Zuckerberg Admits Big Tech Rigged 2020 Election on Orders from FBI

BUCK: There was this interview on another very widely listened to show, Mr. Joe Rogan’s program, involving the CEO of Facebook — the chairman I believe as well — Mark Zuckerberg. And let’s just let you hear what he has to say about the 2020 election and the role that Facebook played in the suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop story.

BUCK: Couple things here. One is that we already knew that they suppressed the Hunter Biden laptop story before — and remember, they suppressed it, everyone, under the false claim that it was false information that it was misinformation. So they were wrong. I believe they knew they were wrong. They didn’t care. It was to protect the Biden regime to be. And, Clay, the other part of this is, they were responding to the FBI saying, “Watch out for election misinformation!” I’d be willing to bet that the only election misinformation the FBI was pressuring Facebook about somehow hurt Republicans and helped Democrats.

CLAY: Well, the FBI is rigged against Donald Trump. And they rigged the 2020 election to get Joe Biden into office. Let’s just be straight and clear about what happened here. They knew the Hunter Biden laptop story was coming out. They had been in possession of the Hunter Biden laptop, should have well known that it was accurate, and that there was no way the Russians could have manufactured disinformation like this. What, did they kidnap Hunter Biden and make him record crack usage and prostitute videos for years and then put it all…?

I mean, again, this is not hostage videos, okay? If you have seen any of this stuff on the laptop, the idea that this was Russian disinformation vanished almost instantaneously for almost all of the videos and all of the evidence that is there. Okay, let’s start there. But this is direct putting their thumb on the scale to change the outcome of an election. Because they go to Facebook and they say basically, “Hey, beware, there’s Russian disinformation that may be out there,” knowing that this story from the New York Post is being worked on, so that they can curtail its distribution at the time that it was released.

And you put that in conjunction with all the other Big Tech companies which probably got the same warnings from the FBI. Buck, I think it’s probably gonna come out that, what was it, the 51 national security advisers who signed that letter saying, “Hey, this looks like Russian disinformation”… I kind of think the FBI may well have briefed them also. We know the FISA warrant was a lie that was used to spy on Donald Trump and his campaign.

This Mark Zuckerberg statement to Joe Rogan is a smoking gun that the FBI is out to get Donald Trump. And I think it directly implicates the raid, the affidavit that we are going to see hopefully in short order some details. We’ll know exactly what is out there. But this proves, to me, beyond a shadow of a doubt that the rig job was in effect. Mark Zuckerberg is even admitting to it now. And it should be a monumental story right now. Most people in the mainstream media, by the way, Buck are not even gonna talk about it. We played that audio for you.

BUCK: Yeah, of course.

CLAY: Many people are gonna ignore it and pretend it doesn’t exist.

BUCK: If they want us to stop objecting to election theft, I think they should stop stealing elections.

CLAY: (laughing) Yeah.

BUCK: That’s my basic premise. I think if they want us to stop having discussions about lack of trust in elections, they should stop destroying the trust that people can have in elections. And things like this, I understand, there’s what’s legal, and there’s what holds a country together too. Right? I mean, you could claim that a private — which is, of course, what they would say. “Oh, Facebook is a private business.” It’s the public square. Meanwhile, cable news and radio have all kinds of regulations, federal regulations especially around election issues.

CLAY: Oh yeah. We can’t even use certain words. We couldn’t run for political office and be on the radio.

BUCK: And yet when it comes to the social media giants because they have a built-in ideological advantage for the left, they want no restrictions right now. And, by the way, if they do start regulating them more, they will just try to regulate them in favor of the left. So they do not want a level playing field. We all know that. That’s very obvious. But, Clay, they were willing to believe that Donald Trump… They were willing to believe the dossier, which talked about Russian prostitutes doing things…

CLAY: Golden showers, yes.

BUCK: Indeed. And they said, you know, “Michael Cohen was in Prague!” He’s never even been to Prague; that’s been verified, full of lies. The top of the FBI was willing to believe this fanciful compilation of bullcrap which had no real sourcing to it whatsoever. It was an oppo document based on rumors, based on sources who were being paid to come up with something juicy to say about a political candidate. It had all the authority and honesty of going through, like, the comments section of some website, you know, scraping Reddit and saying, “What are people saying about this candidate?”

And yet, on the other hand, you have a laptop full of emails, videos, everything of Hunter Biden, and the same apparatus of national security wanted to tell us that that was the most intricate — and, really, astonishing — example of Russian disinformation in history. How is that…? Unless you are ideologically blinded, it is not possible to have made one choice and then the other and be an intelligent person, right? It’s just not possible. It’s just hatred of Trump that pushed the decisions.

CLAY: I want to see Mark Zuckerberg under oath talking more about this FBI briefing. And I want the FBI director to be under arrest talk about the briefing that they gave Facebook as well. And I just want more details to be out there, because, Buck, look, our audience knows about this. They are aware it. There are tons of people out there that I still think are in the persuadable realm that have no idea that the FBI was behaving in this way and naturally favor the FBI — and you know this, even as a CIA guy. I don’t know where it’s gotten into…

We’ve gotten lectured recently from Republicans, like Mike Pence came out and said, don’t say something bad about the FBI. I think Dan Crenshaw, other people. Look, the FBI historically has been a completely untrustworthy entity for many parts of American history. If you just study what J. Edgar Hoover did when he effectively turned the FBI into his own domestic spying ring and chose who to favor and who to disfavor, it’s not crazy to think that the same thing could be happening today. We know it’s already happened in the past! Like, why is asking those questions a threat to democracy? I think it’s embarrassing to that agree, and it’s reflective of historical lack of knowledge to even suggest that the FBI is above reproach.

BUCK: There’s a reason that in so many countries around the world if you look at it historically, particularly the last… The notion of the intelligence service, mostly a post-World War II era when it comes to MI5, MI6, all these different groups. They’ve existed in Britain longer than they have in other Western countries. But there’s a reason why if you look at Iraq, Saddam was the head of the intelligence service before he was the dictator. People who run the can think in the Soviet Union either end up dead or basically running things, right?

CLAY: Yes.

BUCK: The intelligence service can become very political. Federal police, which is really domestic intelligence, in most places. Here it’s not. We’re not supposed to have that. Like, Britain has MI5, which is domestic national security and MI6, which is its foreign arm. In other countries the Russians have the FSB, which is their domestic version, and the SVR, which is their foreign intelligence arm, the CIA. Here we have the FBI.

We have Homeland Security, but that’s an umbrella entity for a lot of other things. We don’t have technically a full-scale domestic intelligence agency, but we actually do, and it’s called the FBI. I mean, that’s what everyone’s seeing, and it’s used and abused in the same ways. So I think that people should be asking questions about that and also asking questions about why is it the job of Facebook to police speech? I think we should concede this.

CLAY: Yeah.

BUCK: Why are Twitter and Facebook, outside of the confines of very expressly and clearly forbidden — death threats, child pornography, things that we all understand and agree need to be illegal and policed, okay. But outside of what is a violation of law — you know, defamation, which is a civil issue, but still — why are they policing speech at all?

CLAY: Fantastic question.

BUCK: Why have we concede that they should be saying, “Oh, well, this isn’t…” Organizations like PolitiFact, they’re just the digital Stasi, man. They shouldn’t exist. This is crazy.

CLAY: We need to keep talking about this and hammering this home ’cause I think this story — and we’re gonna continue to wait for the affidavit to be released. We don’t know exactly when that will come down. We’ll give it to you the absolute moment that it does. We’ll break it down for you. But this is a monster story. When I saw the Mark Zuckerberg video yesterday, Buck, I was waiting for to pick up my son at a football game. I was sitting in the car old man style, dad style, and I watched that, and my jaw dropped, and that doesn’t happen that often. Just to see Zuckerberg admitting that the FBI came in with him and essentially rigged the election through the Big Tech companies, which I think we all suspected. But to have it said and stated so clearly as he did on the Joe Rogan podcast, it stunned me. It really did.


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