Vax Passports for Interstate Travel and More Covid Madness
13 Aug 2021
CLAY: We are the most honest place for covid discussion, really probably just discussion in general in the country today. Buck, I’m fired up. I’m ready to roll. I’m ready to roll into the weekend, too, ’cause I’m headed to Florida, which should be a lot of fun even though I know that our boy Ron DeSantis is under fire in every direction. Are you ready to roll here?
BUCK: I’m ready to roll. I just want to know… I asked this question on Twitter; I haven’t gotten any particularly compelling answers yet. “What did Ron DeSantis do to Japan?” Because Tokyo has reported 5,773 covid cases in the last 24 hours. Their daily cases have topped 10,000 for more than a week. Hospitals are filling up, thousands infected, thousands more isolating at home. Thirty-six percent of Japan’s population is fully vaccinated, by the way. So clearly it must be Ron DeSantis’ fault. Whatever happens in Japan or Indonesia or anywhere else for that matter is his fault.
CLAY: They’re not wearing their masking hard enough.
BUCK: They’re not masking hard enough. That is absolutely right. I’ve been saying for a while, if you double mask, what is the reason, what is the rationalization for not wearing goggles and/or triple masking and they just get mad at me. But I just say, “I’m sorry. I believe in the science,” and, by the way, Clay, these mandates that are coming to cities across the country?
I gotta say, months ago when things were looking a little bit better and some of the red state people, like you Nashvillians and Tennesseans, were doing your happy dance of freedom. I had to be that little chirping bird on the shoulder saying, “Hey, I know I’m in New York — I know the commies run this place and you think it’s not your problem — but the commies also run the federal government and they’re not done with us and Fauci has not repudiated.”
CLAY: It’s spreading exponentially. Let’s play this for those of you who have not heard. We talked about the way the show ended yesterday, I thought, pretty staggering news about New Orleans coming out and saying — ’cause you think of New Orleans as kind of being the ultimate in fun destination place. And let’s be honest. Bourbon Street is not a cleanly or very safe place.
Anybody who’s ever been out in New Orleans I’m like, “Hey, I’m gonna go to Mardi Gras. It seems like it’s like gonna be really healthy.” Everybody who goes to Mardi Gras comes back sick now I can’t go to bars or restaurants or potentially New Orleans Saints games unless you’ve been vaccinated. Guess what? London Breed the mayor of San Francisco — of course, you knew it was coming — vaccine passports, vaccine mandates to go to go to restaurants, gyms, everywhere. Here’s what she said to do about why she’s doing it.
BREED: Starting August 20th you will need proof of vaccination in businesses for your customers in high-contact areas like bars, restaurants, clubs, theaters, entertainment venues, indoor gyms and fitness. And large indoor events with more than a thousand people.
BUCK: Clay, this creates the framework for them to get eventually to everyone’s gonna have to be vaccinated or deal with — in their minds, I’m just saying this is the plan. Everyone’s gonna have to submit because otherwise, even if you think you’re going to pick places, you don’t know. You don’t know where you’re going to be, where they’re going to enforce it, where they’re not going to enforce it.
You go out for dinner with the family, they don’t care about your vaccine status let’s say, but then you want to go get ice cream afterwards, “Oh, you need to have your vaccine passport.” This is what we’re actually facing in major cities across the country, and now you got the Biden administration threaten to come over the top. The airlines said they won’t require vaccine passports for everybody to fly domestically.
But guess what? If the Biden administration — just like with the masks — if they say you have to provide proof of vaccination to fly domestically, now you don’t know where you can go, now you can’t fly unless you’re vaxxed and they’re gonna find other ways, as I keep saying, to turn the screws. Man, this is happening. And I know people don’t want to believe it’s happening, but it is happening right now.
CLAY: And we’re leading the resistance, honestly, because there’s very few people out there who even feel comfortable speaking out in an aggressive way. And here is one of many reasons why this is, I think, so dishonest of our government. Fauci is continuing to say that you need to get vaccinated because otherwise the vaccines — now he’s starting to say — may not work. Listen to this. This was Fauci. Play cut 17, please.
FAUCI: That is a real possibility, Lester. We don’t want to frighten the public, but we want to make sure they understand that we have 94 million people in this country who are eligible to be vaccinated who are not vaccinated. If you allow the virus to freely essentially roam through the vulnerable population and infect people, you give it ample opportunity to mutate. Which means a person who’s unvaccinated is not only putting themselves at risk and their family, but really are putting the community at risk!
BUCK: You’re putting everybody at risk, Clay. You’re basically a murderer if you don’t want to get shots on the government’s say so for the rest of your life without actually even having to have an explanation about, “Hey, why doesn’t natural immunity count instead of this? Hey…?”
CLAY: I think that’s the first part of this. It’s so dishonest about Fauci. He said 93 million people are unvaccinated and potential spreaders of covid. We don’t know the exact number because our government has done a poor job of actually considering national immunity.
BUCK: Oh, they don’t want to know. They don’t want to know, Clay, ’cause that would interfere with the messaging.
CLAY: Right. To their credit, England has done a good job of looking at natural immunity and vaccinated immunity and has found that around 92% of the English population has either natural or vaccinated immunity. So, this 93 million number is dishonest. We know there are tens of millions. You’re listening to two of them right now who have already had covid and currently have covid antibodies.
The other thing here that’s so dishonest about that argument that Fauci just made is, the variants are highly unlikely to come from countries like the United States where there are lots of vaccinations. They are likely to come from places like India where there is virtually no vaccination at all and there are way more people that are effectively petri dishes to allow these mutations to occur.
Which is why the southern border matters so much here, Buck, because we’ve got the Biden administration floating the idea that they’re not gonna let you go from, I don’t know, Ohio to Michigan or Florida to Georgia or Arizona to New Mexico and instead… I hope Arizona and New Mexico border each other, by the way. I think they do. But instead —
BUCK: Yeah, they’re letting thousands of people with covid across the border.
CLAY: Yes! They’re letting them all across the border potentially all of sorts of issues with covid variants in countries where they’re coming from where there’s virtually no vaccinations.
BUCK: Yes. And what you said before about the variants coming from elsewhere in the world it has been known for a long time that the flu generally emanates out of that the flu variations that come, come from China, in large part because of the massive number of people, but also the way that human beings in very large numbers interact in very close contact with livestock there. This is how we get avian flu and swine flu —
CLAY: Right.
BUCK: and these things tend to come out of China, but these things can come from anywhere. This isn’t a situation where all the sudden people get very tense about, “Oh, but why do the viruses…?” Doesn’t matter. The point is we have a situation right now unfolding that the critics of Fauci-ism have said is exactly where we would be —
CLAY: Yes.
BUCK: — which is that this is going to get to a place where they’re going to want Covid Zero. They’re not gonna allow for us to get back to normal life even when deaths are down 75 or 80% from the peak, which nationwide right now in the U.S. they are. They’re not gonna let us get back to normal life even when 70% of people over whatever the age is now — over 18 — are vaccinated. They’re not going to let us get back to normal life and they’re gonna demand the perpetuation of the safetyism, Fauci-ite covid state, including now vaccines.
Clay, once they get the apparatus and the system in place for people to have to get booster shots, guess what, everybody! They’re going to say it’s preventative, and this has been my fear all along. You’re gonna have to get your covid booster every season — and while you’re at it why not get the flu shot, too, and whatever else the government’s gonna give you. I gotta say, anyone who’s been making the argument that slippery slopes are real and slippery has just been consistently right here in the face of the Fauci-ite madness.
CLAY: (chuckles) Well, this goes to what now there is finally starting to be a panic, which is the vaccines wear out faster than anybody hoped the vaccines would wear out in terms of their protection. That’s the reality. Now, I’m not saying that if you’re over 65 you shouldn’t go get the vaccine. You should, based on risk profile. But this idea that you are going to get a covid shot and for a decade you were gonna be fined and there were gonna be no issues?
The breakthrough cases are becoming more and more prevalent, and those people who got the vaccines in February and March and April, as we move into fall, which is typically cold and flu season, I don’t feel very good, Buck, about the idea that there are going to be way less cases as the spread continues. Remember Florida.
BUCK: What are you gonna do, by the way, when you have to come hang out with me in New York. We gotta go out and get steaks.
CLAY: Yep.
BUCK: Clay likes to stay in beach fighting shape so he’s more of a filet guy.
CLAY: (chuckling)
BUCK: I like the ribeye. But what are you gonna do when you come to New York?
CLAY: I honestly don’t know. I think it’s going to be like Prohibition.
BUCK: I’m gonna have to sneak you into the restaurant? We’re gonna have to pay them off? I’m going to have to find someplace that likes sports.
CLAY: I think we’re gonna have to say so the show, Buck, “Hey, Clay’s up in town. He’s unvaccinated, unwashed loser. You need to slide into our DMs if you have a restaurant that you’re a big fan of the Clay and Buck show.” We know there’s a lot of people in New York listening. We got some numbers.
BUCK: We’re gonna having burgers out at some Irish pub in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn. I know where this is gonna happen.
CLAY: (laughing) We’ll probably go out to Staten Island.
BUCK: In the Bronx, Staten Island.
CLAY: I bet Staten Island wants us.
BUCK: That’s right. Manhattan, my friend, you are gonna be persona non grata without that shot.
CLAY: We’re talking about covid madness spreading like a plague. New Orleans. This has just come out here in short order. New Orleans! (chuckling) Think of all the cities out there that embrace, I would say, poor life choices. You never come back from New Orleans —
BUCK: I think that’s being a little harsh to New Orleans.
CLAY: No, I love New Orleans!
BUCK: It’s a great town with amazing food.
CLAY: I love New Orleans. But, it’s like Vegas. Nobody leaves New Orleans or Vegas typically and thinks, “You know, what? I’m way healthier leaving this city than I was when I arrived,” and I love New Orleans. I’ve done the double-header in New Orleans a lot for going to LSU football games. You go into New Orleans; you make the drive to Baton Rouge. New Orleans one of my favorite cities. I love Vegas too, by the way.
BUCK: But they don’t make you drink until you puke and then go to exotic dance clubs afterwards.
CLAY: Do you know who you’re talking to? (laughing)
BUCK: You could just go to city and enjoy good food. I’m just saying.
CLAY: If you offer those options to me, it’s hard for me to say, “No,” Buck. Here’s what New Orleans now requires. Proof of vaccines or a negative covid test in order to enter bars and restaurants, music and event spaces, gyms and fitness centers, stadiums and sports complexes, casinos and racetracks.
Basically, in order to go into almost any business. They’ve left out I guess gas stations and grocery stores. But virtually everywhere else, you either have to have proof that you got a vaccine or a negative covid test — by the way, from the last 72 hours, which means you’re constantly tested. That would mean if you’ve gotta go to multiple covid tests a week.
BUCK: They are barring people from participation in public life in this country. That is what they are doing. They are doing it now in the largest city in America, and now many others. The dominoes are falling. This is actually happening right now. This is actually where we are, and people need to understand. L.A., give it…
I would even say maybe over the course of the show today, Clay, we’ll have an update on L.A., because they’re just figuring out how this is now about the messaging and how they roll things out. People who go to Stanford University right now, grad school students, undergrad? Same thing with Duke University. I just spoke to someone about this. They have to be vaccinated and get a weekly covid test!
CLAY: I know.
BUCK: This is completely insane.
CLAY: I know.
BUCK: And I think it’s important for us all to remind everybody that if these rules that are now being foisted on us, if they made this pitch a year ago, if they said this going into the election people would have said — a lot more people, not all of them. Obviously, there are some lunatic libs with emotional and psychological problems as a result of covid, lots of them. But people would have said, Clay, “The Democrat Party is completely out of its mind right now.”
CLAY: Yeah.
BUCK: The persuadables would have said, “There’s no way. Come on. You’re gonna get a vaccine that you tell us is 90% effective, you’re gonna mandate the vaccine, and you’re gonna mandate testing weekly for people who have the vaccine?” How much crazier is this gonna get? You look at Australia and realize it could get even crazier. That’s why we have to stop this nonsense.
CLAY: We have to, and also this is super racist, by the way. These cities which have large black populations and Hispanic populations, they are basically saying to their black and Hispanic populations, “You can’t go to a restaurant. You can’t go to a sports bar. You can’t go to a sports venue.” This is madness on an epic level.
BUCK: What are the percentages, Clay, of black New Yorkers where we already have the mandate going into effect next week? As I’ve been telling you all, I have no choice ’cause I gotta go to a wedding.
CLAY: Yes.
BUCK: This is the world that we live in now, 18-to-44 year old black New Yorkers, 28% of them vaccinated. Twenty-eight percent!
CLAY: So you’re telling 72% right now of black New Yorkers, “You can’t go to a restaurant. You can’t go to a gym.” This is a real deal that nobody’s talking about.
BUCK: Let’s get to Kevin in Minneapolis, Minnesota. What’s up, Kevin?
CALLER: Not much, guys. Almost always when something nefarious is going on, all you have to do is follow the money and see who stands to benefit from it. In the last few months, we’ve been hearing in the news how the three pharmaceutical companies’ stocks are going through the roof. I want to know which members of Congress bought the stock, how much they bought, and how much they’ve made.
I want to know how much those scratch-and-sniff Joe and Dr. Jill invested in those pharmaceutical companies. Schumer, McConnell, Pelosi, I want to know. Bill Gates, I want to know how much money you invested, how much stock you bought, how much you’ve made, because there’s no rational reason to be shoving this vaccine so hard.
CLAY: Thanks for the call. Look, I think — and this has been my position for a long time pre-vaccine. I think if you are a senator or you’re a congressman — certainly if you’re the president or anybody of that ilk/magnitude, part of the executive branch at a high level — you should put all of your money in index funds.
The idea of buying individual stocks, I think, just creates the appearance of impropriety in a big way, Buck. So I’ve always been of that opinion, because questions like those are very valid, and they also tie into what has often been a big part of faith in government is not only impropriety, Buck. It’s the appearance of impropriety. So when you’re buying or selling individual stocks as they have the right to do now, I just don’t think that’s a smart move for a political figure.
BUCK: Yeah, there used to be an exception to insider trading for members of Congress.
CLAY: Yeah, right.
BUCK: Which was appalling and then people found it out and then they said they’re gonna get rid of it. There’s a little more accountability but it’s still a bit watered down whereas if you work like in the financial services sector and, you know, you make any mistake, you get fired, you get ruined, and there’s all these restrictions on it.
CLAY: Yeah, no doubt.
BUCK: So Dobbs in New Orleans wants to tell us what is going on in one of one of my and Clay’s favorite cities. What’s up, Dobbs?
CALLER: Hey, guys. Just wanted to quickly chime in. New Orleans Parish is 60% African-American; less than half of that population is vaccinated. Not only are these people not allowed to go into restaurants but they’re really doing damage on try to get people to come back to work.
CLAY: That’s a great point.
CALLER: Restaurants are closed for a lot of days because they can’t get employees back to work. So now stores and restaurants have to continue to shut down? And this is after the fact of so many folks have lost all the money that they were going to make with the canceled jazz fest.
CLAY: Thank you for the call. That’s a great point that I hadn’t even contemplated, Buck, from Dobbs down in New Orleans. In addition to the fact that they have to have people checking the vaccine status and/or negative test status of people who might be coming to a restaurant or bar, for instance, they also theoretically can’t hire people, because so few people have gotten the vaccine as well. So you’re losing out — the small businessperson is — on both sides of the equation there.
BUCK: Absolutely, Clay. This is why this whole process as it plays out across the country… I mean, this is madness. This is gonna have really serious ramifications and implications that I think people in charge… I’d like to almost think that they’re not thug through, but I think they just don’t care. They just want to control. It doesn’t matter to them what the damage is.
BUCK: Alex looks at the data, and I remember, ’cause you and I both follow him — you and I have been talking to Alex now for over a year and a half — he was getting ridiculed in June for saying, “Guys, the Israeli data’s concerning. Guys, the Israeli data is concerning.”
CLAY: Yes.
BUCK: Now the Israeli data is actually looking like something that is almost prophetic in looking at how this is gonna play out in other places. But when he says — he says straight up — they’re lying to you, meaning the media’s lying about this stuff, Clay, there’s a news story right now on Mediaite. Mediaite is covering a CNN story where they have two anchors who were crying and a parent who’s crying because there’s a baby with covid in the hospital, and they’re saying if you want to…
It’s a horrible thing, right? It’s sad, a baby, but there’s a lot of emotional impact meant to come from this, and it’s, “Get vaccinated or babies are gonna be in the hospital.” That’s just not… It’s one in a million. Less than one in a million babies are going to be in the hospital from this.
CLAY: Yeah, and look, what Alex is saying — and this is data-based, right? He’s not some soothsayer. He’s looking at the data, and I tried to ask him directly, “Are we going to be more like England where they saw a massive spike and then they’re back down, or are we gonna be more like Israel?” I think he made a pretty good case that, based on Israeli data, we are trending in a big way towards being like Israel.
I think it’s important for people out there in the Northeast and the Midwest who are saying, “Oh, look at Florida. Look at Texas,” remember, this is the way those cycles have worked because Florida, when it gets super hot, everybody goes indoors, and that’s when covid spreads down there.
When it gets more normal temperature, which is what is going on in the Midwest and the Northeast right now, that is when Florida starts to decline, and these other parts of the country skyrocket. And his point I thought was an interesting one, Buck, on Oregon, which is one of the most vaccinated states in the entire nation, and they are seeing right now a skyrocketing rate of infection.
BUCK: Right as he said — and I’m sure some people at home, a lot of people listen to us driving the car, whatever. So safety first, right? Keep your hands on the wheel. But I did Google Oregon right as he said that. And, yeah, there’s all these news stories about Oregon’s big case spike. Interesting, because you have to look for it.
CLAY: It’s not the lead story on CNN, no.
BUCK: If you just had on was CNN, all you’d see is Texas and Florida. Oregon has a big case load? Hold on a second. Oregon is a very blue state with a high vaccination rate. Isn’t that interesting, Clay? So we got that. Look, I think it’s… I know they’re gonna Alex Berenson on the left — and not even the left, just the sort of consensus media, the Democrat left is gonna say that he’s a quack or whatever.
Even though, how many times has he been right already! He’s not right all the time, but I think he’s batting about from his predictions that I’ve seen 80%, maybe 90%. (chuckling) He’s been pretty solid, and I gotta tell you, man, when he says they’re lying about this only being a pandemic of the unvaccinated, he’s not saying that it means there’s a disparity —
CLAY: Right.
BUCK: — but that there isn’t a substantial piece of the current wave that are fully vaccinated individuals. The word “bombshell” is being overused lately, but it’s true.
CLAY: Yeah.
BUCK: That is a bombshell.
CLAY: We are being told by our government that if everybody was vaccinated, covid would go away. You agree with that as the primary sales pitch right now from our government is if everyone would be vaccinated, it would go away?
BUCK: If everybody would give up their vaccine hesitancy, Covid Zero is the belief that we are to have from the media, and it’s clearly not true.
CLAY: It’s a hundred percent false, and if we go down the pathway of Israel, what people are going to have to acknowledge is that, once more, all of the quote-unquote “experts” lied to us and sold us a false bill of goods, and it’s just going to create more anger and antipathy out there against all of these people who are trying to tell you what to do. Covid’s not going away no matter what we do.
BUCK: Let me give just a theory and then we got get into the latest on Afghanistan, because it’s rare that you’re gonna be doing a radio show, Clay, and in real time a country is actually falling apart that the U.S. has been propping up for 20 years ago, and that is happening right in front of our eyes. So we’ll get to that because it’s almost like watching a stock ticker of a collapse, of a stock market crash.
CLAY: Yes.
BUCK: That’s what the news updates on Afghanistan look like right now. And I’m getting tweets and text messages and people I know from government side, people I know from media who cover Afghanistan. Anyway, one more thing, though. I just want to put this out this as a thought, Clay, and I’m not making a prediction. I’m just putting out an idea.
We know the Great Barrington Declaration, which came out roughly — what was it now — a year and a couple of months ago, maybe, or roughly a year ago? The Great Barrington Declaration, a thousands of scientists signed it said we should have a focused protection regime of isolate and protect to the greatest degree possible those at risk. Everybody else — everybody else — basically is in a let it rip quarantine when you’re sick and just deal with life phase.
CLAY: Which is what we normally do in America.
BUCK: That’s how we handle flu. That’s how we handle other things.
CLAY: Yes.
BUCK: If Alex’s Israeli data thesis here is correct and mass vaccine… It’s not that they don’t work; it’s that they don’t work forever, which is clearly the case when Fauci’s saying we’re all gonna need boosters at some point, okay?
CLAY: Right.
BUCK: But if he’s right that they fade much faster than anybody anticipated, what we’re gonna eventually realize is that the only true way through this — meaning it really is not the public health crisis — is through mass, naturally acquired herd immunity.
CLAY: Everybody has to get it.
BUCK: Basically, everybody is going to get this thing.
As of Wednesday, Israel had 451 seriously ill Covid patients in its hospitals.
276 are vaccinated: 266 fully, 10 partly.
A year ago today, before vaccines existed, it had a TOTAL of 368 seriously ill hospitalized patients.
If this is vaccine success, I’d hate to see failure.
— Alex Berenson (@AlexBerenson) August 13, 2021
CLAY: Yeah.
BUCK: They will never accept that. They will never agree that this is the end-state conclusion because of what they’ve put everybody through, but it does seem like that’s a possibility now, doesn’t it?
CLAY: It seems like that’s the only way for normalcy to truly occur is everybody’s gonna have to get covid, basically. Or else you’re gonna have to get eight boosters a year forever.
BUCK: Let me just say, the other possibility, though, and this is actually what I was getting at, is that if you get 70% to 80% of the U.S. population has had it, then the reservoir for the bouncing around becomes smaller, and then you get to relative herd immunity, at least. That’s why maybe you could say the delay for the seniors that have gotten the vaccine…
There are some ways that there will be nuance in this. But, yeah, basically naturally acquired immunity may be the thing that is durable and the only way that we actually get out of this. And we’re gonna find it out the hard way, largely because I think we’ve rejected a hundred years of actual human experience with viruses —
CLAY: (chuckling)
BUCK: — to get us to this point, which anybody who disagrees with go read, as I have, some of the histories done about the Spanish influenza pandemic and we had some of the same arguments and the same societies for the masking of all humanity and these people were nuts.
CLAY: We’re trying not to be the bearers of all bad news. But, man, that Alex Berenson data analysis, if America is following down the path of Israel, is going to be cataclysmic in this country, Buck.
BUCK: Well, cataclysmic for the narrative, right?
CLAY: Yes.
BUCK: ‘Cause the upside of this that you and I have just been talking about is, as weird as it is to say, we’re gonna get to a point where basically everybody’s immune system has been in contact with this thing one way or another, right?
CLAY: Natural immunity is going to become the new focus. If Alex Berenson numbers are right, then getting the vaccination is not going to be really the pathway out of this covid madness. It’s going to be everybody getting natural immunity and being exposed to this virus.
BUCK: All makes sense when you start to add it up. Let’s get to some of the folks out there across the country. We got Chris this Clinton, Kentucky. Chris, welcome.
CALLER: Thanks for taking my call. We have drawn the line in the sand in Hickman County, Kentucky. We’ve had a very tyrannical governor that keeps issuing mandates that he has had the power stripped away from, and he’s had an injunction put on. He’s got the Kentucky board of education doing his dirty work for him, mandating masks in schools.
And we’ve drawn the line, and students and teachers have walked out of the school today because the staff or the officials told them to. They were told that they were gonna have to leave if they would not wear the mask. And my wife is a kindergarten teacher. She did, as well as my children, and there are other —
CLAY: So for people who don’t know — thanks for the call, Chris. The governor of Kentucky, Buck, has mandated that everybody has to wear a mask.
BUCK: In a very red state.
CLAY: It’s a very red state. Beshear sort of lucked his way into that gubernatorial position. And what’s unfortunate is we’ve had Rand Paul on this show a lot. And Rand Paul has been one of the best and most outspoken and honest covid analysts anywhere in government. And instead of being able to listen to him, I think what Chris is hinting at is the mask battles, as we saw here in Tennessee, have become real.
BUCK: Yeah.
CLAY: And that is a massive, massive deal.
BUCK: Let’s get Bruce in Orlando, Florida, in the mix here. Bruce, what do you got for us?
CALLER: I just turned retirement age. I’m conservative. I’m not a neocon. You know, I travel the state for my job right now and I listen to conservative radio all day long. But there’s no clarity from anybody anywhere. Thank God we got a good governor, Governor Ron, in Florida. There’s no clarity on what path to take.
CLAY: How old are you, Bruce? How old are you?
CALLER: I’m 62 and a half.
CLAY: How’s your weight?
CALLER: I’m a skinny guy, former athlete. I’m six foot; 180.
CLAY: All right. So what you’re hinting at — and I appreciate the call — is there’s a lot of conflicting advice out there. What I would say to you, Bruce, is here 62 and a half. I would say for people who are in that 60-and-up range as we have been saying for a while, Buck, that the vaccine is a good choice, right? The data would reflect that the people who are in the biggest risk are 65 or older. You’re close to it, Bruce. If you haven’t gotten the vaccine, I think it makes sense personally. That’s what I told my parents.
BUCK: Yeah.
CLAY: You should talk to your doctors. But for us… Buck and I are not doctors, but from our perspective, I would give all our listeners the same advice that I would give my parents, and that was, if you’re over 65, take the vaccine.
BUCK: Yep.
BUCK: My theory about Biden, Clay, is that nothing should be surprising to any of us because when you elect a second tier politician with a third tier intellectual who’s never been impressive one moment in his very long public life, you’re going to get an administration that looks like what we’re seeing right now. But he’s got a little bone to pick with you, Mr. Travis, or at least with some of the folks who have been making noise in Tennessee about mask mandates. Here he is.
BIDEN: I saw a video and reports from a Tennessee, uhhh, protesters threatening doctors and nurses who are before a school board making the case that to keep kids safe, there should be mandatory masks. And as they walked out these doctors are threatened, these nurses were threatened. You know, our health care workers are heroes. They were the heroes when there was no vaccine.
Many of them gave their lives trying to save others, and they’re heroes again with the vaccine. They’re doing their best to care for the people refusing to get vaccinated. To the mayors, school superintendents, educators, local leaders who are standing up to the governors politicizing mask protection for our kids, thank you. Thank God that we have heroes like you — and I stand with you all, and America should as well.
BUCK: Pardon me while I clean up the vomit off my shoes, but go ahead, Clay.
CLAY: Masks don’t work, Mr. President! There’s no evidence that they work at all, and I’m fired up because I went Tuesday night to make that argument in front of my local school board, and there were over a thousand parents there and kids arguing against masks. You know what happened, Buck? This is what happens all too often.
There were two or three people — which we played the audio on this show — just yelling that they disagreed as the people who had counterveiled the overwhelming majority of people in my school district’s opinion and voted masks for kids that were telling those people that they didn’t support that choice in no uncertain terms. It wasn’t like it was violent. It wasn’t like there was danger.
It wasn’t anything like that at all. They took that clip of about 20 seconds and tried to turn it into a representative sample of what happened on Tuesday with over a thousand people there. This is so unfortunate, because it’s what happens all the time, and they’re trying to demonize people who don’t believe in masks and look at the data as if we are awful human beings, and we aren’t. We’re actually, I believe, the majority of sane people in America right now.
BUCK: Yes, but unfortunately, we’re not calling the shots in a lot of these cities. I worry that we’re gonna come back on Monday, Clay, and there will be even more places with vaccine passport mandates in place, even more localities that decide to go with this.
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