BASH: We should also tell viewers you’re the former vice president of the Virginia board of education. So explain how you think race should be taught in Virginia public schools.
SEARS: Well, let me back up. I beg to differ that CRT is not taught.
BASH: I didn’t say that. I just said it’s not in the curriculum, just to be clear.
SEARS: No, no, no. It is part of the curriculum. It’s weaved in and out of the curriculum. In fact, in 2015, former governor, who was just defeated, McAuliffe, his state board of education had information on how to teach it. So, it’s weaved in. So, you know, it’s semantics. But it’s weaved in.
What we want to say and what governor-elect Youngkin has said is that all of history must be taught. The good, the bad, and the ugly. Because what we learn from history, Dana, is that we don’t learn from history and we continue to repeat the same mistakes.
BUCK: Yes! From Winsome Sears there, the new lieutenant governor in the new year of Virginia, laying it down on the semantics games over CRT and the way that we constantly hear from Democrats, oh, well, it’s not really CRT or it’s not officially CRT. She understands in the state of Virginia it absolutely is being taught and she’s holding CNN to account there for the lies.
But I have to say that at some level I’m hopeful that some Democrats or the Democrat narrative that the apparatus continues to push the idea that the only reason that Glenn Youngkin won in Virginia is racism, that the only reason parents show up at any of these teacher meetings and these school board meetings is racism and that it’s just some kind of a white backlash situation or whatever it is.
I’d like them to continue with this madness because it’s a delusion, it’s not true, enough people recognize that it’s a stupid smear that won’t deal with the eel issue of left-wing indoctrination of children and it’s likely to cause enormous challenges, enormous losses, let’s be honest, for Democrats in the midterms.
And none other than Bill Maher is out there making a similar case right now to people. He’s trying to tell Democrats as a Democrat if you stick with this woke madness, it’s really dumb, you’re going to get annihilated here.
In 2008 Republicans only won four Virginia counties by more than 70%. This month in the governor’s election there, they did it in 45 counties. And this is what a lot of Democrats were told was the reason for that: Glenn Youngkin’s win proves White House ignorance is a powerful weapon. Racism still works in Virginia. Well, I haven’t worked up an official Democratic campaign slogan for 2024 yet, but I tell you what I have ruled out is: Vote Democrat Because White People Suck.
BUCK: He sees it, Clay. I almost don’t want Democrats to catch on.
CLAY: I think everybody sees it. And this is why, I mean, to a larger extent, this is why our audience is exploding every single month, why it keeps growing. Because for a long time there’s been 40% who kind of see it, there’s 40% who completely reject it, and there’s 20% in the middle.
And I think what’s happened over the last couple of years, Buck, is I think there’s about 20% that are hard-core committed to far-left-wing ideology in the Democratic Party. And you’re seeing after from a Bill Maher, from a James Carville, from even Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson came out and said the woke universe had gone too far.
And so I think we’re talking about is 20% that are committed to this revolutionary ideology that brands everyone who disagrees racist, sexist, homophobic, without redemptive quality, and I think there’s 80% of the American public that is over it. And that’s why we’re not even just talking to conservatives now, Buck.
We’re expanding the universe here of reasonable people every single day to a massive degree, and I think you’re right, to the extent that the AOCs of the world and her ilk continue to speak out as they are to me was perfect evidence of this, Buck, with Joe Biden. Rittenhouse verdict comes out, Joe Biden gives an initial statement that’s fairly middle of the road, says, hey, you have to respect the will of the jury. Within a couple of hours that was not woke enough and they issued a statement talking about how outraged he was. Wait a minute. We saw him talk ourselves and then that statement comes out, they’re constantly general you’re reflecting to the altar of the woke and the true believers get smaller and smaller every day.
BUCK: Angry and concerned was what Biden said in that follow-up statement and if we had a real press corps, which we do not, they would ask Joe Biden, angry why? Why are you angry at this jury verdict?
CLAY: Why didn’t you say it to us a couple hours before?
BUCK: Right. Why is it that that change of heart happened? You know, Maher also on his show said, Clay, that he wants AOC to actually be willing to come on a place like his show, his platform, and defend —
CLAY: It’s a great point.
BUCK: — the lunacy of some of what the far left in the Democratic Party is pushing. Listen.
That said, I would love to have AOC on this show. There’s so much to admire there. I was one of her first supporters for the Green New Deal idea. But that will probably never happen because Democrats don’t go anywhere these days where they’re not pre-adored.
BUCK: Clay, this is a key point. I’ve been saying this for a long time for years now, which is that, you know, even a place like CNN used to be a different institution. You could go and be a conservative, and they hated you. Yet they won’t even put you on air anymore. You’re not even allowed to make the conservative case on air and have people shout you down and yell at you in the commercial break and all the rest of it. Trust me. I know. I’m sorry. You know too. I’m not alone in this. But they will not allow it.
AOC’s belief, the things that she said recently — and this is what I think Maher was referring to. And this ties into the entire panic among Democrats who are smart and understand where the country’s trending right now that they are heading into a historic wipeout, I mean, may be the biggest historic wipeout we’ve seen in a midterm election in our lifetimes. And they understand that when someone like AOC will say, “Well, wokeness is just some term that old white people use…” Now, oh, I’m sorry, wokeness is a term that they were using all the time. It was something, oh, man, I’m woke, it was something that was cool, it was like in the zeitgeist, right? It was, oh, man I’m so woke.
But it has turned into something else because when you announce your pronouns for no reason, when you say that men can get pregnant, when you think that everything is offensive even when no one’s offended by it but you pretend, people pick up after a while and they figured it out. So that’s why her defense here is incoherent, and that’s why she won’t go on Bill Maher or any semi-rational person’s show.
I don’t mean just randomly attack people. I mean sit down and go head-to-head with things you disagree about, that’s about become rare. We’re not afraid to do it on this show but that makes us unique and also I think is why so many of you are coming in every single day, why the big tent of the Clay and Buck show is expanding and adding new listeners.
BUCK: I’ll tell you this right now, I’ll put this out there. I’ll go on any CNN show of any host who has said that Kyle Rittenhouse is a white supremacist or a murderer and have represent —
CLAY: The other side —
BUCK: The Rittenhouse side of the conversation — anyone, anyone at MSNBC I’ll put it out there but it has to be a topic that’s worth talking about and it has to be live so they can’t play any games ’cause they do that stuff over there too.
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