What the Smartest Person Joe Biden Knows Did on Pornhub Will Shock and Disgust You

CLAY: I don’t even know how much of this we can talk about, which is always a good tease on the radio, but the latest Hunter Biden stuff, Buck, is pretty crazy. I don’t even know, can I even read the headline here from the Daily Mail?

BUCK: Just so everyone knows, Clay would be quoting here, okay? So, I think you can read the Daily Mail headline. There’s no profanity. It’s just deeply disturbing.

CLAY: Yeah, and what is wild about this is… Okay, here’s the headline: “EXCLUSIVE: Hunter’s starred in his own amateur porn videos on Pornhub, and once sent a link to ‘Dad’ on his phone. Search history reveals his obsession with porn and sex fantasies,” I don’t even know that we can read these, “including ’18yrs old,’ ‘lonely widow’ and ‘MILF crack cocaine porn,’” which I would think is a small category. I’m not an expert, but I would think that “MILF crack cocaine porn” is not regularly searched.

BUCK: What is “lonely widow porn”? I didn’t even know that was a thing!

CLAY: I didn’t know that was a thing either. So these are again he was uploading amateur porn videos to Pornhub, and remember this is the man that Joe Biden said, Buck —

BUCK: You’re shocked, by the way. Clay, it’s hard to shock you. Like you and I are both sitting here this is the president of the United States’ son!

CLAY: He was being paid millions —

BUCK: Millions of dollars.

CLAY: — of dollars by China and Ukraine.

BUCK: Yeah, and he uploads porno videos of himself. And he also, by the way, lied on a federal background check form when he bought a gun, which is a federal crime, but guess what? They’re not gonna prosecute him for that one, either.

CLAY: And, by the way, I didn’t even know, like, I like to consider myself to be… I know I’m 43. I’m not necessarily the most with-it person anymore. “Lonely widow” is a porn category now? Like, I’ve never even heard of the idea. What a weird…? I mean, this dude —

BUCK: Can you imagine? You know how we do this, Clay, can you imagine if one of the Trump adult children was in any realm of the same just clear casualty catastrophe, I mean, just a total mess, this guy’s —

CLAY: If any one aspect of this had been done… I mean, you’ve got the president of the United States’ son doing porno videos that he is posting on Pornhub. I just — and again, remember, this is the man that Joe Biden said is the smartest person he knows, and is in direct business relationships with Ukraine and China and frankly the Big Guy as well. And, by the way, I meant to mention this a while back. One of the friends that I have wore to Universal Studios a T-shirt that just said, “10% for the Big Guy.” That’s all it said on the T-shirt. Have you seen this T-shirt?

BUCK: No, but I want one.

CLAY: And we were walking around at Universal Studios — this was back when I was down there in December — and the number of people that got it and were giving thumbs up and being like, “Oh, man I love that shirt,” but I think Joe Biden got 10% of the money, at least, that Hunter Biden was taking.

BUCK: Clay, Donald Trump Jr., if he got a B+ in precalculus, the media was diving into it to know. Maybe he should have done more homework, could have gotten that A. And it’s not just like we’re looking at this adult son of the sitting president, he was selling influence on the global market to the guy who is now the president. He is selling paintings, finger paintings! The crack addict son of the president is selling finger paintings for $50,000 a pop when he’s not trying to make some money on the side apparently uploading porno videos of himself, and the media just has no interest in this.

CLAY: How many videos was it? I haven’t read the full article yet. I was just looking at the headline. One is too many, but how many?

BUCK: I didn’t want to click on the article. I don’t even know what I want to see in this article.

CLAY: (laughing) He had a Pornhub premium account.

BUCK: Uhhh, of course. Yes.

CLAY: “A regular user of sex cam sites where he made screen recordings of himself interacting live with the women on the site.”

BUCK: He was paying prostitutes, by the way, and filming the prostitutes. This guy is a total mess, and think about how Jimmy Kimmel and some of the late-night shows and some of these other people that have cultural platforms they suck up to him. “Like, oh, man, isn’t it crazy, what a party guy you are, man, you’re just kind of a rogue, you’re a renegade.” No. He’s a disgusting mess who was selling access to his then vice president, now president dad on the global market, and not paying his taxes and not registering as a foreign agent. You can go down the list. Nothing’s gonna happen to him, Clay. That’s the crazy part.

CLAY: Talk about how weird this is too, Buck. “Text messages also show Hunter…” This is from the Daily Mail: “Hunter apparently sent a link to a Pornhub page to a phone number he had saved in his contacts book as ‘Dad’ on October 22, 2018.” So he’s sharing porn with Joe Biden?

BUCK: Who…? (sputters) You do not share porn with family members, for God’s sake!

CLAY: I just… I mean, I’m looking at this article, Buck, and I’m just scrolling through, and, I mean, this is all crazy stuff.

BUCK: And, by the way, I’m just wondering, Clay, do you think if we…? (laughing) If we did a really thorough scrub of CNN.com right now, do I think that this story even appears on it?

CLAY: No, I don’t think that it probably is.

BUCK: It does not. I’m looking. Nope, nothing on Hunter Biden. Not a single story on Hunter Biden right now on the page. Look, this is why I think for so many people, not only is there such low trust in the media, which there should be. I mean, you should only trust media that tells you who they are, what they believe, what they’re trying to accomplish.

Anybody who says they’re objective is a lib and are lying to you, pretty much. In this instance, this is the president of the United States’ son? Now, I understand the sins of the father shouldn’t be held against the son, so to speak. In this case you could see the sins of the son maybe shouldn’t be held against the father. But it does say something, Clay. It does say something about Biden and the whole situation. I mean, this is… You look like you were totally engrossed in reading the details of what a mess he is.

CLAY: Some of this… He searched for “Washington, D.C., MILF crack cocaine” seven times on Pornhub?

BUCK: Oh, my God!

CLAY: I mean, this is… (silence) Again, I just can’t even conceptualize most of this. But imagine if one-1,000th of what is in this article was attributed to Donald Trump Jr. It would have been an international crisis, right?

BUCK: They would find a way to try to impeach then President Trump based on the… They would just say, “The son is too much of a risk, a security risk. He’s probably telling himself…” They would come up with some story to actually take action against Trump based on this. By the way, just to be clear, of course Donald Trump Jr.’s done nothing like this. The most angry I’ve ever seen the media get is when he used to post hunting photos of himself.

CLAY: No, no. I think it’s just, if you wonder what bias in media looks like, just think about the way that Hunter has been covered and the passes he has gotten compared to an investigation into hamburgers at the Trump hotel, as you like to point out, to see whether or not it violated the emoluments clause.

BUCK: Emoluments clause. That was a real thing. They were concerned, the Washington Post wrote a major story about how dozens of different foreign countries’ diplomats would eat at the Trump hotel bar. I used to eat at the Trump hotel bar all the time when I lived in D.C., by the way. They had great flaming bacon, believe it or not. They had these bacon strips that would hang down.

CLAY: It’s phenomenal.

BUCK: I did many of my business meetings there. It was so much fun. I’d see, like, “Hey, there’s Bill Barr, Rudy Giuliani.” You’d see all your people. It was a great time.

CLAY: Whatever you think about Trump, the way that they turn in a old post office for anybody who had ever been in that D.C. building into a spectacular hotel was phenomenally well done. That was a great hotel that they rehabilitated in what was otherwise a very decrepit, in parts, building.

BUCK: Yeah. But, again, the point was that they were saying because the second deputy minister from the Finnish embassy had sat at the Trump hotel and had a cheeseburger, maybe Donald Trump, a hundred layers removed from this, was somehow being influenced on foreign policy.

CLAY: Yeah.

BUCK: They were actually making that argument. That was the argument they were making.

CLAY: And think about where Hunter Biden was taking money, Buck. The two places that are the most integral, probably, in American foreign policy right now, Ukraine and China. Millions of dollars they gave him. They had all this information, by the way. You want to talk about an unbelievable national security risk? Yeah, it’s having a crackhead son with a porn obsession who has millions of dollars and no otherwise assets to sell other than close proximity to Joe Biden, the Big Guy, who was getting 10% of everything — and yet somehow, this isn’t being covered. And e’s uploading porn videos? Crazy.


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