Whoopi Doubles Down on Her Holocaust Ignorance
1 Feb 2022
CLAY: Whoopi Goldberg. Yesterday, we talked about this. I don’t know if she missed basically all of the stories surrounding World War II and the Holocaust and exactly what the Nazis were trying to do, but she made an incredibly stupid comment on The View yesterday about how there was no racial element to the Nazis. And then as that story blew up and as Whoopi Goldberg was being attacked…
And, by the way, I want to reinforce, neither Buck nor I believe that Whoopi Goldberg should be fired. Unlike people on the far left wing who every time somebody utters a phrase that they don’t like or even says something dumb, I don’t believe your entire career should disappear over something that you say, whether you’re a left-winger, right winger, middle of the road, whether you have zero interest in politics at all. But Whoopi Goldberg fell on the sword. She went on I believe Stephen Colbert last night and begged for forgiveness, says she’ll never bring it up again and let’s listen to Whoopi’s apology.
GOLDBERG: This is what’s interesting to me because the Nazis lied. It wasn’t… They — they had issues with ethnicity, not with race, because most of the Nazis were white people and most of the people they were attacking were white people. So to me, I’m thinking, “How can you…? How can you say it’s about race if you are fighting each other?” So it all really began because I said, “How will children…? How will we explain to children what happened in Nazi Germany? This wasn’t…” I said, “This wasn’t racial. This was about white-on-white,” and everybody said, “No, no, no. It was racial,” and so that’s what this all came from. So, once again, don’t write me anymore. I know how you feel, okay? I already know. I get it, and I’m going to take your word for it and never bring it up again.
BUCK: I mean she sounds almost like she —
CLAY: Doesn’t believe it?
BUCK: — has some ground to stand on, that what she said wasn’t entirely ignorant and inaccurate, even though she’s apologizing, which I just want to say, she did walk back at the end, but she kind of took a couple steps forward if you know what I mean. There was a little bit of, “Well, this was…” No, no. No, no. When the Nazis were reverting themselves as the master race, they were distinguishing in their minds.
Their evil ideology was rooted in a sense of their racial superiority, and that, then, of course led to the death camps, the extermination of the Jews and — as I said yesterday — the extermination of European Roma to the tune of almost a million, over 90% of them killed. Six million Jews, eleven million people — 1.4 million, I believe, Polish Catholics. Now, that is not an issue of race. That’s an issue of, well, just Nazis being genocidal lunatics.
CLAY: There would have been a lot of people of all different races that would have gotten exterminated if the Nazis had been able to continue their march across the world.
BUCK: They were viciously soaked in racism against all people of dark skin all over the world. I mean, the Nazis were evil.
CLAY: When you refer to yourself, Buck, as “the master race,” it kind of makes it about race. I don’t know how Whoopi Goldberg could miss that.
BUCK: And there is also… There was a teaching moment here, I think, in a sense too because the Nazis initially went after — and when I say “went after,” I mean put in camps and then exterminated — people with physical disabilities.
CLAY: Yep.
BUCK: Went after political opponents, went after what we would today refer to as members of the LGBTQ community. The Nazis when a whole range of people. But within that, what they were trying to exterminate within that at the very top was the Jewish people and the racism therein. So it’s just… I mean, is Whoopi Goldberg…? You know, she’s kind of apologizing but also doing this, “Yeah, but, like, I know I’m gonna be fine in terms of my career.” If she were a conservative, folks? Oh, my gosh. It would be a whole different world. We all know that. But also, a conservative wouldn’t say that. This is all about the left-right paradigm of how they do race, Clay.
CLAY: Yeah, that’s 100% of what I was gonna say. Everything in left-wing circles is about white versus black racism — and if you can’t understand that within the context of racism, everything else doesn’t matter, and that’s really what she was saying.
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