
What’s Bigger News: The Attempt to Kill Kavanaugh or Jack Del Rio’s Jan. 6 Opinion?

BUCK: This is Washington Commander’s defensive coordinator, Jack Del Rio.

BUCK: Who, Clay, I have to say, is now added to my list, along with Aaron Rodgers and Kyrie Irving and some other some other folks who have been willing to speak out and say things that are uncomfortable for the left to hear, and I like it. So he is now my new favorite defensive coordinator. I did not know who he was before. He’s speaking here about the double standard between the investigation of January 6 — or really the endless just fixation on January 6 — and the BLM riots that I always tell people:

Not only was it $1,000,000,000 of damage and dozens of people killed in those riots and a riot that actually happened even on my own block that it was embarrassing as a New Yorker to walk out and see what my city had allowed to happen with shattered glass windows on my street. Not someone else’s place — on my block where I live, broken store windows, stuff stolen out of stores. And with all of that, Clay, there was also the implied threat going into the election of, “You better — you better — elect Joe Biden or else.” All the stores were boarded up. Everybody was ready for it. Jack Del Rio, makes some sense here. He’s my favorite defense coordinator. I don’t even really know what a defensive coordinator does, but he’s my favorite.

CLAY: Well, so Jack Del Rio got destroyed for sharing that opinion. This is what I talk about how the sports media zealously guards and protects anyone who says anything left wing. But if you say something common sense wise like Jack Del Rio did — which is, “Hey, you know, we had hundreds of BLM riots all summer long and nobody’s really ever investigated them. Nobody, to my knowledge, has ever really asked the question, ‘How centrally controlled were all these riots? Who was helping to provide the impetus for them to be all occurring all over the country simultaneously?’” Very valid questions, I think, particularly because Democrat politicians were bailing out people who were arrested for violent crimes. Jack Del Rio asked that question, and he had to apologize later in the day.

BUCK: Oh, no! He had to bend the knee? I didn’t know that. I still like him, though. I didn’t even know him.

CLAY: He saw he didn’t fully bend the knee. He issued a statement. But my point on this was — and why I wanted to play it — the Washington Post treated Washington defensive coordinator Jack Del Rio’s opinions on January 6th as the equivalent of a news story of the Brett Kavanaugh assassination attempt. If you went on the Washington Post website last night, Buck, and you scrolled through and you’re like, “Okay, what are the biggest stories of the day?” those two stories were side by side.

BUCK: The importance to — whether it’s the Washington Post, the New York Times — Democrat media. And I always tell people this. We have a partisan media in this country.

CLAY: A hundred percent.

BUCK: Don’t ever get confused about this.

CLAY: Yes.

BUCK: There’s partisan media. You and I sit here as conservatives. We’re honest about it. Democrat media lies and says, “Oh, no, we’re unbiased.” But the Democrat media focuses in on the Jack Del Rio story, not because they really think this guy — who I have literally had never heard of until you told me this — who’s the Washington Commanders’… I didn’t even know that was the team’s name. I guess they —

CLAY: They yeah. They had no.

BUCK: I can’t even say the.

CLAY: For people out there, they had to do away with —

BUCK: The Washington bleep!

CLAY: — the Washington Redskins name.

BUCK: So you may know you get it on the radio.

CLAY: So they made them the Washington Commanders.

BUCK: Oh, you said it on the radio, you naughty boy!

CLAY: Yeah, I know. We’re probably going to get canceled now.

BUCK: But Jack Del Rio says something. The point of the story, Clay, the reason they elevated, it’s not because they think it’s a big deal, right?

CLAY: Right.

BUCK: It’s to make an example of him.

CLAY: A hundred percent right.

BUCK: Right. It’s to show everybody, you better shut your mouth. You better have a nice warm glass to shut the heck up over the January 6 thing, or else you too could be on the front page of the Washington Post alongside or even more prominently displayed than an actual assassination. I think that’s.

CLAY: Think about how crazy that is, because it’s a great point that you’re making. I want everybody out there to understand this. This is about sending a message to anyone in the world of sports: “Hey, if you have an opinion that is outside acceptable discourse, we will ruin you, and we’ll treat your opinion as so significant that it’s the equivalent — in Washington, D.C. — of an attempt to assassinate a Supreme Court justice.” You’re scrolling through, you get home from work, you’re a big Washington Post fan, you’re looking. Number six story, assassination. Number five story, the Washington Commander’s coach opinion of January 6th. It’s wild. That’s the world we live in right now.


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