CLAY: Buck, I saw this yesterday. I tweeted it out. I love the number of moms and dads that are standing up at school boards and making really detailed, really fact-based arguments about why their kids shouldn’t be wearing masks. And the battleground now has shifted to Northern Virginia, Loudoun County — the Arlington area, for those of you who are familiar with that geography — just across the Potomac from the Washington, D.C., area.
Very highly educated, wealthy suburbs of Washington, D.C. Now, data came out. We talked… Was it Tuesday we talked to The Atlantic writer who was so fantastic? She and several other doctors had written a piece saying that masks made no sense in schools. Well, since that article, one of the areas she cited was where I live, Buck — Davidson County, which is Nashville; Williamson County, which is Franklin-Brentwood directly south.
Williamson County, you remember, Buck, back in August I went and made the argument against masks. My kids haven’t been masked all year. That hasn’t been a mandate. Parents can choose. The data after six months? There is virtually no difference between the rate of covid infectious in Davidson County for kids, which mandates masks, and in Williamson County, which allows parents to choose.
It’s an open-and-shut case. But six months of data is pretty compelling. There’s actually a little bit lower rate of covid in Williamson County where you don’t have a mask requirement than Davidson — and, by the way, parents can still put their kids in masks if they want. There’s just no requirement.
BUCK: Isn’t it fascinating that we’ve gone to a point now where they just have to outright ignore all of the data?
CLAY: Yes.
BUCK: We don’t even have competing data sets on masking. I think we mostly have competing political ideologies and egos going on here. As we discussed yesterday, people don’t want to admit that the savages like you and me and others like us who have been saying this from the beginning, folks —
CLAY: Yes.
BUCK: — we were anti-maskers before being an anti-masker was cool — that we’ve been right all along. And we can always explain it too. I never thought it was some super risky, genius maneuver to see through this. It was pretty obvious if you thought about it, if you just pushed away the propaganda. But notice that now the data sets line up in such a way that they can’t even make a case, Clay, and they ignore it.
Early on there were stories or there were analyses saying that masking would bring it down 60%, 80%. “You’d be talking about massive reductions in the spread of the virus if only people masked!” That turned out to be so entirely untrue that now there are good data sets that somehow show mask mandatory schools have higher rates of covid than non-mask mandatory schools.
The most recent science on that suggests that because it disrupts air flows and creates pockets of concentrated air that it might actually — not a lot, but — make covid spread a little worse. So that’s the kind of thing, the kind of shift we’ve had to go through here where things that people were doing not only didn’t help but might have even made things a little worse and that’s the truth I think with masking.
CLAY: My two biggest anger moments in covid, one — as a parent — was when they put crime scene tape on outdoor playgrounds, legitimately as if there had been a series of murders! A lot of parents know what I’m talking about. They put crime scene tape and closed all of the playgrounds, and then the other one is still going on in many places.
I’m going to L.A. this weekend for the Super Bowl. I’ll be out in L.A. all next week. Buck, you’re in New York City. There’s still tons of restaurants that require you to wear a mask to enter the restaurant, and then remove the mask as soon as you sit down. I mean, the fact that that still exists — and remember, Biden said last year when he took over, if everybody just wore a mask for a hundred days, covid would go away.
And somehow that clip doesn’t get rebrought up again and again and again. But this has been so clearly and transparently not what the science supports for a long time. Yet we’re still doing it. Yesterday we talked to the guy in Washington whose business has been shut down. They’re still requiring you in Washington to walk in with a mask until you sit down.
BUCK: Those of us who remember what was said earlier on about this also know that they’ve set all these benchmarks and used all these justifications for many of these policies — the masking most notably — that now they just ignore what they said before, and that’s part of a that drives so many insane — including, as Clay just mentioned, this mom in Loudoun County.
CLAY: Oh, so good.
BUCK: She is a fired up mama bear because understand this: She’s speaking to the same school superintendent in the same place as she did a year ago, and a year ago it was basically, “Blame the governor. Not my fault!” Now it’s, “The governor doesn’t get to tell us what to do”? Hold on a second. Listen to what she says. Play that clip.
BUCK: I’m doing back flips in here.
CLAY: Oh, Buck! I think that’s Prince William County. At least that’s what it says in our rundown. It’s somewhere in the Virginia northern area, my understanding is, that mom. We need to get her name to give her credit. You need to watch all three minutes. Did you watch all three minutes?
BUCK: Oh, yeah.
CLAY: She got three minutes to speak. I tweeted this clip out and I retweeted it again this morning. Only had three minutes. Maybe the best, um…
BUCK: (laughing)
CLAY: (laughing) I got some jokes I could make. It’s the best three minutes of work that I have seen in a long time, all right? She completely destroyed the arguments that have been laid out about why kids need to wear masks, factually, passionately, scientifically. It was a clinic.
And I love the reaction from the other moms and dads in the crowd (laughing) when she’s making her points. If you listen to the whole three minutes, it’s phenomenal. But, Buck, we are winning this battle — and we need to add on more steam. Parents out there, grandparents, kids, we need to keep up the pressure because these things are finally starting to crumble.
BUCK: You don’t have to be a scientist to understand, you don’t have to be a doctor to understand what’s going on here, everybody. You all understand this sitting hear with me and Clay. You know exactly what’s going on because just like I said before when I spent some time working with law enforcement the NYPD. Some of the old, grizzled veterans say, “You just looking for the lie. That’s all you gotta do: You look for the lie.”
Because why is someone lying to you? There’s never a good reason, really — or if there is some reason, you gotta find out what it is. You look for the lie. These people who have put these mandates in place who have said it’s based in fact and science, she keep having to lie more and more and more and more and more and more.
The fact that you had here a school superintendent who said, “Were it not for the governor, I would take the kids out of masks,” and now that same school district is saying, “Yeah, sorry! I know there’s a new governor, but we’re not taking the kids out of masks.” That’s all you really have to know. That’s all you have to know about what you’re dealing with and who you are a dealing with here.
They keep lying to you, which is why we have to keep the pressure on, because they know. I mean, Clay, could you imagine, I would love someone to try to come on this show, I mean literally anyone, give me a double PhD MD from Oxford and Stanford on masking; he or she will get smoked. They will get smoked on this show — and they know it.
CLAY: And sometimes, Buck — and I think this is important. I think you’ve made an argument well, and I think we need to reinforce it. Some people say, “Well, why do you focus on masking?” The answer is because it is the foundational lie. If masking doesn’t work, which it doesn’t, and you can prove that it has to be removed?
BUCK: I’m gonna tell everybody we have not won this fight — and I don’t care where you are in the country. We have not won this fight until not a single kid is forced to be in a mask anywhere and not a single person on an airplane. That’s gonna be quite a battle too. Not a single person on an airplane is forced, like a moron, to wear a mask. Remember, it’s always between bites, folks. It’s never actually a sealed mask. So when they tell you about laboratory studies and blah, blah?
Real-world studies with control groups universally prove how stupid this is, and it is the gateway drug to all Fauci lunacy. We’ll come back into more of this moment. We got Alex Berenson joining us to talk Israel data, by the way, everybody. I don’t even have a good explanation for it, and I sit here and… I mean, Alex will talk to us. They have the worst numbers they’ve ever had. Someone explain that. Worst covid infection numbers in the state of — in the country of Israel they’ve ever had.
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