
Vindication! Judge Confirms Virginia School Bathroom Assault

CLAY: We are officially one week from an election in the Commonwealth of Virginia that could rock the entire world of the political establishment. Glenn Youngkin, the Republican, most recent poll, straight up dead heat tied with Terry McAuliffe, the former governor of Virginia, attempting to regain election. This is in a “blue,” in quotation marks, state that Joe Biden won by 10 points. At a minimum, Democrats are going to be hemorrhaging voters, losing a lot of suburban support in northern Virginia and in suburban Richmond. Glenn Youngkin with a chance to pull off an incredible upset in Virginia and potentially set the table for a red tide in 2022. Democrats are terrified of what might be happening in this state.

And we got major fuel to the fire added yesterday. A lot of discussion in Loudoun County where really the revolution for many of you out there, school board revolution, the Lululemon revolution, the angry moms, the suburban parents are fed up with critical race theory, they’re fed up with being talked down to by politicians like Terry McAuliffe who says you don’t have any right to determine what your kids are being taught. Well, the domestic terrorist argument that came out of the DOJ, Merrick Garland investigation into school board meetings. One of the incidents that they cited was actually connected to a parent showing up at a school board to talk about his daughter being sexually assaulted in a school and no one taking it serious. This is a big deal.

Monday juvenile court judge in Loudoun County Pamela Brooks, she agreed with the charges that a boy in a skirt went into the bathroom there and committed forcible sodomy and forcible fellatio. This is the juvenile court equivalent of a conviction. In other words this assault happened. What this dad was demanding was in fact addressed. The boy has not been named because he’s a minor. He’s gonna return to court on November 15th for sentencing. He’s also been charged with sexually assaulting another girl at a different school in the same Virginia school district in October. And all of this, this father is threatening to sue the NSBA, the National School Board Association, for calling him a domestic terrorist. He said in a statement after the verdict, “We’re greatly right field justice was served today. No one should have to endure what this family has endured,” and now their focus is completely upon their daughter’s health and safety as she progresses forward with her life. All right. I wanted to lay out all of those details because they are potentially, as you well know, Buck, the crucible moment of this election may welcome down to this school board and the revolution in Loudoun County over kids and what they’re learning in schools.

BUCK: Couldn’t come all of this at a worse time for Terry McAuliffe. As we know, we’re just days away from what will be the biggest governor’s race certainly in some time —

CLAY: Yes.

BUCK: — and will be one of the biggest political decision days we’ve seen since the 2020 election. And the Democrats are aware of this too. You can already see some of the national news outlets that are trying to frame this as, “Oh, well, it’s just Virginia” or they’re saying that “this is really about Trump.” You know, it depends. Are they trying to hedge their bets, or they trying to have one last push depending on the article? It can be one or the other. Clearly McAuliffe is trying to do everything that he can to make this a referendum on Trump though which just goes to show you what a pathetic state the Democratic Party nationally is in right now. He’s also blaming the national Democrat Party. Some of his donors were quoted in a New York Times piece yesterday, one of his donors in particular about how, well, basically Biden’s put McAuliffe in a bad spot. When it’s year one of a presidency and governors in states that went solidly blue in the election a year ago are saying, “Well, I mean this White House is basically dragging me down,” you know that the national party is aware of the fact that there’s a lot of buyer’s remorse from independents. A lot of people have turned around and said, “Wow. This Biden administration does not have what it takes to get this done.”

You know, there’s like the layers here, right? There’s the national level party bring it on down to the state race. McAuliffe has really stumbled here because of the school board, as you’ve been saying, the school board parental rebellion against critical race theory teaching, the trans agenda, too, that was a big part of this. Remember, the school board meeting where that concerned father who had a daughter who was sexually assaulted — this is now on court record. This is now established. That concerned parent showed up there to talk about the transgender bathroom policy in the school, and the school board pretended not to know that this has happened. Why? Because parents might feel a little bit differently about letting — let’s be very clear about this — teenaged boys in the girls’ bathroom because the teenaged boy says that he is in fact a girl. If there had been an assault, which there was, a lot of other parents might have felt differently about this. So you have the hiding of it, you have the Soros-backed prosecutor who was showing up at the hearing for that dad that was arrested for being rowdy at the school after his daughter had been sexually assaulted, that prosecutor who ran on empty out the prisons, basically, we need to end the incarceration state, whatever, backed by Soros, and also connected directly to McAuliffe.Clay, all this looks awful for a Democrat Party that’s used to having essentially uncontested control over the public school system in most states across the country and certainly in the education bureaucracy at the federal level.

CLAY: So we’re kind of setting the table for everybody out there, ’cause we keep talking about this election. There’s not a lot of elections that are taking place in 2021. So using this in some way as a prelude for what might happen in 2022 is going to be the narrative that emerges one week from today when Virginians go out to the polls and make their choice on governors. The two most recent polls — and I’m looking at Real Clear Politics which does a great job of collating all of these different polls — an Emerson poll that came out yesterday had this a dead heat race 49 to 49. The USA Today/Suffolk poll which came out today had Terry McAuliffe up 46 to 45.

So I want to kind of contextualize this because regardless of how this race goes — and obviously we want but you think to win, and we courage any of you in the Virginia area to make sure that you go out and support him because this is an important message being sent even by having this as a tight race. But, remember, Biden won this state by 10 points. If Terry McAuliffe wins by a point or two, then that’s a seven- or eight-point swing that we are talking about in a state like Virginia, that seven or eight-point swing magnified in other states would represent, Buck, a landslide. But I want to in the same way that we talked about California and the potential recall, all of the heavyweights are coming out, including Barack Obama. I want to play this cut for you from yesterday that we played because it’s so incredibly tone-deaf, particularly in light of this Loudoun County kid being found guilty of forcible sodomy and forcible fellatio, a major story in Virginia, and Obama was intimating that this was a culture war and it didn’t matter. It sounds even more tone-deaf today than it did yesterday when we played it. Listen.

OBAMA: I don’t have time to be wasting on these phony, trumped up culture wars, this fake outrage that right-wing media peddles to juice their ratings and the fact that he’s willing to go along with it instead of talking about serious problems that actually affect serious people? That’s a shame. That’s not what this election’s about. That’s not what you need, Virginia. Instead of forcing our communities to cut back at a time when we’re just starting to recover, we should be doing more to support people who are educating our kids and keeping our neighborhoods safe.

BUCK: Barack Obama has always been the most shameless of demagogues. So this is not surprising that’sthat he would come out and say things that are so disconnected from reality. But when he says things like this at a moment where a lot of pounds — we keep folks in Loudoun ’cause it’s a hot spot, there’s a front line in a sense here of the parent rebellion against CRT and the trans agenda and all the rest of it; but it’s happened, Clay, as you know in Tennessee, it’s happened in other states all across the country about mask mandates, about a variety of things, but for Barack Obama to act like our side is the one that is pushing a culture war. Really? They’re the ones that are saying we need teenage boys to be allowed in the women’s — or the girls’ bathroom in the schools and if you have a problem with that you’re a bigot. They’re the ones that want us to refer to the now four-star admiral of the health service, Dr. Levine, as a female or else you’re a bigot, you’re banned from Twitter, you probably should be fired from your job. And we’re the ones pushing the trumped-up culture — pardon the expression — culture war?

And when you add onto it what you’ve laid out which is this that sexual assault that happened in the school that the school tried to cover up and that they essentially wanted to make go away because it went against the narrative, Barack Obama steps in and now says the culture war is phony? I think this was a misstep by him as well.

CLAY: No doubt. It’s a colossal misstep. And, by the way, Republicans aren’t even really involved in the biggest culture war that is going on right now. We’re gonna talk about it later because there’s more commentary coming out. Dave Chappelle’s comedy special. It’s an internal Democratic civil war over whether you can make fun of transgender people at all or whether that’s unacceptable and lead and should lead to your canceling. Republicans are kind of on the side saying, “Hey, you know, we kind of like jokes. We kind of like the idea that comedians should be able to endorse human even if it sometimes makes people uncomfortable.” That’s not a trumped-up, fake right wing outrage meter. That is an internal Democratic civil war that is going on right there.


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