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We Hear from Health Care Workers About to Lose Their Jobs

28 Sep 2021

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BUCK: Holly’s a nurse in California who faces the mandate. Want to take some calls? What do you got for us, Holly?


BUCK: Hey.

CALLER: Yeah, I live in California, I am a registered nurse with 30 years experience in labor and delivery, and because I am opting not to take the vaccination, I am facing dismissal.

CLAY: Have you had covid?

CALLER: I can honestly say, “How could I not have had it working in the hospital for the last year and a half, two years?”

BUCK: So, Holly, are you gonna forgo the shot and leave your job or do you think that you’re just gonna make the decision that you gotta concede on this one?

CALLER: I am not going to take the shot, and if it comes down to me having to leave my job, unfortunately, I will do that, because this is a cause that I believe in. No, I will not take the vaccination. It’s about control now. It’s not about the vaccination now. It’s about control now, and no, I refuse to take the shot. I’m gonna walk away from a 30-year career.

CLAY: Well, we appreciate that

BUCK: Holly, appreciate you calling in, sharing with us.

CLAY: It’s a tough call.

BUCK: Clay, a lot of New Yorkers are now facing that decision and they’re making the Holly choice here. People feel very strongly about it.


CLAY: We’ve got people who want to weigh in. Buck, who do we want to go to first?

BUCK: Let’s take Carol in South Dakota. Hey, Carol, how you doing?

CALLER: I’m doing great. Hi, you guys. Love you. I listen to your show all the time.

BUCK: Thanks so much.

CLAY: Appreciate that.

CALLER: Yes. Well, I’m from a red state, and we kind of escaped the mandates for a good, long time. Now all of the sudden, Biden decides that hospitals are not gonna get Medicare and Medicaid reimbursements if all the employees aren’t vaccinated. I’ve been in my present position as a nurse for 30 years, and now I’m gonna be terminated as of the 1st of December.

BUCK: So you will be fired? You live in South Dakota, and you’ve been a nurse for 30 years, you will be fired as of December if you do not get vaccinated.


BUC: Yeah, this is what I’ve been saying. The red states, people think the red states are gonna be free of this stuff. It’s not the case. They’re gonna come after you on the federal side. It’d be good if some state governors did more to try to protect the people in their states from this kind of thing.

CLAY: Have you had covid yourself, do you know?

CALLER: I have been exposed for the last 18 months, 19 months. I know I have been. I’ve had a couple of situations where I didn’t feel good. But I have never had it per se. I’ve never even been tested for it.

BUCK: Have you ever been tested for antibodies?

CALLER: I’m gonna be doing that here pretty soon.

CLAY: Yeah. I would encourage that. Thank you for the call.

BUCK: Yeah.

CLAY: I would encourage everybody out there, if you’re nervous about getting the vaccine but you feel like you’ve been exposed — which, frankly, a huge majority I think of the American public has, especially if you are in a hospital — I’d encourage you to go get an antibody test. I did it, Buck did it. Even if you haven’t tested positive for covid, you can find out whether or not you had it. The antibody tests that I took — I don’t know about yours, Buck.

But it cost me I think 25 bucks. It took an afternoon, and you officially get tested. You give blood; they analyze it. I’m sure there’s different ways they can do it but the way that I did it was pretty simple. Give ’em a blood sample, they do it there at the meeting while you’re there. And they come back and tell you whether or not you have current antibodies in your body.

BUCK: And of course there’s also T-cell immunity, which they can’t even test for, which you can get from an actual infection and recovery from covid. And that’s part of why people believe it is more durable and more effective to have natural immunity than even the vaccinated kind. Sarah in upstate New York. Hey, Sarah, what’s going on?

CALLER: Hi. Thanks so much for taking my call.

BUCK: Thank you.

CALLER: Sooo, can I just give you my story briefly here?

BUCK: Go for it.

CLAY: Sure.

CALLER: Again, I’m in upstate New York I’m a physician assistant and my husband’s a physician assistant as well. Briefly, my story is that I’ve been a PA for the last seven years. I’ve had the privilege of treating and caring for so many patients during the last seven years. Particularly over the last year and a half, it’s been a really lonely time for a lot of people in the hospital.

I was honored to have the opportunity to do a lot of FaceTime visits with family members, hold many hands with everything going on, tears streaming down on my side of the screen and their side as well. The beginning of this pandemic was 39 weeks pregnant. I sent my husband to work in the covid tent without all the proper PPE (choking up) and long story short, I got covid working in the hospital in January of this year (crying), and now me and my husband are both… You know, we’re both on the line right now to lose our jobs.

CLAY: So you said you were 39 months pregnant. Is the baby okay?

CALLER: Yes, that was at the start of the pandemic.

CLAY: Is your baby okay now?

CALLER: Yeah, he’s totally fine.

BUCK: Oh, thank God.

CLAY: Okay that’s what I wanted to ask. Now, for you and your husband —


CLAY: — are you open to moving to a different state because obviously both of you have been working hard to try to take care of everybody, as you mentioned, holding up phones so that people could say good-bye to their loved ones. You’ve already had covid. You have natural immunity.

CALLER: Exactly.

CLAY: Are you and your husband open to moving to a new location to be able to do your jobs?

CALLER: We’re kind of just kind of waiting things out right now to see how things will play out. You know, we have family here, extensive family and we really love where we live.

CLAY: Yes.

CALLER: We’re very involved in a lot of things here, church, et cetera; so we’re having a hard time figuring out what the next steps are.

CLAY: I can understand why.

BUCK: Yeah.

CLAY: I appreciate you sharing your story, and I know there are a lot of people out there who —

BUCK: Clay, she’s one of the people who everyone in New York was banging pots and pans for —

CLAY: That’s right.

BUCK: — banging together things to show appreciation, “Thank you so much, thank you so much,” and now by diktats from Hochul — the tyrant of the Empire State — she and her husband face losing their jobs after all the service they’ve done. This would be like taking your soldiers and throwing them in prison after they come back from the war, because they won’t support the right political party. This is madness.

CLAY: It is complete and utter madness, and we appreciate her sharing her family’s story, but I think that’s representative of thousands of other people in the state of New York now, Buck.

BUCK: Of course! Look at what the risk is that they’re willing to take on even at this point, and remember that even people who get the shot at the last minute, there’s gonna be a lot of… There are a lot of people that view this as a moral issue, right? They’re judging the people who haven’t gotten the shot yet who are in these situations, whether it’s a hospital or a school setting or whatever. And, remember, the vaccines work so well, everybody, that everyone around the vaccinated has to get the vaccine even if they have natural immunity for no apparent reason. That’s what we’re told.

CLAY: Totally illogical. Also, the mandates, I think, stiffen the backbone of many people that they don’t want to accede to governmental authority.

BUCK: People don’t like tyrants. It’s actually a great human —

CLAY: Trait.

BUCK: — yearning for freedom against tyranny.

CLAY: It’s a great trait of America, after all.

BUCK: Yeah, it’s one thing that you see happening here, and it kind of reaffirms your faith that in the long run the country might actually be okay bays there are some people who are just saying they will not bend the knee to the tyranny. So we’ll get into this more tomorrow. Clay, any thoughts?

CLAY: I just… I’m praying for all those people out there who have to make that decision, job or vaccine. I don’t think it’s an easy one, and I think the New York governor is an imbecile.

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