BUCK: I got so many recommendations for shows after we talked about that a little bit yesterday from a lot of our VIPs at ClayAndBuck.com, by the way, you become a VIP, those emails get right to us, we see them. A lot of people telling me to check out Justified and Longmire. (interruption) Have you guys…? (interruption) Yes, we’re getting producer… Producer Greg, Producer Mike, thumbs up on these ones? (interruption) Yes? Yeah. Have not seen Longmire. Have seen a few episodes of Justified, liked it, and for some reason didn’t keep watching it. And I don’t remember why. I think I just got distracted, maybe started watching something else.
I’m also now… I like Peaky Blinders. Did you ever have this, Producer Ali? I like Peaky Blinders so much that I’m at least watching the season before the latest season again to bring me right back up to speed, ’cause been a while. I haven’t had my Peaky Blinders. (impression) “By order of the Peaky Blinders…” I haven’t had in a while; so I’m rewatching season 5 before I start season 6 now. Great show. For me, it’s kind of in that top 10 scripted show, drama and whatever. I would put it in my top 10. I really, really like that show a lot.
The music is awesome. The writing is very, very good. It is one of those shows, though, where I recommend subtitles, and I go back and forth. Some people like subtitles and they can hear. You know, it’s not a hearing issue for them, but they just prefer subtitles all the time. Are you guys in the always-subtitles camp? (interruption) Yeah. (interruption) Oh, wow! Three-for-three with our NYC producer squad here on they all like the subtitles while they’re watching the show. I can tell you when you start mixing in the Belfast accents with the Edinburgh accents with the Birmingham slang and then “the Traveler,” which is the contemporary term for people formerly referred to as Gypsies in the U.K.
They don’t like the term Gypsies. They prefer traveler now. They have a really strong dialect. Anyway, point being the closed-caption really helps. The subtext… The writing at the bottom of the screen definitely helps with that show. And a lot of shows, I kind of like it. And you know what’s funny, Ali, Carrie pointed out to me yesterday… She was actually listening. It’s always so nice fiancee is listening to some part of the show but she’ll just send me some text, like, “That was good.” I was like, “What? What did I do?” ‘cause she’s listening.
Well, I don’t want to spoil it, but I made an amazing call in the first episode. I was like, “I don’t think these guys are on the up and up,” and then the plane went down. But that show… There was even another show that we started to watch together ’cause we’re looking for that perfect place where 40-year-old guy, 33-year-old girl will both enjoy the show at roughly equivalent levels, or something close to it, which is a long way of explaining that we tried a show on Netflix called The Wilds. You guys even familiar with this? This is about a bunch of college girls on their way to a female leadership conference in Hawaii who crash on a deserted island and then it kind of gets Lord of the Flies.
Now, Lord of the Flies, is it by Goulding — William Golding? Is that right? Man, going back into the past. That’s like sixth grade, fifth grade reading list stuff. Lord of the Flies is a great novel, for what it is. But this one, this kind of a woke, all-female Lord of the Flies. We got two episodes in, and I was like, “I’m going to disable my ocular cavities. I cannot watch this anymore. I cannot handle this anymore. This is… You know, it’s not…” It wasn’t really for me. But the point was that there’s a lot of survival content. Entertainment goes through phases.
There will be a period where there’s all these disaster movies like the global warming movies where it all turns to snow and then there’s the volcano in Washington State or whatever, and then they all come out at the same time. Dinosaurs have gone through phases. You’ll remember, there was a whole vampire phase in the nineties. I can’t even think… They were churning out vampire movies like it was nobody’s business, and then it actually made a comeback in, like, the early 2000s. But, you know, there was that Interview with the Vampire Movie with Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise.
Anyway, there’s a whole bunch of… So, it goes through phases where you’re just making… Of course, the Ninja movies of the eighties. I can’t tell you how many times I watched American Ninja, which in retrospect, is completely ridiculous. In fact, I watched all of them. There is an American Ninja movie that is set in the Caribbean so it’s kind of like, “American Ninja — at Club Med!” It’s just the whole thing doesn’t really… But right now, I think we’re in — and I do believe that some…
It’s tied to the feelings out there of people given what we’re going through and what’s happening… (interruption) Oh, zombies! Absolutely true. There was a zombie phase where they were making movies. Of course, Walking Dead. Walking Dead was a huge… It was getting, like, 20 million viewers an episode for a while. I saw it up until the baseball bat incident, and then I was like, “I’m out. I’m out. Can’t do this anymore. Can’t. Can’t. Sorry. Went a little too far for me on that one.”
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