Youngkin vs. McAuliffe: What Will Happen in Virginia?
8 Oct 2021
CLAY: One question, Buck, that is out there in terms of crystal ball-dom is, “What is gonna happen in Virginia?” And we’ve been talking a little bit about the gubernatorial race in that state, Youngkin, going up against Terry McAuliffe, and there have been a lot of really body blows that I would say have been delivered against Terry McAuliffe in this race.
Glenn Youngkin, most recent poll I saw, basically a one-point different here. Terry McAuliffe, remember, Joe Biden won the state of Virginia by 10 points. It wasn’t particularly close. Biden is now underwater, meaning more people are disapproving of Joe Biden in Virginia than approving. And even Terry McAuliffe now is recognizing that and discussing it. Let’s play that cut of Biden’s unpopularity.
BLANTON: In 2004, you said this about the election where President Bush beat Al Gore.
MCAULIFFE: (2004) Let’s go back to Florida! We actually won the last presidential election, folks! They stole the last presidential election!
DEMOCRATS: (cheering)
BLANTON: Okay. So first I want to talk about this —
BUCK: Yeah. So here’s the thing, Clay. We’ve been told now that the only person who’s ever claimed that an election was rigged or stolen is Donald Trump so many times, and what’s amazing is that Democrats say elections are stolen regularly. They say that it’s undermining democracy unless we go back and undo the election of the past.
And Terry McAuliffe is one of them. These guys are such frauds. By the way, he’s an enormous fraud. I’m a scared for the people of Virginia that he may pull this out. I’m glad to see that Glenn Youngkin is making such a race of it; I hope he wins.
CLAY: We’ve got Glenn coming on the show next week, I believe, to talk about that race in Virginia. It’s important for you to know that McAuliffe basically is running away from Joe Biden right now. And this is in a state, again, that Biden won comfortably. Even there, he’s not necessarily pulling away in any respect, and McAuliffe getting called on his dishonesty there as it pertains to whether or not he’s telling the truth in 2004, 2000, all that stuff. Now all of a sudden, the country’s at grave danger because of the insurrection on January 6th.
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