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Your Talking Points on the Frivolous Civil Suit the NY AG Filed Against Trump

21 Sep 2022

New York’s attorney general, Letitia James, has announced that she is bringing civil fraud lawsuits against Presdient Trump, members of his family and the Trump Organization.

She’s really the blind face of justice in this case.

Democrats are going to try to make the midterms a referendum on Donald Trump and abortion, to put those things on the ballot. They don’t want to talk about Joe Biden’s record.

This is a business lawsuit, a civil lawsuit, a dispute over money. It’s what Lavrentiy Beria of the Soviet secret police said, “Show me the man, I’ll show you the crime.”

They’re also bringing back E. Jean Carroll who alleged Trump sexually assaulted her.

We’re 48 days before the midterm election. There’s nothing that is of such an exigent danger that they would have to bring charges now as opposed to on November 10th or November 12th.

Perhaps Hunter Biden will be the sacrificial lamb, where Merrick Garland — who has it out for Trump after losing out on a Supreme Court seat — can say, “See? Nobody’s above the law.”

We may have a rush for both Trump to announce a comeback run right after the midterms and also for there to be potential charges brought right after the midterms.

In the last 24 hours, there were Trump lawyers in federal court in Brooklyn dealing with the special master situation, the 11,000 seized documents, and now this. The process is the punishment.

Russia collusion, emoluments clause stuff, the two impeachments, now the Mar-a-Lago documents, now the civil case from the AG. They’re nuts, and they’ve guaranteed that Trump is gonna run in ’24.

Meanwhile, the currrent president is up at the UN doing his squinty-eyed thing. Can we get back to focusing on the guy in the White House rather than the guy who left two years ago?

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