PRESIDENT TRUMP: As far as the vaccine, I’m very proud of it. I pushed the FDA like they’ve never been pushed. They don’t like me too much. I’m not so sure I like them. Very bureaucratic. But I got them to approve a great vaccine — three of ’em — in a period of less than nine months. I was told by Fauci and everybody else it would take three to five years, and probably five, and it probably won’t even happen. And I got it done in less than nine months. So, I consider it a great achievement. I actually think that if we didn’t get it done, worldwide you would have another Spanish flu which killed a hundred million people, according to history.
BUCK: Welcome back to the Clay Travis & Buck Sexton Show. There you had former president Trump on Hannity show last night talking about his pride over the Operation Warp Speed-enabled vaccine. So this is always left out when they pretend like Trump is anti-vax. He actually has been taking victory laps about the vaccine for many, many months now. But the narrative cannot be bothered with facts as we know, Clay. That cannot be allowed to get in the way. The narrative about natural immunity from infection cannot be allowed to get in the way.
CLAY: Data! Just data. Actual facts aren’t allowed to be discussed until, as we were just talking about during the break, all of a sudden everybody has the exact same analysis of facts that we’ve been talking about on this show for months, which they say, “Oh, you can’t say that,” right?
BUCK: Right.
CLAY: And then they end up recognizing what we’re talking about.
BUCK: It goes from banned to inescapably and obviously true —
CLAY: It’s amazing, isn’t it?
BUCK: — and we’re not supposed to notice when it comes to everything the lockdowners say. That transition… There’s this silent transition from, “Shut up! You can’t say that, peasant. Listen to Fauci! Listen to the science! Oh, my God, we’re all gonna die,” and then it’s, “Oh, wow. You guys were right about that thing. It looks like the numbers show it,” which is why we’re gonna have Berenson on to talk about it.
Turns out that was actually true. Another place where we see the imperviousness to facts and data — the kind of things we talk about on the show — is New York City, where, first of all, there are a lot of places… I’m going to back to New York tomorrow, tomorrow night, I’ll back in New York City.
CLAY: Got your brother’s wedding.
BUCK: Got my brother’s wedding this weekend. Very excited for it. Big family event, obviously. We’ve got New York City now returned to a form of lockdown, really, because that’s what this is, right? It’s not-a-shelter-in-place lockdown, but it’s the dystopian, “Show your papers, please,” for the vaccine lockdown, which is not just New York. It’s also what, San Fran, Philly, L.A., New Orleans.
CLAY: Spreading everywhere.
BUCK: And here’s the thing. I’ve this said so many times as a New Yorker to the rest of the country. If the libs, if the lockdown Fauci-ite lunatics get away with this in New York, it is much more likely to be replicated by the crazy libs in other places. This has been true of so many things that we have seen, including, of course, the original lockdowns and the extension of them beyond the two weeks to slow the spread.
But New York City businesses are now suing Mayor Bill de Blasio over what they say is an unfair vaccine mandate. Quote — this is from the Daily Mail — “This will destroy our business.” There’s so much going on here, Clay. We mention the racism part of this in the second —
CLAY: Yeah.
BUCK: — which we’ll certainly get into, but I also just want to point out, New York hasn’t recovered. A lot of these cities have not actually recovered. There are thousands of businesses closed forever. There are a lot of other particularly we’re talking about restaurants, venues, things like that that are just limping along, and do they’re gonna have to deal with this?
Because there are people who are gonna say, “I’m just not gonna go.” You know, if you have a choice… If I have a choice between Fantastic Steak Restaurant A and Steak Restaurant B and one of them is a vaccine mandate place and the other is not, out of principle — even though now I’ve been forced to get the vaccine, out of principle — I’m gonna go to places that believes in human medical freedom.
CLAY: No doubt, Buck, and there are a couple angles here that I think are important. One, anyone who has ever run a small business, the idea that you would have people want to come spend money at your business and at the front door you are going to turn them away, not because your restaurant is so packed that there’s no availability for them.
But because of this vaccine passport as you are attempting to struggle from the lockdowns, and maybe your business, maybe your restaurant, maybe your bar just barely survived by their fingertips? That’s part one is crazy. Part two associated with this, Buck — and I don’t think this is getting enough discussion — I’m a dad, right? During fall break we may take a vacation.
During Christmas break or Thanksgiving, we may take a vacation when kids are out of school. I’m not going to New York City. Why would I go to New York City where tons of people come in to spend money? This vaccine passport, it’s gonna hit hotels. It’s gonna hit restaurants, bars. Not only is it impacting people who live in New York.
BUCK: Also known as politicians, for the most part.
CLAY: Well, for the most part, unfortunately. Those guys have no idea what situation they are creating for small businesses that are already struggling all over New York.
BUCK: We never got to normal, and that’s what I think has been lost in so much of this. There’s never been normal, really, in New York City. It’s not normal even here in Nashville where you get into an Uber or you go to the airport —
CLAY: Did you have to wear one back from dinner last night or just on the way out?
BUCK: Only on the way out.
CLAY: That’s funny, right?
BUCK: So the Nashville-based Uber driver made us mask up, but the Franklin, Tennessee-based Uber driver did not. I didn’t wear a mask. I don’t know. He didn’t say anything about it.
CLAY: Yeah. He didn’t request it. It’s funny where you get in an Uber with impact things. I was saying when I went to dinner last night, my fifth grader had his school meeting, get to go meet the teacher and everything else. No parents were wearing masks, virtually, for that meeting inside of Williamson County. If you were in other cities, maybe even Nashville, everybody would have been masked up and cosmetic theater buying in.
BUCK: I can’t… It’s a private communication, but I will say I just had a friend who’s a journalist based in D.C. — kind of centrist journalist — text me, and she was like, “You were right about Fauci and masks all along. I’m part of the revolution now.” I was so excited. I was like, “Thank you. This is happening.”
CLAY: I think this is important.
BUCK: People are finally seeing, it’s too nuts. They’re wrong too often.
CLAY: That’s right.
BUCK: Stop believing in this crap.
CLAY: We need to get 60% of people, right? We need to get 60% of people to buy in, look at the data you, right? And some of those people are gonna have to be Democrats in order to for that to happen. And then Biden’s gonna have a tough political reality. He’s gonna have to say, “Wait a minute. We keep beating this covid drum, and it’s so discordant now that people are abandoning it.”
BUCK: Right.
CLAY: That’s what we need to have happen.
BUCK: We’re never going to be able to… With reasoned facts, logic, and a respectful approach, we’re never going to be able to convince people who double mask —
CLAY: There’s 40% who are lost. They’re lost, unfortunately.
BUCK: — in the shower or go for bike rides by themselves with goggles and a mask and hand sanitizer. By the way, hand sanitizer is not stopping you from getting covid, by the way. Remember when washing your hands 15 times a day, Lysoling your groceries, all this stuff. They’ve been wrong about so much of this garbage all along. But if we can at least get the solid majority —
CLAY: 60%. That’s all I want.
BUCK: — American people to understand this is crazy, it becomes politically untenable and the edifice of covid lockdown madness starts to end. But it’s gonna require active, active measures. You can’t just sort of sit around, ’cause, Clay, here’s the thing there are a lot of people, they don’t get tired of this. They accept this. In fact, we had —
CLAY: That data, yeah.
CLAY: Let’s hit it when we come back.
BUCK: Ooooo.
CLAY: We’ll hit it this data to close it out.
BUCK: I like it.
CLAY: It’s a good one.
BUCK: That’s what we call a tease in the business.
CLAY: It’s a great tease in the business.
CLAY: Buck, it’s really fascinating to look at who the people are that are most in favor of vaccine mandates and then to consider what jobs they may have and how divergent those perspectives can be based on what you do for a living.
BUCK: Ooh, the data, Clay.
CLAY: Yes.
BUCK: We love it here on this show, and a hat tip to our friend Alex Berenson for sharing this with us from his Twitter account. Gallup Polling, though, Gallup Polling. And you have here opinions about employee vaccination requirements by worker location. We’ve got fully on site, hybrid model, fully remote. And here’s the basics of what this data tells you. Those who strongly favor people getting vaccine mandates by the employer are predominantly — the most common — is those who are fully remote.
CLAY: Of course.
BUCK: The people who strongly oppose in the highest numbers… By the way, strongly favor, 44% of those who are fully remote strongly favor vaccine mandates for all employers. Okay? Fully on site, 33% strongly oppose. So when you actually break down the numbers, the basic way to look at this is that the fully on-site folks are much more likely to strongly oppose vaccine mandates.
The fully remote peer who are at the least risk are the biggest wimps when it comes to covid and want the most mandates and Fauci-ism and madness. This breaks down along the class lines we’ve talked about a lot here. The basic paradigm of the covid lockdown was the CNN and MSNBC-watching, you know, middle to upper-middle class libs sitting at home in an urban or suburban area.
CLAY: That had virtually no economic impact from a lockdown ’cause they could do their job just as easily at home —
BUCK: And order their Uber Eats.
CLAY: They could watch Netflix.
BUCK: — and watch Netflix, they’re fine. The people who had to show up and operate the grocery stores, the truck drivers who had to make sure we actually had food on the shelves for our bellies —
CLAY: Police, military.
BUCK: — police, military, they had to keep going. And they’re the ones who are most likely to say, “Let’s not be crazy with these employer mandates.” The military is facing a vaccine mandate right now, which is madness. I’m having a lot of people reach out to me who say, “I’m gonna leave.” They’re facing, I believe, a dishonorable discharge if they won’t get the vaccine, if they refuse to get the vaccine, which is insane to me.
CLAY: Yeah, and again, we’re gonna need to continue to talk about this because the story is gonna move so quickly. But I just want all of you to think about this as we discussed earlier. As an adult or as a person who is old enough to remember getting vaccines or shots, it’s not even fair to call something a vaccine if you have to get it every year.
That’s the flu shot. Right? And right now the covid vaccine, you are going to have to get a booster eight months after you get the covid vaccine. And the challenge here going forward, Buck, is I think what you’re demonstrating there with those Gallup poll numbers, people have to be able to assess risk, right?
And people who have to go out on a day-to-day basis and work facing the general public, interacting, they understand how impossible it is to hide from a virus. People who get to stay in their home and they write on a computer for a living and they are involved in technology and they don’t actually have to see anybody face-to-face, they mistakenly think that that is a world that everybody can embrace. The guy who workers at a gas station or the girl who’s working out at the grocery store, they don’t have that luxury.
BUCK: Yeah, but the remote elites, if you will, because being able to work remote is a huge privilege. The remote elites who are big believers in the CNN, Fauci-ite obsession, they also like it because they feel like they’re doing their part —
CLAY: They’re virtue signaling.
CLAY: (laughing) You’re from New York. You overlap with a lot of these people.
BUCK: I’m just saying, I just don’t watch the CNN and do the smug virtue signaling. I do love the delivery food. But, nonetheless, this is the reality of the people that were not affected by it and felt like they were able to continue on with many aspects of their lives, they’re the ones the most that demand masks the most. They’re the ones that insist — and, by the way, they will defend teachers unions for all the nonsense they put the kids through.
CLAY: Yes.
BUCK: We haven’t even talked about developmental delays and, honestly, the now developmental catastrophes for kids in a lot of schools.
CLAY: There are a lot of people that may be in danger of missing another year because we are sliding down the slippery slope of another lockdown in many parts of America.
BUCK: But if you’re an NPR podcast-listening, Maddow-watching, New Yorker-subscribing lib, you think, “Well, I have to defend the teachers unions for their hypocrisy and their demands. But, I mean, I still expect the people who run my corner store and who run the grocery store to show up.” They have no choice.
CLAY: You also, if you have kids, can afford to have a tutor.
BUCK: Yeah.
CLAY: Can afford to put your kids in private school. You can ensure that your children are not actually falling behind. And what does all this mean, Buck? When we come tomorrow — this is what you call a day tease in advance — the impact of Joe Biden’s disastrous leadership is becoming very real. The numbers reflect it, and we’re gonna share it tomorrow. And it ain’t pretty.
BUCK: People are realizing not only did they push out confused old grandpa Biden here and pretend like we couldn’t all see the “declinin’ Biden,” but also the whole bill of goods, the whole what we were promised we’d get if he were president, not only is it not coming to fruition, it’s going in the opposite direction.
CLAY: It’s going up in smoke.
BUCK: Forget normalcy.
CLAY: It’s all failing.
BUCK: We have catastrophe, and that’s starting to bite. That’s starting to have problems for Biden’s numbers.
CLAY: No doubt, and this is what we need to see. Look, the people who knew Biden was gonna be a disaster — you, me, a lot of our listeners — that’s great. But we need more allies — independents, Democrats who have functional brains. Yes, they do exist. They’re all starting to line up with this.
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