WaPo’s Lame Defense for Outing Libs of TikTok

CLAY: If you paid attention to the controversy surrounding the Washington Post attacking the Libs of TikTok account, this is kind of a significant story here, because the Libs of TikTok Twitter account basically just grabbed all the crazy things — many of them, frankly, are teachers, but – that left wingers are saying, and shares it for the audience at large.

And so the Washington Post decided they had to do a deep investigation of this Libs of TikTok Twitter account — and also TikTok account and Instagram and everywhere else — and here’s the Washington Post’s intrepid, lying reporter, Taylor Lorenz, talking about why that was so important to do.

BUCK: Fascinating, isn’t it, that anonymity for social media users is so subjective when it comes to who the left thinks should be able to be anonymous online and who they think should be unveiled using the resources of the second richest man in the world, Jeff Bezos, and his Washington Post to do so. Notice the “it could be a foreign power.”

This is just playing to the deranged Democrat mind about “Russia! Russian information operation! Trump and the Facebook pages” and all the rest of it. All you have to do is say, “Oh, it could be a foreign influence!” First of all, they love foreign influence when it actually hurts their political enemies. They could care less about it.

And then the notion that somehow what Libs of TikTok — by the way, they are just running Mark Meadows text messages on CNN. They’re just gonna do this all day. I’m seeing this over my screens here. It’s funny. Anyway, they’re going to keep pushing that because they have nothing else to push just so they’re clear on it so they’re hoping that this is somehow a distraction.

But back to Libs of TikTok. Libs of TikTok just shares what is already being shared. This is the amazing part of it, and I would have everybody note: If you go and look at this account — and it’s also on Facebook now and the videos… You know, the Libs of TikTok brand, so to speak, makes its way onto Facebook and Instagram. You go and you see these videos.

It’s not that the left says, “Oh, that’s terrible, we don’t stand for that or this isn’t something that we would ever say.” They just attack the sharing of the content. It’s not that when they hear a teacher say really off-putting stuff about what kind of gender identity training 5-year-olds need, the left says, “This isn’t representative. This isn’t actually what we believe.” No. They just say, how dare you go after trans people in this way. Well, it’s just letting a trans person in some of these cases — or a pansexual person or a cisgender, nonbinary I don’t know.

CLAY: Imagine that even these phrases exist, right? I mean, like you’re running through them. To your point, who cares if it’s a foreign actor if all they are doing is taking people’s opinions and sharing them with an audience? You’re putting your opinion out there. It doesn’t matter who’s running this account. They’re just holding up a mirror to how crazy the left wing in this country has become, and the left wing doesn’t like that mirror being held up and reflected so that people around the country can see how crazy they’ve been. That’s what this really is about.

BUCK: I think they also are recognizing that this game they play of… What they used to think they could get away with is, “That’s not happening. That’s not what’s really going on.” Because of Zoom at home instruction parents are now attuned to this ’cause they’ve seen, and there’s a whole awareness. There’s an awakening among parents about what their kids are actually being taught.

And that’s why… Here’s a perfect example. I mean, we’ve just gone through the Parental Rights in Education bill thing. Here’s an example of what is going on right now versus what’s the left would like to be happening. They say that Governor DeSantis in Florida is banning math textbooks, for no reason. They say he’s just banning math textbooks. That’s the storyline. That’s the talking point.

The reality is that the Florida Department of Education is picking which textbooks they’re going to actual distribute to children in schools, and some of them contain… “Banning,” just so everyone knows, would be we can’t buy this book. If you have this in the state of Florida, you’ll be arrested, or this is banned to be sold. That’s banning.

Not choosing someone’s book is not the same as banning a book. That’s for starters. So they’re lying to you with that. But this whole notion of social, emotional learning, which has become much more prevalent in the public school system and chief commissar — what’s her name — Randi —

CLAY: Weingarten.

BUCK: — Weingarten. Thank you. The chief commissar of the schools is out there talking about all this stuff. DeSantis said, “Math is about getting the right answer. We want kids to learn to think so they get the right answer. It’s not about how you feel the problem should be or to introduce some of these other things. There’s a right answer and a wrong answer.”

Clay when you look at some of the social emotional learning, it’s bizarre. There will be a math problem: “What is a quarter plus a third?” and then below it will be, “Oh, like, how does this problem make you feel? Like, does this, like, address the social issues of society?” It’s bizarre what they are doing in some of these curricula.

CLAY: No doubt, and did you see the video that went viral this morning from Good Morning America? Speaking of the conflict that exists between Disney and the state of Florida, they had a — I believe was — a transgender kid doing a catwalk on Good Morning America. Like, this is really getting… Again, under 18. This is really becoming more and more of a commonplace story — and, by the way, Good Morning America is on ABC which is owned by Disney. It’s hard to make the argument that Disney isn’t in some way, as a larger corporation, complicit in trying to normalize this.

BUCK: I saw that video, and hat tip to I think it was Matt Walsh who was sharing it out there. And, obviously, again, this is just the content that’s out there. This is not even editorializing on it per se. This is just, “Hey, guys, remember this clip from ABC, one of the biggest…” I mean, GMA, the whole thing, it’s, “Oh, let’s just have everybody watch. Like, a little bit of news, a lot of, you know, ‘Oh, this is how you make the best summer salad,’” right, as opposed to be, you know —

CLAY: Totally unthreatening television, is what —

BUCK: It’s just pablum. It’s just meant to be the easiest sort of show. Anyway, the child in this case looked to be about — it’s a boy about, what — maybe 10 years old, something like that?

CLAY: -Ish, I would say.

BUCK: Maybe 8 or 9, doing a drag show. And when you see the video — and this on Good Morning America on ABC which is owned by Disney and millions and millions of people are watching. You have a little boy dressed up in a glittery gown with a big wig on and a boa swaying his hips side to side and dancing in a way on the ground that is inappropriate. I mean, I don’t know what else to say, Clay. You see this, you say, “What the heck?” But because there’s this whole, “Oh, no, it’s a celebration of…” Of what, exactly?

CLAY: I just come back to, we don’t let in our household our kids pick very often the food that they eat. I have a 14-year-old and 11-year-old and a 7-year-old. Because if we let them pick every meal that they would eat, then they would not be remotely healthy. And I’m not sure it’s saying they’re the perfect approximations of health when it comes to what they eat already.

We’re far from perfect. How is it that…? Virtually, by the way, every patient is the same way, right? You have to in some way help control what your kids eat, particularly the young ones, right, when they’re in elementary school. How is it that the same parents who won’t let their kids pick what they eat are supposed to be okay with letting a kid pick their gender when they are 10 or 11 years old?

I refuse to consider this to be normal, and that’s what they’re trying to do. They’re trying to normalize this idea that young the kids — way before they’re adults — can decide that they are a different gender that they were born and that they can be expected to have surgery to address their being the wrong gender. This is truly child abuse, but it’s also a form of insanity, Buck.

BUCK: I think the left has actually gone over the cliff here, and they don’t yet fully realize it, but most of America is saying, “Oh, no, you’ve actually gone over the cliff, guys. This is too far. This is not intellectually or ethically defensable,” and they’ve gone over the cliff with any number of things, with the male competition in female sports the NCAA at the highest level, right?

They’ve gone over the cliff with defending teaching 5-year-olds about transgenderism and gender identity, which it’s fascinating because absent that instruction, how many transgender 5-year-olds are there? Apparently zero. But all of a sudden with that instruction, we’re told, you’re bringing out what was already there. Based on what, exactly? Where is our…? It’s absurd.

CLAY: Kids are so susceptible.

BUCK: Yeah. They’re brainwashing kids. And the problem is now they’ve recognized that their only way through this is just to keep doubling down and saying, “No, this is a civil rights struggle.” Really? The civil rights struggle to tell your 5-year-old in public school — without your knowledge as a parent — that, you know, you’re not really a boy, you’re a girl? They’ve had teachers hide some of the early transitions from parents. Think about that.

I mean, who do kids really belong to? Family. They don’t belong to the school system. They don’t belong to chief commissar Randi Weingarten and the Biden administration and all the mediocrities around him who are actually calling the shots. But we keep saying it: Everybody out there, you have an opportunity here — you, listening, anywhere in the country — to do what you can between now and this election to send a message.

I’m not saying it’s gonna make all the problems go away. Clay and I are both realists. We know there’s a lot of stuff. We’re gonna have to hold the Republicans to account if they do get a majority, you’re still gonna have jackass President Biden running things. But at least we can point to it and say, “The madness has been turned back for now.” We can do this — we can do this!


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