
Why Pelosi Put Liz Cheney on January 6th Committee

BUCK: I have some news that we talked about right before we came here and came into the second hour where the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, has announced that Liz Cheney… Can you hear the boos?

CLAY: (laughing)

BUCK: I can hear people in this audience boo.

CLAY: Especially in Wyoming where she’s basically done for.

BUCK: Yeah. Liz Cheney will join the January 6 select committee. Here is… Brace yourselves. Here is Nancy Pelosi. Play 26.

PELOSI: I’m saying this in seniority order. Congresswoman Liz Cheney, uh, of the Armed Services Committee has patriotically agreed to serve on the committee. We’re very honored and proud, uh, that she has agreed to serve on the committee. It’s really important for you all know what our purpose is for this, and that’s that, um, the findings of the legislation speak to the testimony of the director of — the director of the FBI, when he basically said there were more deaths from domestic terrorism than from global terrorism in our country in the previous year.

Uh, (sputters), testimony from the Department of Homeland Security about concerns that are out there. All of these, uh, institutions talking about… Well, I — I — I hate to even go there, but it’s what they have said in terms of white supremacy, anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, all of these attitudes that have contributed to what happened on January 6.

CLAY: I just… Buck, when I hear this, I don’t know how Nancy Pelosi looks herself in the mirror. To argue that white supremacy — as the murder rate is skyrocketing all over this country? To my knowledge, Buck, that hasn’t been a single white supremacist mowing down people in Chicago. In Nashville where I live, murders are up 50%.

In New York City, where you live, murders are skyrocketing. In Portland, where murders are up over 500%. It is such a dishonest thing to even say. Leaving aside the Liz Cheney defection, I don’t know how anyone with a functional brain can make the argument that white supremacy — as we prepare to roll into July 4th — is one of the biggest threats in this country. I’m not sure it’s in the top 25 biggest threats.

BUCK: And yet as somebody who used to work in the federal bureaucracy, as one of those guys writing those reports and looking at all the terror threat information, Clay, if you want to rise up within the ranks of the FBI or if you want to be somebody who’s getting a pat on the head from Biden while you’re over at the DOJ, this is the game you play now.

You can always find analysts from within the government who will take a tasking. They will take an order from on high, “Give us the assessment! The threat that…” And you know what they want. I mean, does anybody in America not know that when the Biden administration says, “Hey, we need an assessment now from the intelligence community on the biggest threat we face.”

And when you start to dive into some of the assumptions and the ways that they play this game, first of all, why are they doing it? Why are Clay and I even talking about this right now? Because there is a narrative here of the insurrection, which was not an insurrection. It was a riot. Some people got out of hand. I mean, we’ve seen it with the kind of charges that are now finally being brought and some cases now plea deals agreed to.

CLAY: Yes.

BUCK: Clay, it’s things like trespassing on federal government property, maybe some destruction of federal government property. When BLM activists and Antifa were destroying federal government property, that’s a glorious uprising, and we’re not supposed to question that or say that anyone should be severely punished.

But these are more minor violations of federal statute, nothing having to do with murdering a police officer because as we know that did you not actually happen. There was no police officer that day murdered. The only person killed through an act of violence on January 6th was Ashli Babbitt.

And now there are people who are saying, “Why can’t we even know what was the use of force justification there? Who shot Ashli Babbitt?” These are questions that remain that we don’t get answers to. I mean, when there’s a shooting involves an unarmed black suspect, for example, if we don’t know the name of the officer within hours, there is pandemonium.

CLAY: Thirty seconds after a shooting.

BUCK: The media is completely… The double standard here is absolutely just mind-blowing. Although I guess at this point, we just know this is how they do things. But when you look at what is the purpose of the January select committee? It’s just to create the fodder, to create the grist for the mill, so to speak, of the corporate Democrat media having an excuse to, day in and day out, say, “There was an insurrection! Trump called for the insurrection!” and all Trump voters are somehow guilty by association with this.

And, oh, by the way, we’re under constant threat as a nation from a white nationalist uprising — and by that they mean of Trump supporters — to overthrow and destroy the government. This is the kind of psychotic hyperbole that really does do damage to a country because, unfortunately, there are very easily misled (and they tend to be people that also wear three masks even outside alone) who see this stuff, who hear this stuff from Pelosi, and they buy into it. And it’s horrifying.

CLAY: And this also motivates the decisions and goals of changing our voting bills, right? Because if there’s an insurrection and the government might get overthrown… You go look at the data, Buck, even with all of the craziness and all of the changes that occurred for 2020 because of covid, the ballot box drops, the absentee ballots, the mail voting. Forty-thousand votes is all that…

Even with all the counting and all the irregularities and everything else, 40,000 votes. You change 20,000 votes in Wisconsin, you change roughly 10,000 in Georgia and 10,000 in Arizona, and Donald Trump’s president: 269, 269, the House votes him in. Twenty-thousand people, given that he lost by 40,000, 20,000 people, one arena, changes their opinion. And we are talking about a different president.

And what they saw, Buck, was they saw — even with all of the changes that they were able to implement and use covid as a justification — they barely dragged Joe Biden over the finish line. And they are using the insurrection, and they are using the separate of white supremacy, and they’re trying to tie that to the Trump voters to argue that they need to federalize all elections while they have a tiny minority in the House and a Kamala Harris-breaking-the-tie majority in the Senate. That’s it.

BUCK: What you’re addressing here is the deep insecurity that at least intelligent and self-aware Democrats who follow politics know is at the heart of this entire Biden administration. Yes, they have a de facto majority in the Senate. They have a slim majority in the House, and they have the presidency, but just by a hair’s-breadth.

I mean, this was a very narrow — and in fact, Republicans did pretty well in the 2020 election overall in a year when the party in power is gonna get shellacked because it’s a once-in-a-century pandemic health crisis. And, remember, they were able to pile the rolling riots of BLM and Antifa on top of the pandemic to create just so much psychological exhaustion and so much sense of, honestly, despair among Americans that anything that wasn’t what was going on felt like, you know, that was enough.

They can’t count on that the next time around. They know that. But I worry that they’re trying to manufacture a similar sense of despair and fear — in fact, I believe this is what they are doing — with this continued, “Oh, the insurrection.” And, Clay, how can we have a country where we have two political parties that want to solve problems and be serious with each other when one political party look at the other one and says, “You and all of your voters, you would overthrow the Capitol! You’d burn it down if you had to,” and we’re worried you’re gonna do it any given day. That’s what this select committee is meant to imply to everybody who voted for Trump and everybody on the right.

CLAY: And not only do you want to overthrow the government, but your motivations for voting for Donald Trump were sexist, racist, homophobic; you are an awful human being. As Hillary Clinton said, you are “deplorable.” And I believe that there is a great mass of people — and we know this, Buck. Hispanics broke for Donald Trump in 2020 at a much higher rate than they did in 2016.

Black Americans voted for Donald Trump at a much higher rate in 2020 than they did in 2016. Minority communities in general overwhelming rejected that broad-brush characterization. And even back in 2016 — and this is what got me so fired with the initial everybody-who-supports-Trump-is-a-racist argument. There were millions of people who went from voting for Barack Obama in 2012 to voting for Donald Trump in 2016.

In fact, the Midwest, that’s why Trump won. Did all those people suddenly become super racist and go from voting for a black man to voting for Donald Trump? Of course not. Without covid — and this is what continues to get me so fired up. Without covid, Trump wins in a landslide. He doesn’t only win Minnesota and Pennsylvania and Michigan and Wisconsin and Georgia and Arizona.

I think he flips Nevada — I think he flips New Mexico, Minnesota, all those states — and the Democratic Party, identity politics and cancel culture universe explodes in their face. And now I think it’s gonna explode in their face in 2024, and also a little bit in 2022 in a way that didn’t happen in 2020.

BUCK: And this is why there’s such a hyperfocus and reckless exaggeration from Democrats when it comes to everything related to election rules. This is why they have Joe Biden saying, you know, Jim Crow 2.0. You know, when people invoke the… You know, they’ll invoke the Holocaust, Democrats do this in a way that’s just so reckless and stupid and wrong.

We finally reached a point where I feel like people know that that’s just inexcusable, and there’s now enough of a pushback that it’s becoming more uncommon for some crazy Democrat to do that, you know, say that, you know, Trump was basically Hitler, something like that.

I mean, to call the voting changes in Georgia Jim Crow 2.0 knowing what the history of Jim Crow was — and actual segregation in this country, the actual history of oppression — is so reckless and unfair and honestly stupid, but there are reasons why the Democrats are doing this.

And we’ll get into a decision that just came down today, 6-3 from the Supreme Court that when you look at the reasoning behind it, you look at what actually happened, you understand that they’re gonna fight on every single measure all the time because they know they have to tilt the playing field in their favor or else they may lose their grip — the Democrats will lose their grip — on power.


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