can be media on site, but they don’t want media on site next to Canadian truckers who might be getting face planted on the icy cement of Ottawa in a matter of moments here because they won’t do what the Trudeau tyrant tells them to do. This could get very ugly, and this is a very tense moment for people who just want normalcy and freedom for their countrymen.
Last night I was on Tucker, and Tucker was making a really good point. The entire basis of the western financial order is the idea, Buck, that if you have money in banks in the United States, in Canada, in England — sort of the western firmament of banking — that, barring really egregious criminal activity, your bank accounts are not going to be seized, and certainly not seized for supporting a political movement demanding normalcy in this country.
I don’t think it has gotten enough attention how radical of an assault upon basic democracy what is going on in Canada right now is. And the only thing I can say now, Buck, is thank God that we have the system of strong federalism that we do so that all of the tension has been lessened, to a certain extent — I know there’s still a lot of tension out there — because of governors in red states who have allowed freedom and have allowed people who are really fed up in California and New York and Illinois and elsewhere who can to move.
But I was texting with a friend last night, Buck, about how it will find like so much of this covid universe is a powder keg, and it’s gonna go off at some point soon, and there are gonna be significant consequences. You get that feeling, too, that the buildup of pressure has just become so intense? Whether it’s the Canadian truckers, whether it’s parents fired up about masks, whether it’s overall covid restrictions, whether it’s inflation, all the failures of the Biden administration are coming to a head, and I feel like we’re headed for a powder keg moment.
BUCK: Absolutely, and when you add to it the realization that a lot of people are finally having — I wish it had come sooner for them, and this audience has certainly been listening with us, has been with us for many, many months now on Team Reality — understanding what it is that’s actually going on with all these mandates and government policies. The government is making people do things that are indefensibly stupid on a regular basis now, and the government is vicious about them.
The government now wants to put you on a no-fly list if you refuse to pull a mask up between bites. You are not masking on planes. Do not let them get away with saying that. You are masking up between bites on planes. That is the actual policy. There is zero, zero scientific evidence, data — not a single controlled trial they can point to, not one — that shows an effectiveness of sometimes my mask is, sometimes my mask is off.
But I’m protected or whatever. It is moronic — it is moronic beyond words — and everyone listening to this knows what I’m saying is true. But to your point, Clay, about the volatility of this moment, there are a lot of people who trusted… You’re just talking about the banking system. The banking system at its core is really about trust: You put money in it; it’ll be there.
CLAY: That’s right. I can get it whenever I need it.
BUCK: There’s a system in place.
BUCK: Yeah. That’s why the moment people lose faith, and there have been more and more people taking money out of Canadian banks. There’s been some data to suggest there’s been maybe a mini-run of sorts on some Canadian banks. It’s not a full-scale run. That’s a financial crisis level situation. But run on the bank is what? It’s when people lose confidence that the bank is going to give them the money when they need it so they start taking it out, and that can destroy a bank, as we know.
That can destroy a whole banking system. There’s been a run on government credibility now that’s going on. People are seeing, “What the heck did the state of California do to me? What the heck was Fauci saying all this time and these morons at the CDC?” For some people, after going through this winter and seeing how with all this stuff we did two years into it, they’re still talking… Understand this: They’re gonna say it’s victory, Clay, but it’s not victory as in “this is all over.”
Fauci’s talking about a fourth shot! People are saying it’s a break in masking, not an end in masking. They think the victory is thee created this new apparatus of control through the whole covid process and the covid pandemic and that’s why what’s going on in Canada is sport because the Canadian truckers aren’t saying just no more vaccine mandates. They’re saying, “Stop the craziness. Stop being insane, libs. get a grip!”
Whether you’re libs in Canada or America or Europe or Australia, the madness must come to an end, and that’s why the stakes are so high, which is why Trudeau — when he’s not, you know, announcing his pronouns and referring to himself as a male feminist and sounding like a left-wing barista in some part of Brooklyn — is about to send men with guns, badges, and batons in to hurt people who don’t want to obey anymore.
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